
Author Topic: A few suggestions...  (Read 48162 times)

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Offline Shinteo

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A few suggestions...
« on: February 23, 2010, 12:30:46 PM »
Just gotta say that I love this game, though there are some things that bug me about it. First is the age thing. While I understand the desire to keep the minimum age at 17, it is rather irriatating when the status screen shows the wrong age, espically when you know the age of the girl.
What I suggest then, would be to allow the true age to be shown, but do not use any loli girls in the actual game.
This would allow you to maintain the your stand without breaking the illusion of the game world. Those who wish to can either create their own girls, or download the girlpacks.

The other thing I find wierd is that currently, the only difference between the girls is that some are bought from the slave market, some found (or kiddnapped) from the streets, while the rest are from the catacombs. Other then that, it's all the same. What I suggest is that there should be some kind of different levels to the girls. Goddesses and demons should not be on the same level as other mere mortals after all.
I suggest the following division,

Level 6 - Goddesses and demons (Ah! My Goddess)
Level 5 - Supernatural beings (Touho)
Level 4 - Other races (Elves, monster girls)
Level 3 - Cybot/robots (Chii, Andriod 18)
Level 2 - Combat type (Naruto, bleach)
Level 1 - Normal (Other type of girls)
Special Level - Royalty (Queens and Princess)

Furthermore, Your ablity to house those girls would also change throughout the game. You start off only able to capture and whore out normal girls. As you expand and learn, you'll then take on the challage of breaking in combat type girls, and so on. Different level of girls would require different type of eqiuments and rooms.
Normal girls may only need a cell and a whip, for instance, but combat class may need a full dungeon. Supernatual girls and monster girls will also need special gear catered to them as well, amulets and magical restrains and so on. You might only be able to access Royalty slaves only in certain situations, like say a VIP section of the slave pens that is only accessable when you reach a certain measure of importance or influence in the city.

Factions is something else I'll like to see in this game. Something like having a set bonus when you have, say, two girls from Naruto working in the same house, or on the same job. Maybe special combos can be unlocked and used, like say, Euphemia and Cornelia from Code Geass. As they are sisters, there'll be a special event or something when you aquire both of them. Stuff like that.

I'll also like to see options for the enslavement of unique chars fleshed out. Say Chun Li is going around challaging people into fights and winning all of them. How would you go about enslaving such a woman? Cheat during the fight? Slip drugs into her food and drinks to weaken her? Or train yourself to such a level that you can beat her fair and square? Such would also determine how she'll view you as her master.

Events affecting the world at large would be interesting too. From small events like a certain all girls inn going out of busness, evacuating the tentants onto the streets, to the invasion of a country leading to an influx of slaves, things like that.

Of course I realize that many of my suggestions are not very pratical at the moment, but this is something I would like to see in this game. Just something to think about...
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 12:33:38 PM by Shinteo »

Offline zodiac44

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2010, 04:58:33 PM »
Working through your post backwards:

Some of your suggestions will be easily implementable once the script system is overhauled (namely, interactions with unique girls and other events).

The faction system you suggest is done in Sim Brothel, and while it isn't a bad idea, we also don't want to clone SB.

I'm not sure what you mean by separating girls into different levels, but the trait system is intended to provide the degree of differentiation that it seems you are looking for.  The current traits probably don't cover it entirely, but they are far from being finalized.

When it comes to age limitations, we have discussed this point ad nauseum.  Basically, in some jurisdictions, there are potential legal issues without a minimum age limit.  Since the great and vast majority of girls are user-created and -distributed, the developers have no control over character age other than imposing a hard-coded minimum.  Without completely changing the open nature of the platform, there is no way to prevent users from creating and using loli girls, so to cover our legal asses, there must be a hard-coded minimum age.
Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse" and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse."

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2010, 05:09:00 PM »
Zodiac pretty much nailed it. Pretty much all of this has been discussed, there's a very, VERY long "to add" list somewhere around here. But at the moment the job system is still in development, so therefor anything else has pretty much been stuck on the back burner. If the game gets anywhere to how Doc Clox has mentioned where he'd like to see it go, it'll be a vastly different game than it is now.

A change that's more than welcome too.

Oh and the age thing, my only suggestion is to completely remove it. It's not really necessary nor does it do well... anything. I of course suggested this long long ago when the issue first came up, and was shot down very quickly lol. I suppose instead of age you could go with words. Young, Teen, Adult, Middle Age, Unknown.

Either way, it's not that big of a deal imo.
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Offline Graen

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 05:46:04 PM »
Oh and the age thing, my only suggestion is to completely remove it. It's not really necessary nor does it do well... anything. I of course suggested this long long ago when the issue first came up, and was shot down very quickly lol. I suppose instead of age you could go with words. Young, Teen, Adult, Middle Age, Unknown.
Heh, my biggest problem with the "Age Thing" is that, 5 years after their born, your daughters are working for you. ???

Offline OvdS

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2010, 05:57:24 PM »
Heh, my biggest problem with the "Age Thing" is that, 5 years after their born, your daughters are working for you. ???
Make that 60 weeks (roughly 1 year), and they are aged 17. Mehzerz idea seems to be a fair one.

