
Author Topic: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..  (Read 49122 times)

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Offline krakr

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #45 on: January 17, 2017, 11:42:22 AM »
LMAO @ Xela

Hi Sarabada I haven't played the alpha for over a year, but I'd like to point out 2 things you've overlooked in your playthrough.
The first is that Intelligence is hugely important (Xela's hidden stats ^_^). Try sending 2 ho's to school, 1 with a 40 int & 1 with a 5 int & compare your bonuses.
Try sending a dumb mage and a smart mage into the arena & you'll see the difference as well.
The other is that you need to rotate your guards in and out of your team & begin team fights in the arena. XP still isn't on par with your sluts, but it's much better and it forces you into another aspect of the game, i.e. team combat

I found the game quite some time ago.
I recall posting a bunch of observations and critiques myself after my first game.
Xela & Dark were just as patient and helpful to me as well.
Since my coding xp ended at HTML 2.0, I have very little to offer, I'm just farting around with the new build catching stinky boots in dev mode ^_^.
I can see that like myself, you can be a bit anal about stats & logic & whatnot, so good luck with your mod.
Hopefully the Beta will be around the corner, but if it's going to take a while, I'd be interested to try out your mod if you get anywhere near a "finished" product.

some helpful hints for the alpha:
send ho's to ettiquette school first for INT (if needed)
Save/load spam when learning from the arena chick because CON bonus very iffy (if you were to fix, then YAY!)
always keep a cheap house to bring your ho's up to speed once you can afford a big place.

The only really out of control thing I found in the alpha was reputation. I had 1 whore who would *literally* have over 100 pages of rejections in 1 day because she was so full of herself she wouldn't have sex with anything but nobility & such.
Why beggars were trying to get into a mansion style brothel was beyond me as well, but whatever. I've played Betas that were more full of bugs honestly.
Then of course once your rep is 0 it just invites more low class scumbags & voila, catch 22.
Good luck with your modding, I especially like the details you put into the traits description.

Offline Sarabada

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #46 on: October 07, 2017, 05:53:55 PM »
Well, hello again, everyone!

It's been over half a year, almost a year now since I last came around to work/play with the game. Life and work sidelined me for a while since I had a couple new projects I had to take on which ate up most of my time.

I ended up wanting to play a game similar to this again a couple weeks ago, and since I still had it installed, I figured I'd fire it up again for fun. However, I really wanted to add some new girls to the game, as the 'standard' version of the alpha only came with a handful. Unfortunately, there aren't any alpha-compatible packs, and it still seems like the beta is not yet ready for release.

Coincidentally, I noticed you guys released a tech demo for GiBC today; very nice! It's not a type of game that's up my particular alley (I prefer the sort of more 'tycoon'-like gameplay of PyTFall, or more just the running of an establishment) but I recognize the usefulness of these types of releases. I'm hoping the experience it gives can be carried over to the whole exploration/combat system of the PyTFall beta as it honestly wasn't very good in the alpha.

That said, I know the last time I was active here, I mentioned, among other things:

Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to try and decipher all the tags to get them into an alpha-compatible format for the entire folder. I suppose since the tags follow a specific structure one could write a small app to decipher it according to the naming rules you set and generate a tags file appropriately, but that's more effort than I want to spend right now, so I'll scrap the idea and just wait for the beta.

Since I decided it's been so long that I might as well start a new game anyway, and meant I had the chance to include new girls, I ended up...doing exactly that. Thankfully, you guys documented the new tagging format, including what tag every character pair stood for, so I took that and spent a couple hours whipping up a quick and basic PHP script to scan through filenames and automatically generate an alpha-compatible 'tags' file. It's not perfect because I wasn't quite sure how to translate most of the 'new' tags into tags that would be recognized by the alpha (I couldn't find a way to locate any sort of 'master list' of tags the alpha recognized.) In any case, I have something that allows me to port the beta-pack girls into the alpha with just a couple clicks, and if I update the 'tag dict' (which I'll probably have to do) I can re-generate every girl's 'tags' file in a couple seconds.

