Anyways, I still have all the assembled celebrities from years and years ago in my WM folder and am in the process of updating them for new skills and sorting/adding images to them for new jobs/acts/etc. I think I'll have it together and ready to upload next weekend. Given the sheer volume, I may have to break them up into groups. Once the existing celeb's I have are operational, I'll start adding new girls in as I am able. (I'm thinking Alison Brie for starters, but am open to suggestions)
If you create an account on you can upload an entire folder of individual girl zips and share them all at once.
Put each girl into her own zip with the .(r)girlsx file and her folder, then anyone who wants only specific girls can download just that one.
With mega you can share individual files or the entire folder or both.
We can then sort the folder by date and download new files you upload to that folder.
It make sharing files so much easier.
My question is: when I am putting images in the girl's folder, can I have an unextended pic name? for example: I know that sex1 or sex(1) will be used by the game, but will just "sex.jpg" be read by WM?
Yes "sex.jpg" will work and if you also have "sex.jpeg" and "sex.png", they will be seen as 3 different images.
See this for more details -
Image Names that the game will recognize