Author Topic: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?  (Read 133435 times)

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #210 on: February 02, 2017, 09:55:05 AM »
If you want clothing to affect job images and texts (or profile pictures), why not make it trait dependant?

E.g. the natural state could be nude, panties would remove that and add topless. A t-shirt would remove both nude and topless. These clothes could also add traits depending on the quality and type of clothes, for example panties and shirt could add "casually dressed" trait, jewelry could add "fancy decorated" and makeup add temporary ones too (like boosting the quality of the outfit or making it one specific type). Shackles could add a "restrained" trait, collar (or leash) "collared", bunny outfits and others could add "costumed", expensive designer clothes could add "elegantly dressed" and if only underwear could add "sexy outfit" as well. All this could be represented in images too, just using the existing categories.

You can make such a system  by adding just one trait category dress and seperate it in nude, underwear, casual, formal, exotic, expensive"work" (nurse, secretary, bunny, dom, maid, slave etc.). Or you seperate in state of dress/undress, quality of clothing and type of clothing (e.g. more than one new trait category and work in changing clothes by adding up to 3 traits and removing up to 3).

You could also use traits to add spice to arena fights, by checking for "unarmed", "lightly armed", heavily armed", "nude", "unarmored", "lightly armored" and "heavily armored" and changing fight texts and public reaction according to who fights against who.

Offline Ponderer

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #211 on: February 02, 2017, 10:12:05 AM »
A very nice way to go about it, though that would require a lot of inventory management and I was thinking of a simpler system, that could definitely work. My thoughts would be that it wouldn't just affect the pictures and flavor text, however, but the kind of clientelle they may attract, how they are perceived in their tasks, etc. A slave that wears nothing more than bindings and a collar might give the customer high satisfaction, but at a higher risk of abuse and lower payout, whereas a woman who at least appears to be of stature would be met by more demanding, and higher paying clientelle. In her case, high quality surroundings (I know i haven't gotten into in-depth building upgrades, but just as an example) and high quality food or drink might be needed to keep the more demanding client satisfied.

Offline grishnak

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #212 on: February 02, 2017, 11:02:51 AM »
Yes, it would be more work, but the already existing trait and script editor could handle it. And if you sort the items in larger files, like i did, it actually can be done quite quickly. The main work will be the coding of the conditions and different flavor texts imo. Also you would need a consent on the basic needed traits or you would loose the "easy update" advantage this game has.

This is no real problem unless you mess with the exe or use scripts needing traits not defined or if you replace traits that might be used by anothers script. But i am sure adding complexity can not hurt, unless you replace things (e.g. the basic update could use nude and clothed as traits, but your own external scripts use clothed and more categories like formal, uniform and sexy. But if you remove clothed trait and replace it with the others, the game will crash).

If you look at Pythfall, they did something like you thought about, if i remember correctly. Also traitbased: The girls working in an instance had certain traits and a customer had a favorite or was looking for a specific trait. You could even make it with a priorized list (e.g. no girl with massive, take a girl with big over one with small instead). My c++ days are long ago, but in python it was not a long part of code (basically a random pick per guest what trait they looked for and several versions of an "if" clause depending if they found it or not in addition to the "standard" job text).
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 11:14:52 AM by grishnak »

Offline Ponderer

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #213 on: February 02, 2017, 11:50:55 AM »
Oop, forgot 2 more ideas:

The ability for the character himself to have builds and options, training in magic, having gear which would allow for things to be checked directly against the player characters abilities such as torturing, branding or soothing girls, fighting off assassins, etc. This could also give the character a limited amount of stamina so he has to carefully choose what he does throughout a turn (whereas right now if i want, i could have him personally train up to 200 girls per turn, that's dedication!)

The ability to have seasons and calendars, along with events to match special occasions such as birthdays and holidays.

But, you're talking about doing this myself, is there a way for me to contribute directly to the same mod? I don't really know how at the moment but I could try to learn quickly, I have the free time to try to learn, I'm not sure it will hold out long enough for me to add significantly, but one can never learn from not trying after all!