What took me longer was adapting, and in most cases, manually creating the data files for each new girl, as most either didn't come with one, or was designed for the beta. By far the longest part, though, was re-tagging images that were not in the beta-packs. I had a utility automatically scan and remove all duplicates when merging 'beta' packs into existing 'alpha' girls (such as the default Touhou1, Bleach, One Piece, etc. packs) but even with the DarkTagger utility it takes a while to tag hundreds of leftover images. On the bright side, I have virtually everything as basically-beta-compatible.

In all, I went through all 3 of the forum's stickied girl-pack threads (DarkTI, Lurker, Cherrywood) and merged everything into the alpha. This includes the 5 'Random Human' girl packs from DarkTI, bringing the total number of random girl types from 15 to 20. I've also updated all of the other 15 rchars types to use the new beta-tagged images (manually retagging the ones that were unique to the alpha's folders.)

I've also added in almost every unique girl from those threads, bringing the total up from 31 girls across 4 series to 137 girls across 30 series, including updating the 'stock' Bleach, One Piece, and Touhou folders. This has the amusing side-effect of making this game now take over 12GB of space, though.

Unfortunately, I am still missing a couple things.

For one, while I first went through DarkTI's image packs thread, it seems to be missing beta-type packs for the 'Maid Elf' and 'XP-tan' random girls.

As well, I have not yet added the 13 'minor' characters from the Arcana Heart pack (which would bring the total up from 137 to 150) mostly because they seem really light on images. Do you have updated packs and/or more images for either of these?

Also, as I was going through Cherrywood's pack thread, DarkTI also posted a 'patch' for Sakura (I assume from Fate) but I was unable to download a copy because it's been removed or deleted. Do you still have a copy of this so I can merge it in as well?

Finally, the last 'pack' I need to merge is the Naruto pack, but that one is......staggering, to say the least. Considering retagging images is the bulk of the time spent on merging these together, it's going to take a while to retag 15 girls' worth of images (especially considering I'm not a huge fan of Naruto to begin with.) Just running the dupe utility, it only found ~187 out of a folder of 550 images.... that's a lot of retagging I still have to do, lol. I know you released a 'combined' Naruto pack, but even that one is missing some of the girls that came standard with the alpha. Do you happen to have any sort of, uh, 'ultimate pack' with all of them that I can just drop in?

Still, it's enough where I can play now and it feels much more fun/lively as there's a vastly larger variety of girls to recruit now.

.... I will say, though, that the 'modder' in me caught the modding bug again almost right away, and I've gone ahead and added in a visual indicator of when a free girl is ready to be hired (the disposition bar changes color.) I plan to 'lock' this 'ability' behind the MC having probably a certain amount of intelligence and charisma. If not, you instead have 'generic' bar color changes at preset intervals (500, 700, 900 disposition) allowing you to try to guess without being totally blind.

I wasn't able to fix the disposition bar animating weirdly (when I modified one of the responses to give +200 disposition change instead of 15, for example) because it'll sort of creep up a tiny amount right as you click the response, but not get anywhere near its required endpoint, and then clicking anywhere again to dismiss the 'dialogue' line causes the disposition bar to just...appear at the new level without animating (and the +240 or whatever number floats up.) I feel like perhaps it's because of the fact that the whole bar is being replaced, and I was unable to successfully 'cache' a value for use as the 'old_value' parameter, so I gave up.

Finally, in case anyone wants to pitch in and help me refine the beta-alpha-tag-conversion dictionary, feel free to suggest changes. Again, it's trivial for me to re-generate tags for all 137+ girls at this point, as it just involves clicking a couple buttons and waiting 3 seconds once I update the dictionary.

From the original list, I've made a few (random) changes hoping to get it more in line with the alpha, but I'm pretty sure the 'nn' (non-nude) tag should not be set to 'portrait.' Unfortunately, I have no idea if 'sfw' is a valid alpha tag. The other things were tags for the various sex acts and group tags as I believe the alpha versions had spaces, or different wording, etc. Duplicate tags are not an issue, as my script strips out dupes before writing the tags.

