Author Topic: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now  (Read 1172891 times)

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #465 on: November 26, 2012, 09:21:34 PM »
Wow, a lot of posts for me to catch up on. Lets start with this one:

Got a question about an image category. Are you still planning to make something of the "Bunny" images you talked about way back when? :o
Just curious if i should keep adding images to that or if its something you've scrapped?

Keep up the good work fellas.

Bunny images are partially implimented. The game should load them, but currently there is not much that it shows them for. (Currently the only one I know of is workhallentertainer.

Also, when I sent my last update to crazy, I accidentally left out some code having to do with what images are shown when, just a small refinement. We will probably release a small patch shortly which will include the image adjustments.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #466 on: November 26, 2012, 09:28:28 PM »
Actually, I'm still a bit hazy on the exact amount of categories, if someone could direct me or post a conclusive list, that'd help me out greatly.

Currently these are what the game "Loads".. that does not mean it is showing them yet. But most will be showing some after the next patch.
Anal, BDSM, Sex, Beast, Group, Les, Preg, Death, Profile, Combat, Oral, Ecchi, Strip, Maid, Sing, Wait, Card, Bunny, Nude, Mast, Titty, PregAnal, PregBDSM, PregSex, pregbeast, preggroup, pregles

There is definetly a bug with preg pictures, in that the very first one (Preg) is going to end up picking up ALL of the preg pictures due to a bad wild card usage. I have not worked on a fix yet. but it is on my to do list.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #467 on: November 26, 2012, 09:32:51 PM »
I redid the 1st post last night it tells all the new image types and what they are used for now.

Of course I did not see this post... It looks like I may have some different ideas of what some of the picture catagories should be than Crazy, so I will need to talk to you before the next patch, but no big deal. (For example, I guess I am not sure what ecchi means, I had thought it was more or less a nude picture, due to the way it was used in the EX mod).

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #468 on: November 26, 2012, 09:34:56 PM »
Maybe if people want them I could do it should be easy enough.

Before we add more preg types, we will need to fix the bug involving them. It is on my list, but not very high priority right now.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #469 on: November 26, 2012, 09:36:12 PM »

I'm actually playing the game now for a break, is there a quick and easy way to increase or scale the size of the font with the game window? I'm a bit too taken with all those stats and new dialogue options/scripts/job texts, and it might be just me, but the bigger the game window, the harder it got to read.

Oh, and thanks for the answers, I'll retrofit some of my packs and keep it in mind as I go along.

I have not look very closely at the graphics handling yet. Crazy, if you will get me a link to Anon's SC, I can look at the differences between his and ours.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #470 on: November 26, 2012, 09:41:08 PM »

Edit: I have a quirk that may interest you, when I blew up the game window, all boxes and windows function, however the jobs box on the top right hand side repeats itself literally ten times. All jobs work when I choose them from any of those choices in the box so far, no crashing or anything, just a peculiarity, the other boxes are fine. Could just be the resolution settings doing funny things to it.

Confirmed, appears on the girls detail screen, will add to my to do list.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #471 on: November 26, 2012, 09:44:33 PM »
Got a bug or quirk to report myself.

The traits "Fast Orgasm" and "Slow Orgasm" are both available in WMEdit. However, when a girl with that trait pops up in game i get an error message saying those traits are not available.

I don't know how compatible WMEdit is with this mod to be honest, it was created long before this mod was. I have always edited my girls files using notepad++  (search and replace is your friend).
But one thing to note...
Fast Orgasms and Slow Orgasms have to be spelled with the "O" not capitalized....Fast orgasms and Slow orgasms  at some point I intend to make the traits not rely on capitalization like they currently do.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #472 on: November 26, 2012, 09:47:36 PM »

I hope this is the correct file. The last line states that: "Brothel 0 not found in list!". The log is a fresh install with 1 extra girl loaded in from the defaults. Absolutely no other changes.

AH. For some reason (perhaps a good one?) I can transfer girls back and forward no problem, AS LONG AS the brothel (only have 1 so far) is selected as the LEFT column, and whatever is on the RIGHT.  Reversing this order crashes every time for me.

