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Offline aevojoey

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« on: March 04, 2015, 01:14:26 PM »

I am updating gang missions again.
I can add more missions if anyone wants to suggest some more.

Recruiting, Training and Extortion have all been updated.

Spy on Girls is not really run the same as the other missions so it will not be updated at this time.

Petty Theft and Grand Theft have been updated.
 - Both will check to pass "Steal X Amount of Gold" objectives when the mission is completed.

Recapture and Kidnap have been updated.
 - If a gang is on Recapture but there are no runaways, they will Kidnap new girls instead.
 - Nets are used more now so stock up on them.

Sabotage was updated a few versions ago so I just did a few minor updates for it.

Catacombs has been updated.
That should be all of them, now I just need to bug test them a bit.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 06:14:52 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline aevojoey

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Gangs - Missions
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2015, 01:14:43 PM »
Gang Missions
(This thread was started between versions .06.01.08 and .06.01.09)
Safe Missions - Easy Missions - Hard Missions - Dangerous Missions
Missions in order of difficulty

MISS_RECRUIT - The gang will try to increase their numbers. (max 15)
If any gang's numbers drops below 5, they will be placed on Recruiting until their numbers get back up.
If they had a previous mission, they will be put back to work when they get to 15 members.
 - Otherwise they get assigned to Guarding.

Added in .06.01.09:
If a gang is on Recruiting but their numbers are already 15, they will be set to training at the beginning of their turn so they will not do nothing that turn.
Recruiting is now based on Charisma with a modifier for player disposition.
 - Disposition below -50 or above +50 will lower the chance a little.
 - Minimum of 20% maximum of 90% chance
 - They start out with 0-2 volunteers, then get 1-6 available recruits with a chance roll to recruit each of them.
If a gang recruits more than it can take in, they send the rest to the another gang not out on a mission with room to spare.
 - Not all may actually show up at the other gang, it depends on the mission the other gang is on. (mission (show up%))
 - They will only go to a gang on Recruiting (75%), Training (50%), Spying on girls (95%) or Guarding (30%) missions, in that order.

MISS_TRAINING - The gang will try to improve themselves.
Stats/skills below 70% are easier to train. Above 70%, the effects taper off a lot more.

Added in .06.01.09:
Strength has been added to gangs so they can train it now.

MISS_SPYGIRLS - The gang will watch your girls and report to you if they do something against your rules.
This job currently does very little on the turns, the gangs only look for girl's stealing money.
If a gang is set to Spying during the adjustment phase of the turn, the girl's details list will show you exactly how much gold she has.

Added in .06.01.09:
Gangs spying on girls can help stop rape.

MISS_EXTORTION - The gang will try to extort local businesses.
The current maximum businesses in town is 250. If they try to get more, nothing will happen.
You can loose businesses if a rival attacks and destroys some or if the owner sells you his daughter to get out of your debt.
Before .06.01.09 you could gain 0-2 random businesses.

Added in .06.01.09:
You can gain up to 5 businesses if uncontrolled or unguarded, up to 3 if taking from a rival with a gang defending.
Uncontrolled businesses:
 - Your gang tries 3 times to get each business, (stat/2)% chance for each:
 -  - Charisma:  Convince them to let you protect them, -1 Fear if successful
 -  - Intelligence:  Trick them into signing a contract, -1 Disp if successful
 -  - Combat:  Threaten them, -1 Disp and +2 Fear if successful

I will probably add a way to buy businesses so you can gain them in a "legal" way.
Defend Territory is a suggested alternative that would work better with this.

MISS_PETYTHEFT - The gang will try to steal gold from various low risk targets.
Low risk, 1-800 gold stolen, -1 disposition, +1 customer fear, +1 suspicion

Added in .06.01.09:
The targets will fight back better depending on the difficulty of the target.
 - Difficulty is 0 to 4 - their combat skill is (random 0 to 10) plus (Difficulty *10)
The amount of gold is based on how many targets and their difficulty.
 - (Number of targets: 1 to 10) * ((difficulty+1)*20)
It will check to pass "Steal X Amount of Gold" objectives when the mission is completed.