Code: [Select]
            $tagDict = array(
                'nd' => 'nude',
                'nn' => 'portrait',
                'sx' => 'sex',
                'bs' => 'battle_sprite',
                'po' => 'portrait',
                'qs' => 'vnsprite',
                'pr' => 'profile',
                'pa' => 'girlsmeets',
                'pb' => 'fighting',
                'pc' => 'rest',
                'pd' => 'beauty',
                'pf' => 'etiquette',
                'l1' => 'no bg',
                'l2' => 'simple bg',
                'l3' => 'generic outdoor',
                'l4' => 'generic indoor',
                'l5' => 'beach',
                'l6' => 'onsen',
                'l7' => 'pool',
                'l8' => 'stage',
                'l9' => 'urban',
                'la' => 'wilderness',
                'lb' => 'suburb',
                'lc' => 'nature',
                'ld' => 'dungeon',
                'le' => 'living',
                'lf' => 'public',
                'e1' => 'angry',
                'e2' => 'confident',
                'e3' => 'defiant',
                'e4' => 'ecstatic',
                'e5' => 'happy',
                'e7' => 'hurt',
                'e6' => 'indifferent',
                'e9' => 'sad',
                'e8' => 'insane',   
                'ea' => 'scared',
                'ec' => 'suggestive',
                'eb' => 'shy',
                'ed' => 'tired',
                'ee' => 'uncertain',
                'c9' => 'lingerie',
                'c8' => 'nude',
                'c3' => 'indoor',
                'c2' => 'formal',
                'c1' => 'casual',
                'c7' => 'transformed',
                'c6' => 'cosplay',
                'c5' => 'ripped',
                'c4' => 'exposed',
                'ca' => 'armor',
                'ck' => 'cow',
                'cj' => 'cat',
                'ci' => 'bunny',
                'ch' => 'yukata',
                'cm' => 'ninja',
                'cl' => 'dog',
                'cc' => 'maid',
                'cb' => 'swimsuit',
                'cg' => 'sportswear',
                'cf' => 'schoolgirl',
                'ce' => 'nurse',
                'cd' => 'miko',
                'a1' => 'strip',
                'a3' => 'cleaning',
                'a2' => 'bathing',
                'a5' => 'dance',
                'a4' => 'cooking',
                'a7' => 'exercising',
                'a6' => 'eating',
                'a9' => 'gambling',
                'a8' => 'fighting',
                'aa' => 'healing',
                'ac' => 'musician',
                'ab' => 'magic',
                'ae' => 'sleeping',
                'ad' => 'reading',
                'ag' => 'singing',
                'af' => 'shopping',
                'ai' => 'studying',
                'ah' => 'sport',
                'aj' => 'waitress',
                'ma' => 'mast',
                'm5' => 'randomitem',
                'm4' => 'othertoy',
                'm7' => 'tits vibrator',
                'm2' => 'anal plug',
                'm1' => 'anal beads',
                'm3' => 'dildo',
                'm6' => 'vibrator',
                'm8' => 'forced',
                'cu' => 'after sex',
                'gr' => 'group',
                'gg' => 'ass',
                'gf' => 'group',
                'ge' => 'group',
                'gd' => 'other mast',
                'gc' => 'notmain',
                'gb' => 'bukkake',
                'ga' => 'girl hidden',
                'gl' => 'tits',
                'gk' => 'feet',
                'gj' => 'hands',
                'gi' => 'mouth',
                'gh' => 'pussy',
                'g7' => 'three girls',
                'g6' => 'two girls',
                'g5' => 'girl',
                'g4' => 'more guys',
                'g3' => 'three guys',
                'g2' => 'two guys',
                'g1' => 'guy',
                'g9' => 'guy hidden',
                'g8' => 'more girls',
                'bc' => 'cumcovered',
                'bd' => 'bdsm',
                'b4' => 'suspended',
                'b5' => 'whipped',
                'b6' => 'tortured',
                'b7' => 'alone',
                'b1' => 'leashed',
                'b2' => 'bdsm',
                'b3' => 'spanked',
                'b8' => 'girl',
                'b9' => 'hiddengirl',
                'be' => 'dominatrix',
                'ba' => 'guy',
                'bb' => 'hiddenguy',
                'ns' => 'sex',
                'p2' => 'straight',
                'p3' => 'partner hidden',
                'p1' => 'les',
                's9' => 'standing',
                's8' => 'spooning',
                's3' => 'missionary',
                's2' => 'doggy',
                's1' => '69',
                's6' => 'scissors',
                's5' => 'ontop',
                's4' => 'onside',
                's7' => 'sitting',
                'sb' => 'bdsm',
                'sa' => 'rape',
                'sl' => 'hug',
                'sc' => 'anal fingering',
                'se' => 'lick anus',
                'sg' => 'anal toy',
                'sf' => 'lick pussy',
                'sh' => 'vaginal toy',
                'si' => 'anal',
                'sj' => 'vaginal',
                'sk' => 'kiss',
                'sm' => 'caress tits',
                'sd' => 'vaginal fingering',
                'sz' => 'vaginal footjob',
                'sy' => 'anal footjob',
                'ss' => 'hug',
                'sr' => 'handjob',
                'sp' => 'footjob',
                'sw' => 'vaginal handjob',
                'sv' => 'anal handjob',
                'su' => 'titsjob',
                'st' => 'kiss',
                'so' => 'deepthroat',
                'sn' => 'blowjob',
                't6' => 'toy pussy',
                't7' => 'caress tits',
                't4' => 'vaginal',
                't5' => 'toy anal',
                't2' => 'lick pussy',
                't3' => 'anal',
                't1' => 'lick anus',
                'z1' => 'evening',
                'z4' => 'winter',
                'z2' => 'night',
                'z3' => 'autumn'

