Do you happen to know if there's a way to swap out or remove the initial message in the town meet? It requires that every scenario start with you approaching a woman, which is a little limiting.
Sorry, that is hard coded into the game.
I will see what I can do to make that changeable.
I have added a way to skip the default intro for "MeetTownDefault.script" by adding a file called "MeetTownDefault.script.intro".
If this file is not there, it will use the original intro; If the file is empty, there will be no intro; If there is any text in the file, that will be used as the intro.
It is a plain text file.
When I tried to add it to the girls as well I hit a minor problem but I got that fixed.
Update 2: I have added this to the Arena, Studio and Clinic walks as well.
Basically you can just add files "MeetArenaTry.script.intro", "MeetCastingTry.script.intro" and "MeetClinicTry.script.intro" and get rid of the default intros.
Edit: I attempted to duplicate a 'event template' block in a text editor and prefix the ActionNumber with an additional so that they would have different numbers and, presumably, work. The WME found this acceptable, but won't re-save it. Is there another way to do this?
The game will also load and save both .script and .scriptx files
Open the ./Resources/Scripts folder and run the game (not in fullscreen).
If you want to convert the .script to .scriptx, remove the .scriptx and activate the script in the game.
It will read the .script and save it as .scriptx.
To save the .scriptx as .script, remove the .script file and activate the script in the game.
The game does not care about the ActionNumbers as much as WME does so you can leave them out when doing it this way.
If the script does not save properly or crashes the game, then you have something wrong in the script.