I plan on adding items to steal as well.

MISS_CAPTUREGIRL - The gang will try to recapture any girl who has runaway from you.
Before .06.01.09, if you have no runaways, the gang does nothing.

Added in .06.01.09:
If a gang is on Recapture but there are no runaways, they will Kidnap new girls instead.

MISS_KIDNAPP - The gang will try to Kidnap a girl from the streets.

Added in .06.01.09:
The gang will try to convince her first.
If they fail, they will try to use nets they bring with them.
 - The nets can be damaged if the gang misses the girl or the girl damages the net.
 - If the gang runs out of nets, they have to try catch her the hard way.
The fight part has not really been changed much.
At the end, the gang's summary messages are all in one box and the girl's message is in her dungeon summary.

MISS_SABOTAGE - The gang will try to damage, destroy or steal things belonging to your rivals.

MISS_GRANDTHEFT - The gang will try to steal large amounts of gold from various high risk targets.
High risk, 1-2000 gold stolen, -1 disposition, +1 customer fear, +1 suspicion (numbers before .06.01.09)

Added in .06.01.09:
High risk, 10-5000 gold stolen, -3 disposition, +3 customer fear, +3 suspicion
+1 suspicion per 1000 gold stolen (0-999 = +0sus)
Changed the defenders part to an actual gang defending the place so the fight actually runs as a fight.

I plan on adding items to steal as well.

MISS_CATACOMBS - The gang will go into the catacombs and try to bring back stuff for you.
This mission can be controlled by the <Catacombs> section of config.xml:
UniqueCatacombs   #%Percent chance that a girl captured will be unique as opposed to random.
ControlGangstrue/false  True uses the new code, False uses the old code.
GangGetsGirls   #%New Code percent to try to get Girls
GangGetsItems   #%New Code percent to try to get Items
GangGetsBeast   #%New Code percent to try to get Beasts

Old Code:
The gang will go in and find whatever they can.

New Code - Added in .06.01.09:
The gang will use the "GangGets..." percents to choose what to get.
They can bring back a maximum of (gang->m_Num * min(1, gang->strength()/20)) points worth of loot.
Each Girl costs 10 points, Items cost 4 points and Beasts cost 2 points. A failed get costs half the points of a get.
The points are checked before the run so a gang who can get 20 points and has 19 can still get 1 more thing.
Items have a 33% chance of being guarded thus requiring a fight to get.
Defended items have a chance to give either more gold or an extra item at half the point cost.

MISS_GUARDING - The gang will try to protect your assets.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 03:32:05 AM by aevojoey »
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Offline aevojoey

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Gangs - Stats, Skills and Items
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2015, 01:14:55 PM »
Gang Stats, Skills and Items

MagicUsed mainly in fights, magic adds extra damage.
CombatCombat is used in fights and many other things. It is used to intimidate, net girls and beasts and some other things.
IntelligenceMainly used to find things. Also used to reason with business owners when trying to gain territories.
AgilityUsed mainly in fights, agility helps dodge attacks thus taking less damage.
ConstitutionUsed mainly in fights, constitution helps them take less damage.
CharismaUsed mainly outside of fights, charisma allows them to convince girls to work for you and business owners to let you "protect" them.
StrengthUsed mainly in fights, strength sets the base damage. It is also used to calculate how much stuff they can bring back from the catacombs.
WeaponsThe weapon level is multiplied by the gang's strength/10 to get the damage done in battle.
NetsEach gang on certain missions are given some nets to use before they head out on their missions. The nets help them capture girls and beasts without having to fight them.
Healing PotionsEach gang on most missions are given some healing potions to use before they head out on their missions. If they get injured, the potion heals 30 damage.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 03:46:37 AM by aevojoey »
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Offline aevojoey

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Gangs - Possible New Missions
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2015, 01:15:15 PM »
Possible New Gang Missions
This is for my interpretation of some of the suggested missions and how I would make them.
Safe Missions - Easy Missions - Hard Missions - Dangerous Missions

Community Service - The gang will go out and help people in general ways.
Improves disposition, lowers fear and suspicion.
No money gained but occasionally items or volunteers.