It's nice to see you guys still active and plugging away, and I'm happy to be able to play this again with a whole new set of characters.

Finally, @krakr:
Sorry, I never got back to you. I'll keep in mind the intelligence-related stuff. I'm not sure about the CON bonus being bugged, because the code is just written to make it VERY rare to happen -- there's no bug to 'fix' other than making it happen more often, or cost less gold per attempt.

The low reputation catch-22 thing seems more like an oversight than a bug though, but that I can probably look over and fix, because I had (looking back at my previous posts here from last year!) apparently wanted to make some tweaks to how the whole ranking/reputation/refusal system worked.

Offline Xela

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2017, 05:24:06 AM »
We are exploring some possibilities of releasing a new version in stages. Like a combat oriented version first, more building/content later. At the moment we're updating Arena.
Like what we're doing?

Offline Sarabada

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2017, 01:04:08 PM »
Oh, that sounds like a pretty reasonable idea, although if you'll be releasing it in such phases, I imagine it'll be more like the GiBC 'tech demos' than 'playable beta.' Would subsequent 'phases' be solely that particular aspect, or would it be more like a rolling alpha where certain features simply don't exist until it's updated to have it alongside all the 'previous phase' stuff?

Has there been any sort of timeline decided yet, or is that still up in the air? For the moment, I think I've breathed enough new life into the alpha with all the new girl packs I've added that it'll tide me over a while longer.

Offline Xela

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2017, 01:22:57 PM »
Oh, that sounds like a pretty reasonable idea, although if you'll be releasing it in such phases, I imagine it'll be more like the GiBC 'tech demos' than 'playable beta.' Would subsequent 'phases' be solely that particular aspect, or would it be more like a rolling alpha where certain features simply don't exist until it's updated to have it alongside all the 'previous phase' stuff?

Has there been any sort of timeline decided yet, or is that still up in the air? For the moment, I think I've breathed enough new life into the alpha with all the new girl packs I've added that it'll tide me over a while longer.

We are aiming at a release until the end of the year "even if it kills us" :D We should be able to manage a combat oriented release, maybe even a full release with more buildings and businesses.
Like what we're doing?

Offline DarkTl

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2017, 01:58:16 PM »
People at forums ask us about PF all the time, and some even think that we stopped working on it long time ago.