Offline Purple

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #214 on: February 03, 2017, 05:17:44 AM »
Others have already mentioned but I too second the marriage option. For now we'll all settle for a finely scripted scene but ideally in the future it would be great if you gave us the choice of just what role she plays in the organization. Is she going to be a mob wife living her life like a spoiled princess thinking me a legitimate businessman or will she be my right hand girl running things from her place at my side?

And whilst we are on marriage consider looking at the buildup of the LOVE stat because right now I am having serious problems with girls just falling in love with me for no reason. I leave them in the brothel for a couple of weeks with minimal pay and acceptable accommodations and I come back to find them thinking I am their true love. There really needs to be a hard cap on that like say 70 beyond which you can only get by deliberately courting them. Also, do something about the love stat it self so that it differentiates between friendship, familial love (father daughter etc.) and actual love.

Another thing that might use expanding (this is the suggestion thread after all) is the whole political interaction thing. Right now all I can do is set the bribery level. It would be great if I could, as my influence grows, start influencing individual political figures, sponsoring campaigns or even run for office.

Well that and the pet system. Right now I love the house pet job but I'd love to see some variety to it with more things to do when going down that line.

And to think I registered here just to make this post. :)
Guess I really am a fan.

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #215 on: February 05, 2017, 01:35:25 PM »
If you want me to pay the original pink petal owner, don't worry, I'll give credit where credit's due! But you're the one working on it now, unless you'd be insulted by someone paying you for some of this work, I want to. Take a look at the state of this game, if someone told me you didn't deserve some recognition for it, they'd be just plain wrong.

If you want to send me money, I'll take it, I just mention the site owners because they pay to keep this site running.

Besides my prior suggestions, having a famous studio actress promote the brothel or other establishment occasionally could be another one, either as event: "Your shrewd promoter thought of a way to increase exposure to your buildings and your actresses, but it will take some investment..." or as a temporary job (you can do this once every (x) turns once a character gets (x) fame).

The Advertising job in the brothels has bonuses for the Actress, Porn Star and many other traits if that's what you mean.
Have a deal with the local merchant wherein they buy your stock (or extra stock) of certain items.  Though keep in mind I think dungeoneering is a bit of a fast track in this game, nevertheless with the implementation of properly challenging money sinks and a slower gradient from struggling newbie to powerful manager, this might be useful!

The Marketer job in the farm sells food, drinks and beasts (or at least it should, have not checked it lately)
Is magic a binary state in this game? (Pardon my ignorance) I.e. if a girl doesn't have magic, can she train it like any skill?  I've always liked the idea of some set limits on a girl, I.e. strength, magic affinity, that limit the most you can get out of a stat without assistance. I.e. a pixie monster girl may be able to reach 100 magic, but her limited strength will always leave her lacking for physical damage potential since she's too small and weak to wield a longsword, etc. One thing I do right now in late game is just assign girls via shift click to one roll en masse, i.e. let's say i'm making a brothel, I buy up every girl in the slave market for several turns, and send them all home for personal training regardless of ability because, after enough practice, any girl will max out the stats.
Limiting this will make characters feel more unique and offer the player a reason to delve into them and think strategy with their girls in my opinion. Right now there's a lot to manage, but not a lot of depth in management past a certain point the way I see it, so this was one idea I thought might help.

Magic is a skill like any other.
Currently there are no limiters to skills other than traits that lower the base skill level.
There are a few traits that reduce the amount gained but all girls have the same 0 to 100 (or -100 to 100 for some stats) limits.
Think adding a more generic 'clothes' would be too much complication then? Okay.
I have a lot of ideas on these several points, especially if I understand what you mean by brothel flow.

Brothel Flow is how the turn runs through the jobs.
As example, if there are 10 whores working, the game runs the first girl through all her jobs for the week then the next girl, and so on.
This is why you will get several girls at the bottom of the list who see no customers that week, the girls above her have taken care of them already.
What I plan on doing is instead of running it by the girls, run it by the customers.
That way the first customer chooses a girl from the available girls and the next customer chooses another and so on.
The workload will be spread across all of the girls.
As a side effect of this, the non-whore girls will play more of a part because the customer will be able to do more than just a girl during their visit to your establishment.
A customer may come in not planning on getting laid, but after a few drinks at the bar or shows at the strip club, they may need a little release.
Assigning a girl to work the pole and later the bed, the customer may wait for her at the card table till she gets off so she can get him off.

