Body traits.
- The line between normal/big boobs, or long/normal legs is thin enough in some cases to use random traits in random packs.
- That's why we cannot hide them completely. Because of random characters if nothing else.
- Some of them are obvious from the start no matter what. Example: strange eyes.
- Instead of traits list we could use a descriptive option. I mean, you click a button, for example "examine", and the game gives you short description how MC sees the character.
- No matter what we use, description or traits list (or both), we could hide obviously unknown parts until MC findes them out.
Example: no boobs traits until MC will see girl naked, no virgin trait until MC will ask if she's virgin or not (disposition check), no long legs trait until MC will see girl either naked or in revealing clothes. For slaves we could use forcible examination that uncovers all body traits at once.
- Finally, why bother with all that? Why not? Sounds fun and unusual, and we don't have many body traits anyway, I almost covered them all right now.