Would be cool to tinker it a bit more to have all systems working at once, but one of the main ideas is to allow players to create their own content if they want (packs, items, etc), so it's wise to release a playable, even if not finished, version before everyone loses patience  :)

Offline Sarabada

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2017, 02:09:31 PM »
Ha, that sounds quite ambitious. I like it, but I know all too well the pitfalls that comes with. Even if you guys miss that target, I can probably throw out this 'stuffed' alpha I have now to placate them for a while.

Part of the reason I made my retagging script was so that we could build those girl packs compatible with the beta, but still be able to play with them in the alpha while we wait.

Speaking of which, @DarkTI, I imagine it probably got lost in my typical wall of text posts, but do you happen to have updated image packs for the Maid Elf and XP-tan random chars, the Arcana Heart minor girls (10 images doesn't seem like a very good variety to make a girl entry for,) the now-deleted 50-image 'patch' for CW's Fate/Stay Sakura, and perhaps a Naruto pack that contains all the other girls from the alpha release? Since I've added all the existing beta girl packs already, I figured I might as well update everything to the new format across-the-board.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #52 on: October 09, 2017, 01:58:59 PM »
Maid Elf and XP-tan did not make it. I tried my best, but it's not possible to find enough images to make a balanced pack, even though I liked those packs. Same for some of Naruto chars, they simply don't have enough pictures compared to others.

Sakura's patch and all CW's naruto pictures are now a part of my naruto pack, since CW stopped making them. Just now I uploaded the whole pack instead of the old one to my packs thread.

Arcana Heart minor girls are a test of concept. Characters with so few pictures cannot be proper heroines, but they can be used as arena fighters, where they need absolute minimum of images, like battle sprite, portrait and optional sex scenes.
If it goes well, we will have support for such minor characters too, so people will be able to add to the game any characters at all, even those with 2-3 pictures in total. In this case even WinXP pack and minor Naruto chars can be used as minor characters once again.

Offline Sarabada

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #53 on: October 09, 2017, 03:43:27 PM »
Thanks for the update, Dark. It's a shame that the Maid Elf and XP-tan didn't make it; I may try to look up a couple at some point to see if I can't make them workable.

With regard to the Arcana Heart minor girls, I kind of figured it was at least a 'work in progress' if not a test considering how few images they had in their folders. I'll continue to hold off on adding them as 'regular' girls into the alpha for now, unless I get curious.

That said, what would be a good or 'recommended' amount of images to make a pack? I felt like even having around 50 images didn't make for very much variety, so perhaps 100 images or so? I looked through a couple of WM girl packs to try adding a few more of those over into the alpha, but they all had only around 30-50 images on average.

If I feel like tagging images again anytime soon, on top of trying to add more to the Maid Elf and XP-tan folders, I was thinking about grabbing a bunch of random FFXI Mithra and FFXIV Miqo'te images to make a generic 'rchars' Catgirls set, since the alpha has that unused Cat Girl trait. It can also help to expand on the idea so we can add more 'animal-eared' / themed girls like the Neko Para girls, or the various girls from Dog Days.

And at the least, if you guys don't significantly change the tagging system anytime soon, they should work right away in the beta as well.

I'll grab the new combined Naruto pack you have and see if it cuts down any of the work I'd have to do. Is it still '18.rar'? The 'old' combined pack you linked was '24.rar' so I'm not sure if you rolled that back into 18 or not. I suppose that also means the 'Sakura patch' was for Naruto's Sakura, and not Fate/Stay's Sakura.

Right now I'm looking into either a bug, or an oversight in the original alpha code for girl generation when you guys were adding traits. I managed to produce a situation (by forcing a girl to take every negative trait at once) to have a girl appear with -85 / -85 character, 0 / -15 refinement and 0 / -10 magic, which is amusing, but probably unexpectedly game-breaking as I don't believe any of the other code has any scenarios meant to handle negative numbers. I'm hoping that this would be looked into/addressed if it hasn't already in the beta.