The gameplay loop itself is currently 'get girls, make profit, afford land and more girls, which make further profit'. A simple and satisfying gameplay loop of course, but there's so little to inhibit the player from a constant, fast rising upward trend. I don't feel there's enough to challenge them, the occasional gang raid doesn't really cut it in my case. It'd be interesting to see the player start under the thumb of a crime boss, perhaps related to the same rivals that destroyed your fathers businesses, that decided to keep you around because you're useful.

This would mean that they give you a stipend to run their businesses with, but while you're under their thumb you need to do as they say (complete their objectives in a given timeline) or face their consequences, be it removing a swath of girls, or a game over. I also think it would make more sense to turn the word brothel into business, and businesses should have a potential profit value from lowest profit to highest. I.e. at first, he wants you to run a bar to raise the prestige of the area, you buy and sell (or later make) inventory to serve at the bar, you get rated by critics, and try to make a profit. Do you dare to have girls run as escorts that he doesn't know about to squirrel personal money away?
If you are successful enough, he may reward you by mentioning a business of his he'll "let you" buy and manage, a gambling hall, and only after plenty of satisfied customers can you buy a strip club. Eventually you break free from under his thumb, be it with the help of the law, the help of lesser crime bosses that you've earned the loyalty of, or instead of a coup you strike out on our own thanks the use of well hidden assets that his goons never found out about until it was too late, essentially like 'starting over' where you leave everything you managed for him behind and start anew with him as a rival.
I was about to go into further detail about this idea, but only if you think it's warranted. You let me know if you want to hear the idea further and I'll brainstorm it with ya!

Back story would be great but would require more work than I have time for.
I wish I could help in that regard, I'm not even sure what the game is made in, is it VB + XML? I wonder if this game would be a good candidate for an RPG Maker remake. I don't know how to program but I've always wanted, and though I do have autodidactic tendencies, I'm not sure I can learn enough in a timely manner to be useful to you. It is something I've been thinking about though! 

The game is written in C/C++.
I had not done any real programming until I started working on this, I learn as I go.
Recovering girls allows one to autoreassign them to their old jobs after release from (or instead of putting them into) the dungeons.

Can be done but not sure when.
Being able to assign full jobs on release from the dungeon – I.e. 'assign as bartender', 'assign as cobbler', 'assign at random' etc, where it gives the woman both day and night shifts of a particular job immediately rather than moving her over assigned only free time.

Can be done but not sure when.
Being able to get metadata on an area based on the skill of the caregiver (matron, house head, etc), which would show the average money earned, average skill gained, etc, showing top and bottom performers in their fields.

Can be done but not sure when.
Being able to assign accomodation levels for all girls in an area, or minimum accomodation levels for that area.

Can be done but not sure when.
I can add a slider to the building setup screen for this.

Being able to see the girls pictures, jobs locations or other data in the shop. Sometimes it's hard to find the person you're looking to buy an item for.

The jobs and data are already available in the J_1920x1080 interface.
You can edit any interface and add them but you will have to make room.
Code: [Select]
<Text     Name="OwnersLeftDetails"      Text=" "                               XPos="20"    YPos="20"    Width="300"    Height="900"    FontSize="12" />
<Text     Name="OwnersRightDetails"     Text=" "                               XPos="1480"    YPos="20"    Width="300"    Height="900"    FontSize="12" />

I was thinking about adding the pictures also but it would take up a lot of space that is currently used for the data.
I will add it for an option soon.

Potentially the ability to have girls adventure in the catacombs together, where the more that go in at once, the more challenging things they face. Also, girls that get defeated in the dungeon could get captured, needing to be rescued by scouter gangs or catacomb explorerer gangs. (but I do have a lot more in depth ideas about the catacombs)
The ability to have a girl explore the catacombs for longer periods of time, longer journies give greater rewards. I.e. One small excursion might not bring much, but if she risks herself on deeper journies, she has a higher probability of returning with rarer treasures.

