
Author Topic: New and Improved Item Thread!  (Read 6338 times)

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Offline derpderpfake

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New and Improved Item Thread!
« on: July 10, 2017, 06:25:54 PM »
Every few months, I get back to this game and make some new stuff, or make some quality-of-life changes. I revamped the somewhat-useless Doctor's Quick Orders, and went to share it...

...only to find that the Items thread (here) hadn't been touched since the last time I'd posted several months ago.

The items might seem a bit secondary, but they're a key part of the gameplay, and have major implications with regards of the theme and mechanics.

So, this is my bid to revitalize the Item thread. Post your custom items, requests, and updates/replacements. If the powers-that-be like them, your handiwork might just be included in a future build! ...Or at least downloaded and used by users who like your theme or find your item useful.

Edit: Just FYI:
- You might need to be logged in to download the attachments.
- To install items, just dump the .itemsx into the /Resources/Items/ folder of your game directory.
- Items seem to be compiled when you open the program, so you will need to exit and re-start for new items or changes to take effect.
- If an item is changed, it will stay in your inventory so long as the name is the same. However, if the item name changes, any old items in your inventory will disappear.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 01:25:52 PM by derpderpfake »

Offline derpderpfake

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2017, 06:33:26 PM »
I'll start with the aforementioned Doctor's Quick Order revision.

I like the concept of the Quick Orders--something that might remove one of those dreaded pain in the ass traits--but there were just too many traits covered by it to be useful.

Also the smiley face seemed really out-of-place.

So I modified them a little--the quick orders now have a little symbol indicating what type of trait it might fix, effectively splitting it into four types:

(Body) - Might remove a physical trait.
(Brain) - Might remove a mental trait.
(Medicine) Might remove an STD.
(Rx) - Might remove an addiction.

To keep it a bit of a roulette, I added more 'blanks', making sure that there is at least one of each category that doesn't remove anything.

This makes it much easier to actually get some use out of them, without removing the guessing game.

Offline derpderpfake

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2017, 01:21:43 PM »
Alright, to help kick-start this, I've made Craftsman Pack 2. (Craftsman Pack 1 can be found at the end of the old thread.)

These are mostly items that are meant to complement the newly-fixed farm occupations. I dipped into the realm of bows a bit, because there weren't really any hunting weapons--I would imagine realistic bows would be garbage in the arena but good at hunting wild beasts, so I gave it an animal handling boost to make it better at beast-related food collection while still being pretty crap in the fighting pits.

I also added a few medicine-related items, and rocket boots because the thought crossed my mind.

Of course, wild Anime-style God bows are plenty useful in the ring...

Anyhow, this pack includes the following:

3 Bows
- Ranger's Bow (minor stats, adds Hunter)
- Enchanted Bow (more stats, magic and beauty, adds Hunter and Sharp-Eyed)
- A super-rare Godly bow (major stat boosts, repairs physical and mental gimps, adds Goddess and a bunch of purity, dignity, and magic-related traits)

2 More Farm Items
- Bolo Tie (One of those Texas-style string ties; a necklace with minor farm boosts, adds Country Gal)
- Leather Duster (An overcoat that goes in the Armor slot; adds a bit of Constitution but otherwise has farm stats instead of combat)

2 Medical Items
- Scalpel (expensive and ineffective as a weapon, but adds medicine)
- Enchanted Scrubs (expensive, adds medicine-related stats and Doctor trait)

2 Consumables
- Solemn Vow (a vow of silence; adds crafting and piety skills, removes charisma and libido)
- Yakuza's Penance (adds fear and obedience, removes a finger)

2 Items that should Probably Be In A Sci-Fi Weapon Pack, But I Got Sick of Those Slots Not Having Combat Stuff So Here They Are
- HUD Visor (Glasses slot that adds combat stats, removes charisma stats)
- Rocket Boots (Adds Flight and Fleet of Foot, as well as combat stats)

All-in-all, 11 new thingies. Let me know if you have any suggestions/feedback about tweaks to these items.