Drug Dealing - The gang will go out and sell drugs.
Lowers disposition, increases fear a little, greatly increases suspicion.
Can cause raids on your buildings by officials.
Can occasionally get addict girls (they will need a lot of work to make them presentable).

Defend Territory - The gang will stay in your territories and make sure they are safe.
Increases disposition, lowers fear a little, lowers suspicion a little.
Greatly reduces the chance of rivals attacking and taking your territories.
Increases revenue from businesses and adds a chance that business owners voluntarily send their children to work for you.

Vigilante Justice - The gang will go out and fight crime.
Improves disposition, lowers fear but increases suspicion.
They get money and items (usually weapons) taken from the criminals and return things to the victims.
Rarely they capture a female criminal and enslave her, higher chance if you have certain items in your inventory. (handcuffs, fetters, etc.)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 10:26:19 AM by aevojoey »
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Offline aevojoey

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Re: Gangs - Reserved
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2015, 01:55:44 PM »
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Offline 0nymous

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Re: Gangs
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2015, 07:30:17 AM »
Will gang missions given influence the player morality? Because they should, if you're running extortion business or order people to kidnap girls off the streets.
Or are they just meant to affect the Disposition, Customer Fear and Suspicion general statistics?
And if they would, there should also be a couple of "good-natured missions. To compensate, they would be focused on not making any profit, maybe even the opposite.

Some quick suggestions for new missions off the top of my head (will improve later):

-Protection racket - Easy mission:
The gang will protect the businesses currently controlled by you from rivaling gangs as well as regularly collect a slow, but steady income protection "tax".
Lowers the chance if a rival gang taking control of your business, or in the case of an attack can deter enemies preventing territory loss.

-Drug dealing - Easy mission
The gang will try to acquire and distribute goods on the street market.
Medium income, relatively safe, generates minor suspicion.

And  some morally clean missions:

The gang will improve your standing by sinking your funds into improving the life of the people.

-Vigilante Justice - Dangerous mission
The gang will take matters into their own hands and uphold your law in the neighborhood, punishing various criminals, even if they're not affiliated with any enemy gang.

EDIT: More:

-Money Laundering - Easy (Safe?) mission
The gang will transform your criminal profits into what seems to be legitimate earnings in the eyes of the authorities.
Lowers suspicion slowly and safely.

-Covert Action - Hard mission
The gang will attempt to cover up your illegitimate dealings and actions, through blackmail, bribery and threatening the authorities.
Lowers suspicion quickly, but drains some money and is less safe.

-The Heist - Dangerous mission
The gang will attempt to pull off a crime worthy of historical records. Requires professional skill and equipment.
VERY high risk.
Depending on the target the reward may be an exceedingly rare item unavailable through other means or just a large amount of money.

-Mercenary Work - Hard mission
The gang will cooperate with the authorities legally in order to thwart enemy gangs.
Lowers suspicion. Low income.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 03:05:12 AM by 0nymous »

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Gangs
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2015, 10:26:41 AM »
Will gang missions given influence the player morality? Because they should, if you're running extortion business or order people to kidnap girls off the streets.
Or are they just meant to affect the Disposition, Customer Fear and Suspicion general statistics?
And if they would, there should also be a couple of "good-natured missions. To compensate, they would be focused on not making any profit, maybe even the opposite.
Morality was added and was based off of Disposition.
Morality is the persons inner goodness, Disposition is how others perceive them.
I could add a small adjustment to morality based on what jobs you assign the gangs.
They would take effect before the gang actually goes out so even if they don't kidnap someone, you still get the morality reduction just for sending them to do it.

I have taken your suggestions and added a Possible New Gang Missions list for them.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 10:41:09 AM by aevojoey »
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Offline edgy98125

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Re: Gangs
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2015, 01:39:45 PM »

Would this be the time to ask if you can assign them to defend a specific building, or would that be part of the defense mission? 

A racketeering mission that reduces enemy influence, increases yours, and wins you money or goods seems likely as well.  This would be different from straight up drug dealing.