Yes, I noticed this bug earlier but forgot to add it to my list.... currently make sure you have the brothel in the Left column like he said, I will make this a high priority fix.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #473 on: November 26, 2012, 09:56:16 PM »
May aswell throw Titty in there since its already being worked on. :D

Personally I'm not sure about Handjob and Footjob. They are so close to Oral and Titty. And I'm a lazy bitch. Going through all the girl packs and renaming the images needed is alot of work lmao! HOWEVER! I doubt it would hurt the game and I'm pretty sure alot of people would like to see them added, even part of me would. xD
Footjob images may be harder to come by too, so alot of girls might have to go without.
But yeah, if people want it throw them in there!

I also want to eventually expand the picture section. But it is not high on my priority list (Currently I am doing an almost complete re-write of the way customers an girls interact with the idea of making it easier for us to balance the game so it is fun  and challenging).
BUT... some categories I would like to see are handjob, fingering, licking (guy eating girl out), divide group sex into what kind of groups (ie 2 guys 1 girl, or 2 girls one guy etc..). And quite a few other ideas I have floating around... but balancing the game and bug fixes needs to come first in my opinion.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #474 on: November 26, 2012, 10:00:08 PM »
Yeah you can get random girls from pregnancy. 50% chance its a girl when they are born i believe.
And making girls closely resemble a certain girl is possible. But theres no code for assigning random girls to Unique girls in that way. Like its not possible to get Princess Zelda to give birth to an elf child or a child that looks like her, unless you just get lucky.
Thats one of the reason i make my random girls the way i do. They may not look like their mother but atleast they become unique in their own way. :o

About the only way I can see making daughters resemble thier parent is to add traits to the girl files which give some basic description to them. (Hair color, body build.. some traits like big boobs are already there). And make the game try to pick random girls that have a reasonably percent to have these traits. --- this would take quite a bit of work probably.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #475 on: November 26, 2012, 10:02:13 PM »
Crazy, I have a gamelog to share. I don't know if you've had this previously reported, however in this game, I get an odd glitch where I still earn gold even though the girl refused to work on both shifts. I earn exactly the same amount as the last time she actually did that job successfully.

IE: She earned 438G in the peepshow last time, but refused both shifts this week. Yet the summary and actual gold figures state she earned that amount each time, despite refusing to work.

Hmm I will look into this, it is probably skipping over the code where it clears out her previous earnings if she does not work. But... when I am done with the new customer-girl interaction (what I call the job rework) it will probably not be an issue anymore anyways.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #476 on: November 26, 2012, 10:04:25 PM »

First of all, I love all of the work you've done with the game so far! For a while (after EX) I feared the whole WM project was dead, I'm glad to still see it alive and kicking. The new content (especially the chat scripts) are very nice as well, makes the game have a bit more of a roleplaying edge.

That said though, are you making any progress on the cumulative payments issue that was mentioned a few pages back? It was nice for a while to receive infinite money (payments stacked up to over 6000 gold per shift over a longer session), but on the long term it takes all the challenge out of the game. It happens when you let a girl work the same job for both shifts on a day, but not only then... for example, I tried alternating shifts as Masseuse/Stripper to avoid the stacking but still got the issue. It may also be related to the problem trex just mentioned, girls getting paid even though they refused to work a shift since the 438 gold was already accumulated before the shift.

I'm asking this because I'm trying to modify my .girlsx and item files and such in order to make the game a bit more balanced (i.e. increasing their prices so they don't earn their money's worth in a single week, balancing item prices and effects so they give value for their money) to make the game more of a challenge, but the compound income is kinda making all those efforts obsolete.

Thanks in advance for answering, and keep up the good work!

Yes, probably related to the same bug trex reports, I will put both high on my priority list.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #477 on: November 26, 2012, 10:14:44 PM »
Is that right that the work "stripper in brothel"  show ecchi when no strip pic is  available?
That is something I have more or less fixed, on the next patch, if you chose a job that normally prints either strip, nude, or ecchi.. if that particular kind of picture does not exist, it will try one of the other two, and if none of them exist, it shows profile pic.

