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Offline DocClox

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #45 on: December 09, 2009, 07:26:39 AM »
I'll think about it and see what I can come up with.

In some ways, it might be easier to let people set a weekly wage for their girls, irrespective of what they've been doing that week.

Offline Command

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #46 on: December 15, 2009, 03:30:41 PM »
How about a pet rank.  It could be technically be both a high and low one.
The pet slave will likely have the rank of a personal pet but all the employees are required to look after the pet and anyone assigned to take care of her is the pet's body guard and such.
Also it would be interesting if there was also a special shop as well for slaves specially trained to be pet's.  the Different of pet type is dependant on what pet type was ingraned into the slave's mind.  You could even have that the player could train his slaves into pets but it's a lengthy process to brainwash the slave into a pet.  You also would need different of equipment and furnishings for each pet type.


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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #47 on: December 15, 2009, 07:51:35 PM »
.... whore master viva pinata... lol... on whore wages, we already do pay them wages if you count room and board. I think it subtracts money for each girls accommodation level each turn. So paying them extra cash wages isn't needed, since they have no bills, all the cash they keep is 100 profit for them. I would however alter it so all girls get to keep their tips, including slaves by default. You can always be an evil prick and take their cash if you want.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 07:58:17 PM by exodia91 »

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #48 on: December 16, 2009, 02:17:12 AM »
Not digging the pet idea. Slaves certainly don't need wages either. Letting them have the tips isn't a bad idea though.
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Offline DocClox

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #49 on: December 16, 2009, 05:43:51 AM »
Not digging the pet idea. Slaves certainly don't need wages either. Letting them have the tips isn't a bad idea though.

Depends on what we mean by "pet" I guess. I was thinking of it in the sense of personal sex slave, rather than training puppygirls and the like. Keeping a small number of slaves at the player's house so you can play tamagotchi games with them was an offhand comment from necno a while back. All I was thinking was: if we are going to have a mechanism like that, it might be fairly simple to script it to handle servants and the like. And probably mentally conditioned petgirls as well, come to that. I doubt there'll be anything built directly into the game in this regard, but I'll gladly see about adding the hooks so modders can do it.

Tips sounds like a good thought. I can put that in the config file.

Wages, I have mixed feelings about. From a game mechanic viewpoint, we don't need them. Exodia got it spot on. From a simulation viewpoint on the other hand, I'd expect girls who pull barmaid or teacher duty for six months solid to become envious of their colleagues having sex and making money every night. Which may be a good way to handle it: no wages, but girls may become unhappy if they don't get the occasional bit of income. Other than that, I'd rate good gameplay as more important that accurate simulation 99 times out of 100, so again, that says "no wages" to me.

Bit of a ramble there. Brain still waking up

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #50 on: December 16, 2009, 08:43:04 AM »
I got the idea from reading a hypno comic.
I mean a girl who has no normal human will. 
This girl type could be a unique commodity that is mainly used for selling.  They are a little difficult to make but can be sold for higher prices than it takes for you to make them.  You can also make something like a pet trading center where you load the pet slaves to others for a constant income.

Offline dcb42

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #51 on: December 16, 2009, 08:50:28 AM »
I mean a girl who has no normal human will. 

Meek, Dependent, Mind-Fucked... these all seem to fit the bill of what you're talking about without the need for an entirely new category of slave, methinks.

Also, this is where I once again suggest the acronym of KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid! Too many options and too much micromanagement makes a fun game stop being a fun game and start being, y'know, work. :)

Offline DocClox

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #52 on: December 16, 2009, 08:58:09 AM »
This girl type could be a unique commodity that is mainly used for selling.  They are a little difficult to make but can be sold for higher prices than it takes for you to make them.  You can also make something like a pet trading center where you load the pet slaves to others for a constant income.

I think it's a cool idea and would make a good subject for an event, or for maybe for a mod like the Abby's Crossing one I want to make some day. The game has a lot of the bits you'd need to make it work, and I'm planning on adding the rest, before too much longer.

That said, I can't see us coding it into the base game any time soon.

Let me get the Lua integration sorted out and we can revisit the idea. Maybe get a mod project started :)

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #53 on: December 16, 2009, 03:19:21 PM »
I think a good way to increase the importance of slaves is actually add a cost of life, for example you give your slaves food boarding and medicine, and i suppose you own their houses, have a cook and a doctor in your ranks(even if it is not stated explicitly). So how about adding a base value multiplied by a random number to denote the economical situation of the city and thus the cost of life. Then you could fix their accommodations to a certain level of income, this would decrease happiness when the prices are high and make them happy when they are low, and it can somewhat be fixed by decreasing your share in their earnings. On the other hand keep the housing situation of slaves as it is now completely under player control. That way you can micromanage the happiness of slaves while the happiness of free girls depends on your share of the earnings and the world.