An attempt legendary status mission would be cool to.  A legendary gang would have an increase in say 5-10 men, and would allow all base stats to raise to 110%.  They could get one chance per year to roll for legendary, and only after maxing at least two stats (other than members.)  Legendary gangs would have a better success rate at various jobs.

How about a search for specific girl (not an existing runaway).  This might require a new skill.  It could also combine elements of the scripted girl findings, and kidnapping. 

« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 03:16:20 PM by edgy98125 »

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Gangs
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2015, 11:18:09 PM »
Would this be the time to ask if you can assign them to defend a specific building, or would that be part of the defense mission? 
When a defender is needed, a random gang is chosen from all the guarding gangs.
All gangs working guarding missions guard every building so assigning one to a specific building would leave the others exposed.
Girls working security only guard the building they are in.

A racketeering mission that reduces enemy influence, increases yours, and wins you money or goods seems likely as well.  This would be different from straight up drug dealing.
Racketeering is a blanket term for many different crimes committed by the same group, so technically, every crime mission is a racketeering mission.
Sabotage reduces enemy influence, increases yours, and wins you money or goods, albeit you get the money and goods only from the rival you attack.
Grand theft only gives you money but I could add items to it as well.

An attempt legendary status mission would be cool to.  A legendary gang would have an increase in say 5-10 men, and would allow all base stats to raise to 110%.  They could get one chance per year to roll for legendary, and only after maxing at least two stats (other than members.)  Legendary gangs would have a better success rate at various jobs.
Probably not going to happen for a while.
I have considered removing the 100% limit but it would cause a lot of problems.
When I do add that to girls, I will also add it to gangs, the Player and customers.

How about a search for specific girl (not an existing runaway).  This might require a new skill.  It could also combine elements of the scripted girl findings, and kidnapping.
It wouldn't require a new skill but would require a lot of work.
If I combine the current Kidnapping and Capture Girl missions into one, I could make that the Capture Girl and make this into the new Kidnapping mission.
If there are a list of girls who have been seen in town the last few weeks similar to the slave market, they could be targets for kidnapping.
Every week, some of those girls leave town and new ones arrive, similar to how recruitable gangs come and go.
If you try but miss kidnapping a girl, she is removed from the list for a while.
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Offline 0nymous

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Re: Gangs
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2015, 02:25:51 AM »
Morality was added and was based off of Disposition.
Morality is the persons inner goodness, Disposition is how others perceive them.
I could add a small adjustment to morality based on what jobs you assign the gangs.
They would take effect before the gang actually goes out so even if they don't kidnap someone, you still get the morality reduction just for sending them to do it.

I have taken your suggestions and added a Possible New Gang Missions list for them.
I meant that there just might be a slight discrepancy between a PC who is generally benevolent and good-willed most of the time but suddenly turns into a ruthless mobster ordering his goons to do vicious things.
Here's an idea - keep the Disposition and Morality stats separate and non-related, BUT lock or hide certain particularly nasty or goody gang missions for the exclusive use of good or evil aligned PCs.
This would effectively turn certain more attractive gang missions into rewards for keeping your alignment skewed into a certain direction, giving the player an incentive to try and keep it either high or low.

Also, "Disposition" sounds kind of weird. Why not "Respect" or "Reputation" instead? These two go either way. You can have a high reputation by being ruthless and people respect you through fear, or you can be respected/admired for being the opposite.
Played the Mass Effect trilogy? Think about something like the Paragon/Renegade system. Although I guess that's more tied to the "good and evil" player morality stat.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 08:09:56 AM by 0nymous »

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Gangs
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2015, 10:57:27 PM »
I am getting close to finishing the existing gang missions, when I do, I will push .06.01.09
I will then start the new missions for the version after that.

I still need to do Catacombs and recheck Capture Girl, Kidnap and Sabotage.
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Offline edgy98125

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Re: Gangs
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2015, 04:39:23 PM »
When a defender is needed, a random gang is chosen from all the guarding gangs.
All gangs working guarding missions guard every building so assigning one to a specific building would leave the others exposed.
Girls working security only guard the building they are in.