Next thing i 've tested was the default interaction Detail script:
Most things are working fine ( of course i didn't check if all stats raise up or so. My point of view , was about if  pics are matching.
Most pics working fine.
What was wandering to me was :
visit her bedroom - have sex = Pic(sex) , even when forced to. ok! but asking directly for a second fuck and she refuse the pic doesn't change back to profile.
Any chance to change that  back to a Pic(profile)?
I have not looked a the scripting at all, but will do so when I get a chance, although this has mostly been something Crazy has been working on, still this should be a relatively easy fix.

visit her bedroom - have sex with a beast = Pic(beast) Fine . But force her after refuse = Pic(sex) that means normal sex . ???
visit her bedroom - blowjob- Titty fuck - oral Pics are shown  not ok! Better Titty  ???
Next little failure happens when you call her into your office . The Pic "normal" sex appears after the script ends.
Once again, I dont know the scripts yet, probably be best for Crazy to look into this one.

Things to make the game better as is it is by now:

When you ask her to strip and she doesn't refuse, is there any chance to see first a pic "strip" and afterwards a pic "nude"?
In the past i've tried to script such a thing but my experience failed to manage that. In fact the sript editor is a challenge for himself ;-)
Do you see a chance to add these ?
I plan to eventually do something like this, basically picture sequences, so you can get a mini-strip show of 3 or 4 pictures, could work with sex too.

Finally , one year ago i wrote a meet towngirl script where it was only a chance to get her. Otherwise some stats changed. The girl disappeared. And later in the game you get a second chance.
Is there any interest? It works fine. If it is , then i will first translate it into english.

The last thing is about the "mast" Pic in  the Script editor.
I've got a view on these script with the script editor: And i couldn't find such a command. What i only found out was a line existing only with numbers:

"if choice from choicebox (*2*) is (*6*)
...and 5 lines later there is only a large number
"38689544" Do i need some newer versions of whatever?
In my opinion  only this could be the command to show a "mast" pic . Am I right ?

Kind Regards HuiBui
All the last part is pretty much beyond me at the moment, until I have time to look at scripting, Crazy will have to work on that stuff.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #478 on: November 27, 2012, 12:47:03 AM »
I also want to eventually expand the picture section. But it is not high on my priority list (Currently I am doing an almost complete re-write of the way customers an girls interact with the idea of making it easier for us to balance the game so it is fun  and challenging).
BUT... some categories I would like to see are handjob, fingering, licking (guy eating girl out), divide group sex into what kind of groups (ie 2 guys 1 girl, or 2 girls one guy etc..). And quite a few other ideas I have floating around... but balancing the game and bug fixes needs to come first in my opinion.

Would you be able to link each sub-category of pictures back to their parents? IE call a 2girls,1guy Group Picture, but fall back onto the General Group picture pool if none can be found?

It'd eliminate both the possible disappointment of getting a non-related picture, and give pack makers peace-of-mind that if they cannot find enough or even any (sub)category pictures, it'll still call up suitable replacements.

On the re-write, are you considering making it progressive ONLY aka WM:EX (can't have whore customers in brothel before you set up basically everything else...) or is it more based on all jobs having individuality in girl-customer interactions within that specific job?

 I really look forward to seeing what you have planned for both and especially the jobs implementation. Does it have progression & talents, say a girl usually isn't very good to start unless she's talented/item boosted/educated/trained for it? Again, look forward to it.

On an unrelated note, does autosave work? I remember it was always buggy/non-functional, wondering if it's still as useless as ever.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 02:31:33 AM by trex »

Offline Parlarkey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
« Reply #479 on: November 27, 2012, 12:46:13 PM »
From the games I've played, autosave seems to work fine. When you click "Next week", it saves first, then processes the week. If you don't like the results (like customers attacking your girls, killing them), you can load the autosave and the game will return to right before you clicked the "Next week" button.
There's only one autosave file though, so you can only use it to "reroll" the most recent result.