Looking through the code quickly, it appears that you had this code for adding traits onto unique girls (similar check not present in the code for 'rGirl' generation:)
Code: [Select]
            for key in trait.max:
                if key in self.stats.max:
                    self.stats.max[key] += trait.max[key]
                    raise Error, 'Trait (%s) tried to modify maximum of non-existent stats: %s'%(, key)

            for key in trait.min:
                # Preventing traits from messing up minimums of stats by pushing them into negative territory.
                if (self.stats.min[key] + trait.min[key]) >= 0:
                    self.stats.min[key] += trait.min[key]

Think it should be relatively simple to add a condition to check if both 'min' and 'max' would become negative before applying it. I'm not entirely sure if the 'straight' modification (the ones that do not change min or max values of a stat) would still go through, though. If so you'd then end up with -85 / 0 instead. The simplest way would be to go through a final check right before girl generation, loop through all of its stats, and change any value that is out of bounds with the set min and max values after traits have all gone through.

Attached a couple screenshots as an example.
I made sure to run it on both a unique girl and a random slime girl (I have slimes with the lowest stats generally, though their tradeoff is much higher starting constitution -- I actually noticed this with a random unlucky roll of a slime girl slave) to check if it affected only one or the other. Turns out it does impact both, with both of them having negative maximums. The slime girl also somehow has 40 / 35 Joy -- higher than the maximum value.

I also kind of standardized the trait descriptions a bit since the last time I posted about them.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 04:27:49 PM by Sarabada »

Offline Xela

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2017, 01:28:18 AM »
That said, what would be a good or 'recommended' amount of images to make a pack? I felt like even having around 50 images didn't make for very much variety, so perhaps 100 images or so? I looked through a couple of WM girl packs to try adding a few more of those over into the alpha, but they all had only around 30-50 images on average.

It's less about the number of images and more about the variety I suppose. Most important tags gotta be covered for fully playable characters.

Right now I'm looking into either a bug

I don't believe it can go below 0 in the modern version. That said, the idea is that a modder knows what (s)he're doing, characters with all the negative traits will not be any fun or if any use in the game.
Like what we're doing?

Offline DarkTl

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Re: Fun game, but I seem to have some issues with it..
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2017, 11:22:00 AM »
With regard to the Arcana Heart minor girls, I kind of figured it was at least a 'work in progress' if not a test considering how few images they had in their folders. I'll continue to hold off on adding them as 'regular' girls into the alpha for now, unless I get curious.
It's not like I made Arcana Heart packs small intentionally though, I never do it. I always add all good pictures I can find  :)
They simply don't have any more, so we don't have a choice but treat them as minor characters.

That said, what would be a good or 'recommended' amount of images to make a pack? I felt like even having around 50 images didn't make for very much variety, so perhaps 100 images or so?
I think about 50 is absolute minimum. Any lower, and you might as well threat the character as a minor one. Ideally at least 100-200, depending on the character.

As for max values, logical limit is 65535 pictures, but too huge packs may work slow. Because when we want to show an image, we look for a suitable one in the whole pack. So 100-200 pictures, or at very least no more than 1000 is the best.

Cat Girl trait
Currently it's replaced by more generic Furry trait, since we don't have any cats packs. But of course adding it again is super easy if we'll have cat packs one day.

And at the least, if you guys don't significantly change the tagging system anytime soon, they should work right away in the beta as well.
Without a doubt we will change json data files format many times, but we will never change the tags format anymore.
Or, rather, we can add additional tags for entirely new types of pictures if people will ask for it (like adding a tag for tentacles pictures), but already existing tags and image types are set in stone.

The slime girl also somehow has 40 / 35 Joy -- higher than the maximum value.
Yeap, we have a (rare) ring in the current version which gives +50 to min joy and -50 to max joy, thus freezing the stat at 50 as long as the ring is equipped. But the thing is, we have more than one ring slot, so it's possible to equip more, breaking stats logic.
In such cases, when min > max, we force the stat to be 0/0 until player resolves the issue. But this special logic did not exist in the alpha.

Is it still '18.rar'? The 'old' combined pack you linked was '24.rar'
Yeap, I replaced 18.rar. Gonna delete 24.rar soon, since it's older.

I also kind of standardized the trait descriptions a bit since the last time I posted about them.
I made a help window for traits. Would be cool to show info next to description like you do, but in the current version some traits have so many modificators there is not enough space for them all.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2017, 11:32:08 AM by DarkTl »