Gang Missions
(This thread was started between versions .06.01.08 and .06.01.09)
Safe Missions - Easy Missions - Hard Missions - Dangerous Missions
Missions in order of difficulty
MISS_RECRUIT - The gang will try to increase their numbers. (max 15)
If any gang's numbers drops below 5, they will be placed on Recruiting until their numbers get back up.
If they had a previous mission, they will be put back to work when they get to 15 members.
- Otherwise they get assigned to Guarding.
Added in .06.01.09:
If a gang is on Recruiting but their numbers are already 15, they will be set to training at the beginning of their turn so they will not do nothing that turn.
Recruiting is now based on Charisma with a modifier for player disposition.
- Disposition below -50 or above +50 will lower the chance a little.
- Minimum of 20% maximum of 90% chance
- They start out with 0-2 volunteers, then get 1-6 available recruits with a chance roll to recruit each of them.
If a gang recruits more than it can take in, they send the rest to the another gang not out on a mission with room to spare.
- Not all may actually show up at the other gang, it depends on the mission the other gang is on. (mission (show up%))
- They will only go to a gang on Recruiting (75%), Training (50%), Spying on girls (95%) or Guarding (30%) missions, in that order.
MISS_TRAINING - The gang will try to improve themselves.
Stats/skills below 70% are easier to train. Above 70%, the effects taper off a lot more.
Added in .06.01.09:
Strength has been added to gangs so they can train it now.
MISS_SPYGIRLS - The gang will watch your girls and report to you if they do something against your rules.
This job currently does very little on the turns, the gangs only look for girl's stealing money.
If a gang is set to Spying during the adjustment phase of the turn, the girl's details list will show you exactly how much gold she has.
Added in .06.01.09:
Gangs spying on girls can help stop rape.
MISS_EXTORTION - The gang will try to extort local businesses.
The current maximum businesses in town is 250. If they try to get more, nothing will happen.
You can loose businesses if a rival attacks and destroys some or if the owner sells you his daughter to get out of your debt.
Before .06.01.09 you could gain 0-2 random businesses.
Added in .06.01.09:
You can gain up to 5 businesses if uncontrolled or unguarded, up to 3 if taking from a rival with a gang defending.
Uncontrolled businesses:
- Your gang tries 3 times to get each business, (stat/2)% chance for each:
- - Charisma: Convince them to let you protect them, -1 Fear if successful
- - Intelligence: Trick them into signing a contract, -1 Disp if successful
- - Combat: Threaten them, -1 Disp and +2 Fear if successful
I will probably add a way to buy businesses so you can gain them in a "legal" way.
Defend Territory is a suggested alternative that would work better with this.
MISS_PETYTHEFT - The gang will try to steal gold from various low risk targets.
Low risk, 1-800 gold stolen, -1 disposition, +1 customer fear, +1 suspicion
Added in .06.01.09:
The targets will fight back better depending on the difficulty of the target.
- Difficulty is 0 to 4 - their combat skill is (random 0 to 10) plus (Difficulty *10)
The amount of gold is based on how many targets and their difficulty.
- (Number of targets: 1 to 10) * ((difficulty+1)*20)
It will check to pass "Steal X Amount of Gold" objectives when the mission is completed.
I plan on adding items to steal as well.
MISS_CAPTUREGIRL - The gang will try to recapture any girl who has runaway from you.
Before .06.01.09, if you have no runaways, the gang does nothing.
Added in .06.01.09:
If a gang is on Recapture but there are no runaways, they will Kidnap new girls instead.
MISS_KIDNAPP - The gang will try to Kidnap a girl from the streets.
Added in .06.01.09:
The gang will try to convince her first.
If they fail, they will try to use nets they bring with them.
- The nets can be damaged if the gang misses the girl or the girl damages the net.
- If the gang runs out of nets, they have to try catch her the hard way.
The fight part has not really been changed much.
At the end, the gang's summary messages are all in one box and the girl's message is in her dungeon summary.
MISS_SABOTAGE - The gang will try to damage, destroy or steal things belonging to your rivals.
MISS_GRANDTHEFT - The gang will try to steal large amounts of gold from various high risk targets.
High risk, 1-2000 gold stolen, -1 disposition, +1 customer fear, +1 suspicion (numbers before .06.01.09)
Added in .06.01.09:
High risk, 10-5000 gold stolen, -3 disposition, +3 customer fear, +3 suspicion
+1 suspicion per 1000 gold stolen (0-999 = +0sus)
Changed the defenders part to an actual gang defending the place so the fight actually runs as a fight.
I plan on adding items to steal as well.
MISS_CATACOMBS - The gang will go into the catacombs and try to bring back stuff for you.
This mission can be controlled by the <Catacombs> section of config.xml:
UniqueCatacombs | #% | Percent chance that a girl captured will be unique as opposed to random. |
ControlGangs | true/false | True uses the new code, False uses the old code. |
GangGetsGirls | #% | New Code percent to try to get Girls |
GangGetsItems | #% | New Code percent to try to get Items |
GangGetsBeast | #% | New Code percent to try to get Beasts |
Old Code:
The gang will go in and find whatever they can.
New Code - Added in .06.01.09:
The gang will use the "GangGets..." percents to choose what to get.
They can bring back a maximum of (gang->m_Num * min(1, gang->strength()/20)) points worth of loot.
Each Girl costs 10 points, Items cost 4 points and Beasts cost 2 points. A failed get costs half the points of a get.
The points are checked before the run so a gang who can get 20 points and has 19 can still get 1 more thing.
Items have a 33% chance of being guarded thus requiring a fight to get.
Defended items have a chance to give either more gold or an extra item at half the point cost.
MISS_GUARDING - The gang will try to protect your assets.