Multiple girls in the catacombs will be done when the brothel flow gets redone.
As it is now they already go in for half a week per shift if you look at it that way.

The ability to search for or reject girls based on traits, at slave bazaars, dungeons and the like, this could include statistics (at least C in farming, at least 60 looks) or traits (don't bring back non-constructs from the dungeon)
Have the quality of girls available on a wider scale depending on the players fame and acumen, with more expensive girls requiring more territory or influence (or both) to acquire, likely with higher purchasing costs.

Special girl searches can be done but not sure when.

It would be nice to have the lefthand statistics infobar put the currently selected building on top for viewing. I.e. If you've selected to send a girl to the farm, you see her abilities by grade as a farm worker. I.e. if you're working at a farm, if i'm not mistaken, farm data should be at the top, but if you're sending a girl to the farm from the dungeon, it isn't.  Having girls work performance grade data put the currently selected 'release to' job performances up top could be useful.

Will do, don't know why I didn't think of that before.
The dungeon and the slave market will both get this.

The ability to have certain mp3's or other sound files play at certain triggers (catacomb success or loss, areas you're in, etc)

I have not planned on adding audio to the game but it can be done in the future.

It would be nice to be able to 'lock' one profile picture per character, so they don't jump around as you look at the menu, this could also make the girls seem more distinctive (at least at first)

I can look into it.

Business reviews to challenge the player to diversify as well as give feedback on how the business is doing.
Not sure what you mean.

The ability for the character himself to have builds and options, training in magic, having gear which would allow for things to be checked directly against the player characters abilities such as torturing, branding or soothing girls, fighting off assassins, etc. This could also give the character a limited amount of stamina so he has to carefully choose what he does throughout a turn (whereas right now if i want, i could have him personally train up to 200 girls per turn, that's dedication!)
The Player really needs to be updated but that will require a ton of work and I don't have the time to do that now.
The ability to have seasons and calendars, along with events to match special occasions such as birthdays and holidays.
That was planned but never had the time to work on it.

But, you're talking about doing this myself, is there a way for me to contribute directly to the same mod? I don't really know how at the moment but I could try to learn quickly, I have the free time to try to learn, I'm not sure it will hold out long enough for me to add significantly, but one can never learn from not trying after all!
The source code is at
You can look it over and if you see something you can add text to, put it in a text file and attach it to a post here.
We will add it in for you.
Or if you are more inclined, you can install Visual Studio Express 2013, download the source code and work on the game directly.
Upload your changes to github and I will go over it and add it in.

Others have already mentioned but I too second the marriage option. For now we'll all settle for a finely scripted scene but ideally in the future it would be great if you gave us the choice of just what role she plays in the organization. Is she going to be a mob wife living her life like a spoiled princess thinking me a legitimate businessman or will she be my right hand girl running things from her place at my side?
There are a few marriage related sections of the code but not a lot in depth beyond the girl having the trait and a few texts.
More is planned.

And whilst we are on marriage consider looking at the buildup of the LOVE stat because right now I am having serious problems with girls just falling in love with me for no reason. I leave them in the brothel for a couple of weeks with minimal pay and acceptable accommodations and I come back to find them thinking I am their true love. There really needs to be a hard cap on that like say 70 beyond which you can only get by deliberately courting them. Also, do something about the love stat it self so that it differentiates between friendship, familial love (father daughter etc.) and actual love.
I agree love is too easy to raise.
I will look into adding limiters so she can't go above a certain point unless you actually interact with her directly such as the interact scripts or giving her items.
I will also look into fear and hate to see if there are any limiters I should add.

Another thing that might use expanding (this is the suggestion thread after all) is the whole political interaction thing. Right now all I can do is set the bribery level. It would be great if I could, as my influence grows, start influencing individual political figures, sponsoring campaigns or even run for office.
Politics will need a lot of time to add to make it worthwhile.