Also, let me know: What do you want to see in future item packs? Either with regards to specific purposes (like finally getting rid of that dicking Manly trait), themes (like "We need some Game of Thrones items" or "We need more sci-fi stuff"), or item types ("We need more crafting items", "We need more 'loving gift' items", or "We need some magical porn star items").

Feedback will increase the likelihood of more stuff!

EDIT: I done goofed. I'm removing the "Craftsman Pack 2.itemsx" file and uploading a fixed version in my next post. I misclicked one of the bows to slot as a necklace instead of a weapon, and then used that bow as a template for the God bow.

Erpsy derpsy!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 07:46:24 PM by derpderpfake »

Offline derpderpfake

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2017, 08:21:56 PM »
The fixed Crafstman Pack 2 is below, plus a new big honkin' item pack...

The Craftsman Combat Pack!

I'd dabbled with a handful of non-combat items to fit in the combat slots, trying to keep with the general theme of those in the previous pack--"armor" is a layer that can be worn over clothing. (I might have broken that rule a bit with the slutty habit, but waddayagonnado...)

Enough with the banter! Show me what you got!

There are a few themed categories. I won't say in too much detail what they do so that you can get a chance to discover them organically, but they fall into a couple of themes...

The Lost Monks

What do you get when you cross magical pacifists with monster-infested catacombs? You get some sweet loot! That, uh, may or may not be cursed. Don't expect to make a fortune on stuff that most are too afraid to buy, but you could use the garments to inspire your girls to a life of peaceful servitude...

Crossgate XXX Presents: "The Lust Monks"

With fear and piety comes a new flavour of twisted delights. Is sacreligious cosplay morally right? Who cares, it's friggin' hot!

Dancer Weapons

C'mon, man, you've got a Tira. This shit is obligatory. There are currently two 'hoops--a combat and non-combat option--and paper fans for you geisha-types.

Tinker Tools

A handful of items to help your smiths and craftswomen to achieve true mastery.


Two variants of your favorite pointy medical supply--neither of which contain addictive drugs!


A couple of maid items that fit in weapon slots. Mostly pretty mundane and available in the shops.

...And that's it! If you have any suggestions on what the dick I can do to make thematic non-combat items that are carried like shields, I would greatly appreciate it--that slot is just sitting there, mocking me. I guess I don't need to utilize every slot, but still, having some sort of alternative like a dancing item or a crafting tool would be great... the problem is that it needs to be something that doesn't belong in the gloves/bracers slot, like a Pip Boy or one of those Mass Effect tools.

A serving tray, maybe? One of those butler linens that are draped over the forearm?


Shield bees that sting your arm? To go with the bee armor that constantly stings the girl, causing injuries and killing her if she equips the whole set? Not providing any offensive or defensive bonuses, mind you...

...just bees...

Just going to add it again so it's totally clear: The attached Craftsman Pack 2 is a fix of the one on my previous post.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 08:28:09 PM by derpderpfake »

Offline HuiBui

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2017, 02:30:51 AM »
I have some questions about the game mechanic behind the items.

If someone creates a new item, lets  say some food, will this item be crafted on the farm ?

Where is it coded that this will happen ?

If i rename some items willthey still be crafted?

An example : I've renamed the item milk into the german translation. The game still works and I am able to by the "Milch" in the store..


the milker at the farm  doesn't hand over any type of milkpotions to the player anymore.

So is that hard coded? Where can i find this?

Thanks in advance

Offline grishnak

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2017, 06:37:01 AM »
Every item you add to the directory in correct format (e.g. with the editor) will appear in shops. You can also include those items in the script editor.

