

What should I prioritize next? (a * after a choice means I am currently working on that)

Player Stuff
20 (8.5%)
Girl's interactions (with each other)
25 (10.7%)
Scripts (interactions with the player)
46 (19.7%)
New Stats, Skills and Traits
10 (4.3%)
Existing Stats
1 (0.4%)
Existing Skills
3 (1.3%)
Existing Traits
6 (2.6%)
5 (2.1%)
12 (5.1%)
8 (3.4%)
7 (3%)
General Jobs
4 (1.7%)
Farm Jobs
9 (3.8%)
9 (3.8%)
2 (0.9%)
Remaking the interface
15 (6.4%)
New stuff
8 (3.4%)
Whore Master Editor
4 (1.7%)
No priority
3 (1.3%)
This poll will be reset when I start a new section or add more choices so check back often.
37 (15.8%)

Total Members Voted: 136

Author Topic: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.04.01  (Read 1114825 times)

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Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.15
« Reply #135 on: November 17, 2014, 02:19:29 AM »
Well, i hope my english isn't to bad...ask if you need some more details. And very thanks for your hard work. This version is pretty nice *_*
Your English is good enough for me. I've seen worse and still understood it  :P
The only problem I have is that you should not use the "[" or "]" when writing in the forums, use "(" and ")" instead.
"[" and "]" is seen by the forum software as you trying to tell the code to do something.

Hi. i've been "testing" your work today and i found some little bug. Maybe i just can't grasp some of the game mechanics (i played all the versions around here from the very firts, original one) but this seems a bug to me. The point a very early point, the game give the mission to "buy a new brothel"...but i cant find them! XD So i can't go on with the missions. Until i get a new brothel, i will not futher recive any mission, so this game is gone for good
So i wished to ask if there is a way (like in the original) to buy a new brothel. Or maybe, a time to "fail" the mission and then go to the new one.
There are 7 brothels total in the game, the one you start with, then 6 more you can buy.
You can only buy the next brothel in the list if you have all the lesser brothels.
At the start of the game there are only 2 brothels visible on the town map, your first one and the second one.
When you buy the second brothel, the third appears, buy the third and the fourth appears, and and so on until you have them all.

BTW in the original game, if i'm correct, you could use the 2 arrow (left and right)(i played all the versions around here from the very firts, original one) on the brothel main screen, to see the other brothels you can "buy" ora manage. in your version those arrow are useless since they don't work at all ^^
The arrow keys to change between the brothels is only for the brothels you already own.
Once you buy the brothel from the town map, the arrow keys, as well as the number keys (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), will switch between the brothels you own.

Also, i see another thing appening. No more girl can be found after a bit, with the "walk around" and also unique girl in the slave market are very rare. i uploaded most of the Lurker's pack, but just have found 20 unique girl, so far. That's something i whant to point out ^^ you can load a thousand unique girls, but rarely get more then 20-25 per game.
The way the game handles the different types of unique girls is a little hard to explain.
The number of girls you have in your Characters folder is not really a good measure of how many you may get in the game.
There are several types of girls and the type of girl determines where she can be found.
Not all of the types are properly coded in the game at the moment so getting some girls will be harder than others.
I need to rework those parts of the code before they work fully.

As it is now, there are 3 special types of girls, "Slave girls", "Catacomb girls" and  "Arena girls".
If a girl is labeled as a "Slave girl" she can be bought in the slave markets.
"Catacomb girls" can only be encountered in the Catacombs.
"Arena girls"  can only be encountered in the Arena. (doesn't always work properly)
If a girl does not have any of those labels, she can be encountered in town or sometimes in the slave markets.
These rules sometimes do not work as intended, the code still needs more work.
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
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Offline fenicearcana

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #136 on: November 17, 2014, 01:12:17 PM »
hehehe understood, i won't use anymore the ---> [] XD
i'll check again today... i simply didn't see at all what other brothels are on the map. i buyed the center without even know what it was, cince there isn't any name displayed when you try to buy a new place.

For the girls, i know about the 3 special "type" but most of the girls in the various packages are just plain girl. still i get often the same girl again and again if i try to start new games. well, anyway you have done a great job and i'm very intrigued by it. I don't know how to "code" and that's a pity... the script to get the girl in the "walk around" is plain... it will be cool to have some more choice and maybe also some place where you can go recruiting girl but with some "courting" or maybe gifting them some specific item.

I don't recall the name, but there was another game where you had the chois to visit place and spending "AP-action points" to chat with girls, in a very expanded making jokes, hug them, gift them things, try to kiss, and so on...and a bar showed theyr "love" for you. when the bar was almost full, you were able to recruit them. that was pretty interesting.