Well that and the pet system. Right now I love the house pet job but I'd love to see some variety to it with more things to do when going down that line.
I don't work on the pet jobs so I can't really comment on them.
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Offline Purple

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #216 on: February 06, 2017, 04:37:57 AM »
There are a few marriage related sections of the code but not a lot in depth beyond the girl having the trait and a few texts.
More is planned.
To be perfectly honest I'd be perfectly happy if there was a scripted marriage scene you could trigger. Or just some other way to easily assign the "your wife" trait. I could in theory code one my self, but like I really don't have a hang of the whole script system you use here and it's very different from the programing languages I am used to working in.

I will also look into fear and hate to see if there are any limiters I should add.
Politics will need a lot of time to add to make it worthwhile.
As far as hate and fear go I actually have quite a lot of trouble raising those. Especially fear. Also, is it just me or are certain stats hidden from view, these being hate, refinement and IDK what else. I just can't find them in any of the views.

Offline grishnak

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #217 on: February 06, 2017, 06:39:14 AM »
One way to limit too fast skill raise might be to keep the always increase +1 and reserve it for training or levelling up events, while making the training from practice skillcheckbased (some pen and paper rpgs have this, like call of cthulhu and older black eye versions). So to raise a skill or attribute it has to fail a check first. So the higher the skill/attribute, the less chance to increase it easily.

I also have a question about maximum values: Is there a difference between some char having a natural 100 skill with items (or traits) equipped to raise that skill and some char who has 80 in skill and items/traits that raise it to 100 equipped?
Afaik, the values are capped and after a certain value, items loose their effect. So basically unless you gain/loose traits from items they become unimportant for skilled chars? Or are they handled ingame with numbers higher than hundred?
If there is no ingame difference, can the char with 80 still raise the skill or have the items/traits to be unequipped/lost?

Oh, and good luck with the taxes!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 06:47:25 AM by grishnak »

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #218 on: February 06, 2017, 11:15:55 AM »
I would like to see the traits and skills altered by items shown as colored on the character for reduced stat, or missing trait, green for raised stat, or added trait.

Offline grishnak

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #219 on: February 06, 2017, 02:39:08 PM »
Having the ability to "lock" a profile picture would be nice. It would be an alternative way to achieve what i was suggesting. That way i could just make several job related profile pics (like dressed exclusively, dominantly, sexy etc.) and just choose the appropiate one or wait till it appears and then "lock" it. It would be a nice way to distinguish random girls of same type from each other, too.

The business review part might be handled by adding a text to the matron and manager jobs or make an "assistant" job. The accuracy might even rely on a skill to make for fun comparison of "easy" insight by looking at the summary to adding the income/expenses all up by yourself.

The review might also be just included in the stats of the brothel, like average age, beauty, fame, morality, etc. and how common certain traits related to specialization are with the girls working there (or just list the most common one(s)). You then could or could not use these statistics to influence the kind of customers visiting the brothel (especially when linked to fame and disposition). This alone would make for a nice speciality flavor of brothels (like one would be known for big breasts, one for a special skill, one for only noble workers etc.).

Maybe Purple meant something like that?

« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 02:47:30 PM by grishnak »

Offline Purple

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #220 on: February 07, 2017, 05:08:25 AM »
This all being said, is there any chance that you will be able to alter the game code so that the weekly reports and movie scenes are saved when the game is? Right now when I save and load a game I lose both and it would be useful if that did not happen.

Maybe Purple meant something like that?
Honestly I basically did not mean much in terms of mechanics. More in terms of basically having scripted roleplay opportunities that let you determine how deep you want your wife and later children to get involved in the family business with the payoff being that later on you might get special event options from it.

Basically the way I run the game I always play the bad guy. Enslave them all, do what it takes to earn the most etc. But there is always this one girl I fall for. It's newer the same one, but there is always one. Pure roleplaying of course. And she usually ends up either as my matron, my house head girl or some other majorly important job to represent that. So having a bit more integration there would be nice.