Okay this seems like it could use some TLC.  As of right now it seems to be safer to not have girls guarding because even when I have maxed out gangs and girls guarding when I get attacked it damages my girls but not my gangs.  If I don't have girls guarding my building is not attacked.  Something about this setup seems broken.

Racketeering is a blanket term for many different crimes committed by the same group, so technically, every crime mission is a racketeering mission.
Sabotage reduces enemy influence, increases yours, and wins you money or goods, albeit you get the money and goods only from the rival you attack.
Grand theft only gives you money but I could add items to it as well.

Ah okay I can see that. 

Probably not going to happen for a while.
I have considered removing the 100% limit but it would cause a lot of problems.
When I do add that to girls, I will also add it to gangs, the Player and customers.

That's cool, it seems to me like >100% should require something extraordinary otherwise it becomes just a meaningless number.  Taking the time to get it right is prudent.

It wouldn't require a new skill but would require a lot of work.
If I combine the current Kidnapping and Capture Girl missions into one, I could make that the Capture Girl and make this into the new Kidnapping mission.
If there are a list of girls who have been seen in town the last few weeks similar to the slave market, they could be targets for kidnapping.
Every week, some of those girls leave town and new ones arrive, similar to how recruitable gangs come and go.
If you try but miss kidnapping a girl, she is removed from the list for a while.

That seems like it could work, and is probably easier than what I had in mind.

Offline dmotrl

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Re: Gangs
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2015, 11:56:15 PM »
Okay this seems like it could use some TLC.  As of right now it seems to be safer to not have girls guarding because even when I have maxed out gangs and girls guarding when I get attacked it damages my girls but not my gangs.  If I don't have girls guarding my building is not attacked.  Something about this setup seems broken.
It works fine for me; my girls never get involved when rival Gangs attack, only if a Customer gets violent and tries to attack a Girl.

Offline Anonemuss

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Re: Gangs - Possible New Missions
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2015, 11:08:28 AM »
Community Service - The gang will go out and help people in general ways.
Improves disposition, lowers fear and suspicion.
No money gained but occasionally items or volunteers.
YesyesyesyesYES. We definitely need more ways to improve our image in the public eye in the game. As of 06.01.17, I keep finding myself in weekly "inspections"(read: extortions) by the officials in mid- to late-game due to evil disposition and high suspicion.

Drug Dealing - The gang will go out and sell drugs.
Lowers disposition, increases fear a little, greatly increases suspicion.
Can cause raids on your buildings by officials.
Can occasionally get addict girls (they will need a lot of work to make them presentable).
I'd say yes to this, but only if something like community service was added as well. Otherwise, there's be too many reputation-damaging missions.

Defend Territory - The gang will stay in your territories and make sure they are safe.
Increases disposition, lowers fear a little, lowers suspicion a little.
Greatly reduces the chance of rivals attacking and taking your territories.
Increases revenue from businesses and adds a chance that business owners voluntarily send their children to work for you.
I like the first part, but I disagree with the owners sending their children voluntarily to work for you. Rather, if they sent their children, it would make more sense to add them to the gangs instead of the brothel, since the owners would be grateful to the gangs, not the brothel owner.

Vigilante Justice - The gang will go out and fight crime.
Improves disposition, lowers fear but increases suspicion.
They get money and items (usually weapons) taken from the criminals and return things to the victims.
Rarely they capture a female criminal and enslave her, higher chance if you have certain items in your inventory. (handcuffs, fetters, etc.)
Is there a Criminal trait? Some kind of check for a trait like that would make this idea more plausible. Regardless, it would be great if this was added as an interim difficulty between the Grand Theft and Catacombs missions.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2015, 11:11:03 AM by Anonemuss »

Offline Yukinohki

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Re: Gangs
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2015, 02:53:24 PM »
If your girls can have boyfriends/girlfriends in the future, i would want a mission for gangs, where they could
make the lover work for you by charming them or enslaving them, depending on your disposition
which could get you a new girl or more members for your gangs (if you need them)
or maybe the boyfriends could be implemented as some kind of guards for your brothels/businesses