

What should I prioritize next? (a * after a choice means I am currently working on that)

Player Stuff
20 (8.5%)
Girl's interactions (with each other)
25 (10.6%)
Scripts (interactions with the player)
46 (19.5%)
New Stats, Skills and Traits
10 (4.2%)
Existing Stats
1 (0.4%)
Existing Skills
3 (1.3%)
Existing Traits
6 (2.5%)
5 (2.1%)
12 (5.1%)
9 (3.8%)
8 (3.4%)
General Jobs
4 (1.7%)
Farm Jobs
9 (3.8%)
9 (3.8%)
2 (0.8%)
Remaking the interface
15 (6.4%)
New stuff
8 (3.4%)
Whore Master Editor
4 (1.7%)
No priority
3 (1.3%)
This poll will be reset when I start a new section or add more choices so check back often.
37 (15.7%)

Total Members Voted: 137

Author Topic: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.04.01  (Read 1193791 times)

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Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05s.05
« Reply #60 on: August 09, 2014, 12:51:27 PM »
Aevojoey, so you've not taken up on the idea to use this interface; as the official one?
It's much more pleasing to the eye IMO, although I dunno if the author(s) are around here lately.
Which could sadly mean we're not getting it updated for the future versions at all.
I am currently rewriting the code of how interfaces are handled.
For now, I am only editing my J_1024x768 interface folder.
There is no point in editing all other interfaces now when several other things will change by the time .06 comes out.
When I get farther along on the code, I will start editing the other interfaces to update them.

Is there a way we can get this on a SVN?
Sorry, I forgot about the svn.
I usually only push to the svn when I have finished a section and have tested it for bugs.

(Also, I've pushed the game to the point where it refuses to load, but I'm fine with that)
What do you mean?
The farm is far from ready so if you are running the game from the svn, there will be problems.

If you send a girl on a quest, the script is god awful. (aka: "Girl gets wood, Girl fails super crit, Farmer demands money" type script)
I don't write scripts, I code.
When I get to the script handling section and convert it to xml, I will look at what I can do to fix it.
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Offline 0nymous

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05s.05
« Reply #61 on: August 09, 2014, 05:40:19 PM »
I am currently rewriting the code of how interfaces are handled.
For now, I am only editing my J_1024x768 interface folder.
There is no point in editing all other interfaces now when several other things will change by the time .06 comes out.
When I get farther along on the code, I will start editing the other interfaces to update them.

Point of my question was, why update the original interface at all and not just abandon it in favour of the -IMO better- one, thus not doing the same work twice?
Unless working on the interface has nothing to do with actual coding and it's just graphical updates...

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05s.05
« Reply #62 on: August 09, 2014, 06:46:10 PM »
Point of my question was, why update the original interface at all and not just abandon it in favour of the -IMO better- one, thus not doing the same work twice?
Unless working on the interface has nothing to do with actual coding and it's just graphical updates...
I guess it is just personal preference.
The J_1024x768 interface is what I am used to and is already setup with the current settings.
I just have not gotten around to editing the Wood interface.
My mind is currently on the code and not the text or images needed for the Wood interface.

I intend to make the code check the interface folder for images and use the default if they are not there.
When I get to that part, I will start the Wood interface.

I have been thinking of ways to make an interface editor.
I'm not sure how I can make it, but if I do it will be interesting.
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Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t
« Reply #63 on: August 14, 2014, 05:22:21 AM »
Pushed .05t
I think I fixed some of the bugs but I didn't really bug test it much.
I am still working on cGirls.cpp, not even 10% of the way through it, it is one of the largest files in the game.
I have basically just been working on whatever I see, no real focus.
I have not really been working on any of the jobs, just letting Crazy do those for now.

I fixed a problem where updateskill() was changing skillmod instead of the the actual skill.
I want to make traits and items use skillmod and statmod instead of the actual skill or stat.
So the main stat/skill will only change with experience and the mods will then be added to that.
When this is done, some older games will need to be adjusted because the way the game handles stats and skills will be very different.
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Offline dmotrl

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.01
« Reply #64 on: August 18, 2014, 04:24:51 AM »
Okay, question:  How do I make it so it's in Fullscreen mode?  I just got around to downloading .05t.

Offline TitanSon

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.01
« Reply #65 on: August 18, 2014, 04:28:17 AM »
edit the screenmode.txt and type ur resolution in there i think

Offline dmotrl

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.01
« Reply #66 on: August 18, 2014, 04:36:46 AM »
edit the screenmode.txt and type ur resolution in there i think
Nope, changing that doesn't do anything anymore :/

Offline TitanSon

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.01
« Reply #67 on: August 18, 2014, 04:55:47 AM »
and if you tyoe there that fullscreen is true?

Offline Yukinohki

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.01
« Reply #68 on: August 18, 2014, 05:18:02 AM »
It's part of the config.xml in the main folder now
directly at the beginning are the resolution and fullscreen settings.

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.01
« Reply #69 on: August 18, 2014, 10:31:00 AM »
Okay, question:  How do I make it so it's in Fullscreen mode?  I just got around to downloading .05t.
edit the screenmode.txt and type ur resolution in there i think
It's part of the config.xml in the main folder now
directly at the beginning are the resolution and fullscreen settings.
The screenmode.txt has been merged with config.xml.
You can delete screenmode.txt.
The Whore Master Editor works now so it is the easiest way to modify the config.xml
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« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 10:34:17 AM by aevojoey »
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Offline dmotrl

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.01
« Reply #70 on: August 19, 2014, 12:35:08 AM »
The Whore Master Editor works now so it is the easiest way to modify the config.xml
Ah, okay, thanks!

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.02
« Reply #71 on: August 19, 2014, 01:59:59 PM »
New Poll - Gangs
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Offline Grokon

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.02
« Reply #72 on: August 20, 2014, 03:03:09 AM »
Hello, I find LANG folder with other languages, but how I can change it in game?

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.02
« Reply #73 on: August 20, 2014, 12:39:42 PM »
Hello, I find LANG folder with other languages, but how I can change it in game?
The Lang folder is a remnant of old code that looks like it was never implemented.
All the files in that folder are the same so it looks like nothing was ever done with it.
It is only called in the code once and looks like it doesn't do much.
If you delete the lang folder the game still runs with no errors.
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Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05t.03
« Reply #74 on: August 24, 2014, 11:08:41 PM »
!!! Good News !!!

The Farm is not as broken as I thought it was, just a few unchanged numbers causing some chaos.
The Farm works at a minimal level, the jobs don't really do much right now but they all "work".
.05u is canceled and .06 should be out soon, just working out a few minor bugs.
I still need to finish the Matron jobs a little more as I was working on that when the BSOD killed part of it.
Matrons will not be intelligent enough to assign girls to new jobs just yet, but they will send them back to work if they were resting.

The old beast carer job from the brothel stables has been moved to brothel general and that will only affect the beasts in that particular brothel.
When the beasts at the farm are worked on, they will send some beasts from the farm to the brothel and more will be sent if you have a beast carer on duty.

The Farm hotkey is "F9" and the Items have been moved to "I".
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