Right now though I'd be content with a dialog option that goes:
if( love == 100 && has engagement ring)
  show text("Marry her");

If(click that text)
  girl.traits+="Your Wife";
« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 05:53:10 AM by Purple »

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #221 on: February 07, 2017, 08:53:26 AM »
To be perfectly honest I'd be perfectly happy if there was a scripted marriage scene you could trigger. Or just some other way to easily assign the "your wife" trait. I could in theory code one my self, but like I really don't have a hang of the whole script system you use here and it's very different from the programing languages I am used to working in.
If you write the text, I or someone else who knows how to can make the scripts.

As far as hate and fear go I actually have quite a lot of trouble raising those. Especially fear. Also, is it just me or are certain stats hidden from view, these being hate, refinement and IDK what else. I just can't find them in any of the views.
Refinement, dignity, lactation and a few other new stats don't really do much so they are not shown.
Fear and hate are shown on the girl list pages as basic texts but not numbers.
Torture and bad items can raise both.

One way to limit too fast skill raise might be to keep the always increase +1 and reserve it for training or levelling up events, while making the training from practice skillcheckbased (some pen and paper rpgs have this, like call of cthulhu and older black eye versions). So to raise a skill or attribute it has to fail a check first. So the higher the skill/attribute, the less chance to increase it easily.
I'll look into it.

I also have a question about maximum values: Is there a difference between some char having a natural 100 skill with items (or traits) equipped to raise that skill and some char who has 80 in skill and items/traits that raise it to 100 equipped?
Afaik, the values are capped and after a certain value, items loose their effect. So basically unless you gain/loose traits from items they become unimportant for skilled chars? Or are they handled ingame with numbers higher than hundred?
If there is no ingame difference, can the char with 80 still raise the skill or have the items/traits to be unequipped/lost?
There is no difference, the final number after all modifiers is the one used.
There has been talk of allowing higher numbers but it has not gotten much traction because it would throw off everything that is already based on the 100 scale.

I would like to see the traits and skills altered by items shown as colored on the character for reduced stat, or missing trait, green for raised stat, or added trait.
All text in a block can only be one color, I have not tried finding a way to have multicolored text yet.
In lists, the colors could be changed per item but it would need to be added.

This all being said, is there any chance that you will be able to alter the game code so that the weekly reports and movie scenes are saved when the game is? Right now when I save and load a game I lose both and it would be useful if that did not happen.
The movie scenes should be saved with the game now but the turn summary is not.

Right now though I'd be content with a dialog option that goes:
if( love == 100 && has engagement ring)
  show text("Marry her");

If(click that text)
  girl.traits+="Your Wife";
This should be available for scripts in the next version.
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Offline Purple

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #222 on: February 08, 2017, 04:51:32 AM »
As far as multiple colors of text are concerned, I have not looked it up in the code, but if you are using visual C++ to develop this (which I assume you are given that you are using visual studio but not C# or VB) you are probably using text boxes that just appear on the screen on demand. In that case you will indeed not be able to have multiple text colors per popup without seriously editing the render code.

If you want advanced formatting you should instead use the RichTextBox. That thing takes input in the rich text format of RTF files. And whilst that's a bitch to learn at first I've done some amazing things with it in the past.

You know, it's kind of ironic that. I actually am a professional programmer. And this game is written in one of my preferred languages. and yet I can't actually program a simple marriage script for my self because that part is handled by some bizarre and convoluted script language utility thing I can't figure out. But no worries. In my line of work you learn to take such things with a bit of humor. :)
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 04:53:53 AM by Purple »

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #223 on: February 09, 2017, 08:58:09 AM »
Forget what I said just above. I looked at your code and you are actually drawing the whole thing from scratch. That I can work with.

Now I can't be bothered setting up the whole thing and compiling it all and stuff but I can look at your code and "suggest" how a modified message class that accepts multiple fonts would look like. If you are interested.

No promises though. This thing seems to be pretty hard coded and not at all programmed in an OOP way...
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 09:11:04 AM by Purple »

Offline Dabanisher

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #224 on: February 14, 2017, 12:18:23 AM »
would you kindly add a pet picture section it would make my day if ya did