Items that are crafted are mainly hardcoded in, except maybe some random items that use the item categories. I have not looked enough into the code to see that. If you can read c++ you can use the github link and try to find out yourself (or if you have visual studio 2013+, compile your own version with translated hardcoded items).
You should find the list of crafted items in the appropiate job file (e.g. WorkBrewer.cpp). I am not sure, if the game crashes, when you call for an item ID in those files that does not exist in some declaration though.

Offline HuiBui

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2017, 10:57:48 AM »
Dear grishnak,

thanks for helping me to understand the structure of the game.

To get Visual Studio 2013 , I've to register me at Microsoft , correct?

Somewhere I've read that newer versions would possible get conflicts , do you agree?

Kind regards,

Offline grishnak

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2017, 12:50:42 PM »
There should be a free version of visual studio (at least a 30 day trial one) or a student one. With the new webdesign and redirects you might need to look for older versions or a direct link from a websearch. Also you need updated .NET and certain windows updates to even install it :(
I downloaded directly without needing to register at microsoft, but for the newer versions (2013 works fine for me though) you might need to register.
I just learned working with visual studio recently too, so i can't help you with conflicts, but so far i was able to compile a working exe with my version (on another pc, so i can not look up the version now).

Offline HuiBui

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2017, 01:43:51 PM »
Am i right that the Visual Studio 2013 isn't available for download anymore?

Offline jimbobiii

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2017, 01:24:04 AM »
Am i right that the Visual Studio 2013 isn't available for download anymore?
You can download it from here, but you may need to create a Microsoft account to download/install it. It's still free, but they like to have an email address on file to fling spam at you about VS updates and cloud services.

Offline HuiBui

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2017, 02:27:14 AM »
Thanks jimbobiii.

So I've installed MS Visual Studio 2013 professional (the one with the latest update 5th, German version)

Next I've tried to compile the existing trunk without any modification just for checking out if it works. And I've received 38errors!!!

Any idea what went wrong? The language pack? the professional version?

Offline grishnak

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2017, 04:53:42 PM »
When i opened the project file and compiled it, it worked. I checked and i used the 2013 vsstudio version, too. Maybe you need to tweak something in the options too (but i think i compiled it without any changes, so it might depend on the project file you opened).

Offline derpderpfake

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2017, 03:22:07 PM »
Awesome, that's definitely good to know. Also kind of a shame; it would be much easier for rogue content creators like myself if the editor just had a "craftable" drop-box that lets you choose which job can make it (or gather it, in the case of gardening and milking).

Speaking of, is there a way to add 'creeping effects' (like the Assistance Android sweeping up) to items, or are those all hard-coded as well? Could I just hammer out the code to be pasted into the code by anyone who has the resources and know-how to compile it? I'd like for all the magical items have effects-over-time (like the monk staff continuously draining their personality, the religious fetish gear slowly corrupting the wearer, or have the bladed/flaming hula hoops randomly damage unskilled users. I also realize that the game itself isn't updated very often, and there's no guarantee that any of my items (or their code) will make an update, so giving people the option to add the effects themselves.

It could also be fun to add ongoing effects to certain existing items (like particularly painful/degrading items sometimes adding 'broken will' to characters with low confidence), as well as open the door to 'slow burn' items that have no immediate effect, but slowly drip (or drain) permanent bonuses over time.

Offline jrok

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Re: New and Improved Item Thread!
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2017, 10:55:01 AM »
It looks if an item script needs to be built, adding the effects as a chance tied directly to the item.  Might also be a way to add Items as being craftable at the farm or house cook.  Odds against me are this has been tried and not possible.

 Example below is in GlobalTriggers.xml

 Status: How about a robot girl whose mechanical nature quickly shorts out
 ! magical necklaces of control and the like?
 ! <Trigger   Type      = "Status"
 !      Status      = "Controlled"
 !      Has      = "True"
 !      Chance      = "35%"
 !      File      = "StatusExample.script"
The direct link to my Ladies gifted to you:!fDxxDYoZ!JM1UmSrTPmIg3nHbVcogmw