Offline Graen

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2010, 06:29:29 PM »
Make that 60 weeks (roughly 1 year), and they are aged 17. Mehzerz idea seems to be a fair one.
LOL!  You're right.  I'm so glad I took those calculus classes... ::)

Offline Midnight_Amratha

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2010, 09:57:36 PM »
this being a (sort of ) fantasy game with dimention gates popping left right and center you should believe you could stretch your imagination to cover the concept of time being a dimention as well and while the daughters are being cared for it doesn't say where. i suggest you accept they are being minded in the dungeons which have vast facilities and maybe, just maybe also time distorting/bending rooms in them. a room where time goes like ohh i dunno, perhaps 17 times faster?
 if we accept those premises then i don't have any trouble accepting the daughters grow to be 17 in the space of one year.
just my two cents (ran outta dollars long time ago)

oh by the way, don't take this as a critisism, just a way of looking differently at the issue being brought up, hate to sound sarcastic but sometimes my mouth runs off with my thoughts before my mind puts the brakes on
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 10:00:08 PM by Midnight_Amratha »
The line between lunacy and genious is very thin.
So far i haven't been able to find it.

Offline Samu

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2010, 11:14:18 PM »
 i suggest you accept they are being minded in the dungeons which have vast facilities and maybe, just maybe also time distorting/bending rooms in them. a room where time goes like ohh i dunno, perhaps 17 times faster?

DBZ's time chamber comes to my mind

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2010, 01:19:49 AM »
Yes, I suppose aging at an incredible rate is possible in the setting given, not to mention making them "17" but still have them look incredibly young. Who knows... like I said it's not a huge issue. I can see how it'd kill the interest for the ones who wanted a harem of lolis though.
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Offline Sigfried666

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2010, 05:17:05 AM »
And I believe they grow that fast because otherwise, well...
How would you make a game session last for 17 years so the girls would have aged correctly?
I'm a pervert and all, but my patience wouldn't last long enough...

And even if it is not relevant, I liked Meherz idea on "age".

Offline jarto

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2010, 09:18:51 AM »
If the minimum age really bothers you, go the Etna route. That is, make a young girl with "unknown" age, and make her an immortal being with a young appearance.

Offline Shinteo

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2010, 02:07:33 PM »
Glad to see I'm not the only one bothered by the age thing. Might be a good idea to put as an option somewhere to disable age display, since it is of no pratical use as of now.

By separating girls into different levels, I mean having different tiers of girls. At the moment, you can aquire a goddess as easily as some nobody from the streets. What I was suggesting is to separate the possible girls into different tiers, and you can only access the next level only after being prepared for it. As an example, you can't really have a vampiress in your brothel without having some means to control her, crosses and holy water and such. For robotic girls like Chii, you'll need some area to do maintainance on, or they're likely to break down sooner or later. Stuff like that.

Traits, I feel, seems to be something else all together. It defines charateristics of the girls, but do nothing to classify them in their respective tiers. Though it can of course be used, with a little addition. Say you have a girl with the trait "werewolf" (Note that I am making things up as I go.) Without any silver chains in your brothel, the girl would most likely break out the next full month, destroying your place on her way out. Things like that...

In any case, I wasn't really expecting anything to come out of this. Just a post to share ideas. I certainly respect that you are the guys in charge of this project, and what you say goes.

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2010, 07:47:41 PM »
 By separating girls into different levels, I mean having different tiers of girls. At the moment, you can aquire a goddess as easily as some nobody from the streets. What I was suggesting is to separate the possible girls into different tiers, and you can only access the next level only after being prepared for it. As an example, you can't really have a vampiress in your brothel without having some means to control her, crosses and holy water and such. For robotic girls like Chii, you'll need some area to do maintainance on, or they're likely to break down sooner or later. Stuff like that. 

The robot thing has been discussed and as far as I know, may be added later (if not in 1.30) The problem with tiers is that you have to give some incentive to having one girl over the other and as the game currently is, there is none. Why would you want vampires and robots who need to be chained down and constantly looked after if you can have normal girls who don't need that?

NO INCENTIVE. Your idea just makes keeping girls more complicated than it has to be. Does it make sense? Sure. But is it necessary? As girls are NOW. There's no reason for this... yet.
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Offline zodiac44

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2010, 01:04:12 AM »
I would rather see it handled in scripts written specifically for the girls.  With creativity, a writer could come up with a plausible story in which you obtain the services of a vampire, with events that pop up every now and then that you have to deal with or she murders a few dozen people and runs off.  Maybe have another script in which you bargain for the services of a succubus.  When overhauled, scripts should be capable of overriding the default behaviors of most, if not all of the girl interactions in the game.
Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse" and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse."

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: A few suggestions...
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2010, 06:22:22 AM »
I would rather see it handled in scripts written specifically for the girls.  With creativity, a writer could come up with a plausible story in which you obtain the services of a vampire, with events that pop up every now and then that you have to deal with or she murders a few dozen people and runs off.  Maybe have another script in which you bargain for the services of a succubus.  When overhauled, scripts should be capable of overriding the default behaviors of most, if not all of the girl interactions in the game.

Pretty much how it's going to have to work, with the games current setup anyways. Scripts will give the game a huge interactive over-haul. It's a certainly something I've been looking forward to since day one.
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