That way you can make free girls more random as they are in reality, while as you take care of most if not all necessities of your slaves, their lives are quite stable. Also it would be good idea to add traits like greedy or luxurious, so if a girl find the pay isn't enough to get the livehood level they want they may spontaneously quit.

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #54 on: December 16, 2009, 06:49:52 PM »
Going back to the slave license thing. It does sound interesting when mixed with the idea that zodiac44 had earlier about some people willingly becoming slaves. Gonna sound odd and probably rather code intensive, but how about 4-5 types of girls. Free girls/Market or Regular slave girls (Legal+Registered)/Contracted Slaves (People who offer themselves for shelter/food/debt and is legal)/Monster girls/Illegal Slaves (girls you kidnap and forcibly brand). The license could be a 'registration fee' *coughbribecough* to convert your Illegal Slaves to regular slaves so if you are raided you are not fined for them and can sell them. (you cant tell me such a corrupt gov would not keep track of slaves for possible income *coughblackmailcough* purposes). Also maybe have to purchase licenses for certain acts/jobs. (ex. Tentacle monster keeping license, License to keep monster girls legally - seein as they are liable to tear someone apart if they go berserk, Movie Production license, Alcohol license, Gambling License, Stripping license, various others too.) You COULD choose to do the acts w/o the licenses, but if caught you could be fined and lose rep. Also would have the added bonus of making the 'bribery' option at city hall more useful since gives even more reason for gov not to go snooping around your businesses. By having the licenses it would improve your rep or something.

Perhaps the 'take a walk' action in town could have a few different options added to it as to where you take that walk. Say you walk through the slums and find a starving girl on the streets with no money/home and she offers herself as a slave (which would be legally free as a 'contract'). Also a wealthier part of town with bored rich daughters wanting to rebel against their parents or something willing to work as free girls. Maybe 3-4 areas of town you can choose to 'walk' and search, with certain areas having better chances of finding girls but lower quality or something.

Offline Command

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #55 on: December 28, 2009, 02:39:46 PM »
Here's a thought on the topic of cost of life.
how have some situations where you have girls that are less independant and more lossed in the head to be cheaper.  Those would likely not do many tasks that would cost more money aside from food, shelter, and medical care.
Also I do like the idea of having some girls voluntarily becomming slaves so they could be fed and such.  It would offer an interesting side to the story.
Also I had a though of an event.  Why not have an event where your kidnapped and then almost enslaved by some nut girl then you eventually get an option to do the same to her after a terf war with her gang.  I mean if you can do it to others it maybe a good idea to have some close calls for your character as well.

Offline ShiningRadiance

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #56 on: December 28, 2009, 03:42:45 PM »
Here's a thought on the topic of cost of life.
how have some situations where you have girls that are less independant and more lossed in the head to be cheaper.  Those would likely not do many tasks that would cost more money aside from food, shelter, and medical care.
Also I do like the idea of having some girls voluntarily becomming slaves so they could be fed and such.  It would offer an interesting side to the story.
Also I had a though of an event.  Why not have an event where your kidnapped and then almost enslaved by some nut girl then you eventually get an option to do the same to her after a terf war with her gang.  I mean if you can do it to others it maybe a good idea to have some close calls for your character as well.

...It would be funnier if the government did a raid at the moment she tried to, caught her trying to brand you illegally without a license, and arrested her. Then you could decide to buy her from them and brand her yourself legally.
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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #57 on: December 28, 2009, 08:39:07 PM »
It could also follow with some annoying antics for the characters.  Like the psyco keep's thinking of her as the main character's superior and keeps trying to disaplin him.
Like a character who is a conceeded nutjob.

Offline zodiac44

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #58 on: December 28, 2009, 09:44:25 PM »
When the scripting system is fixed/rewritten/whatever Doc is planning, this kind of stuff should be easy enough to do.
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Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Slavery Ideas
« Reply #59 on: December 29, 2009, 02:46:13 PM »
I like a lot of the ideas here. A "rival" of sorts... or rather some girl who claims to be your rival could be really interesting event or rather several events. I would think of her as more of a comedic addition to the game at first and once you progress within her line of events she'll become a nuisance. Kind of like Mid-boss in Disgaea I would think. You can even give her an underling.

I'm really excited to see an improved scripting system. Would be nice to single out story characters  or event images to another folder, the characters folder is getting pretty full!
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