In this game i dont see around the "love/hate" stat showed around...did i miss it?or is a "invisible" stat?

Also i found quite strange the way you can interact with girl. you go in theyr room, ask for sex, they refuse, you force them...and them you go again, ask for sex and they accept..." so i don't know, something is strange there. i'd like to help, but i miss the skill to do it XD so i can just point at the things i see around the game :P
Thanks for your fast answer and for your Time ^^

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #137 on: November 17, 2014, 06:36:45 PM »
i'll check again today... i simply didn't see at all what other brothels are on the map. i buyed the center without even know what it was, cince there isn't any name displayed when you try to buy a new place.
As I update the graphics system, I will be updating all the screens.
I will try to make them much more interactive and detailed.

For the girls, i know about the 3 special "type" but most of the girls in the various packages are just plain girl. still i get often the same girl again and again if i try to start new games. well, anyway you have done a great job and i'm very intrigued by it. I don't know how to "code" and that's a pity... the script to get the girl in the "walk around" is plain... it will be cool to have some more choice and maybe also some place where you can go recruiting girl but with some "courting" or maybe gifting them some specific item.
The way the game chooses what girl you meet is not very well done.
I will try to make it better later on.

I don't recall the name, but there was another game where you had the chois to visit place and spending "AP-action points" to chat with girls, in a very expanded making jokes, hug them, gift them things, try to kiss, and so on...and a bar showed theyr "love" for you. when the bar was almost full, you were able to recruit them. that was pretty interesting.
I have played a lot of games like that.
That kind of system does not really work well with the number of girls in this game.
There will be more, better, and deeper interactions added over time.
If you want to write text for them, they will get in faster :p

In this game i dont see around the "love/hate" stat showed around...did i miss it?or is a "invisible" stat?
Love, Hate and Fear are subtle stats.
The exact numbers are not shown in the game (unless you have the extra details enabled) but a simple text for them is on the main girl list page under the girl's picture.

Also i found quite strange the way you can interact with girl. you go in theyr room, ask for sex, they refuse, you force them...and them you go again, ask for sex and they accept..." so i don't know, something is strange there. i'd like to help, but i miss the skill to do it XD so i can just point at the things i see around the game :P
These interactions are controlled by the default scripts found in the ./Resources/Scripts folder or if a girl has her own scripts in her folder.
The ones included in the game are fairly old but CaptC has made a more updated version you could try -
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
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Offline fenicearcana

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #138 on: November 18, 2014, 03:54:40 AM »
As I update the graphics system, I will be updating all the screens.

The actual system is annoying. I means i can shift between Brothels with arrows, but i have to go in city to visit my house, or certre, arena and so on. This make a bit confusing controlling all of the girl. Also when the "turn summary" show up, you have to check one by one each place to see if girls are fine. It will be SOOOO better to have all the girls in one list. at least to see if they are in the blue status (they have some problem) or they are neutral or fine (green status)

I will try to make them much more interactive and detailed.
The way the game chooses what girl you meet is not very well done.
I will try to make it better later on.
I have played a lot of games like that.
That kind of system does not really work well with the number of girls in this game.
There will be more, better, and deeper interactions added over time.

Umm you definetly are right. We use so much unique girl... conquering each of them will be a long story... and beside, i don't even know how the game choose them. Have they a numeric ID who in granted to them the first load of the game? That would be a way to have all of them. Someting like adding a specific ID like: A(rena) #####  (## era numbers XD) (G)eneric Unique ##### (C)atacomb ##### ...that id, assigned on each game start, will assure us the game itself show the girl in the game, at certain point, checking what ID are already found. well that is just an idea, i can code just in basic so i'm quite useless here XD

If you want to write text for them, they will get in faster :p

You mean i can write the normal text for unique girl, then give it to you, and you'll code it? XD
That would help?  Maybe i can try, why not. I remembrer in the older version there was a script for "Cammy" (Street Fighter). It was about doing some choice and let her join or refuse. But i'm not very convinced about that kind of "event". You not always found gils, walking around, and you can have the scrift depriving you of your chance... but i can try to do some event text. I don't know how to code it, unless i can use "notepad" and see how the event is done XD
Anyway another question for you, who have your hand in deep part of the code....
Doing bad things like kidnapping girl, brand them slave, sell them, rape your own girls who doesn't obey you, or slapping them and so on... affect in any way the game? if they do, how?
Also, if th brothel start to be "suspicios" and "not nice" how can you go back, or in the opposite direction? I've tried a lot of time to be a nice employer but i always end on the bas side XD

Love, Hate and Fear are subtle stats.
The exact numbers are not shown in the game (unless you have the extra details enabled) but a simple text for them is on the main girl list page under the girl's picture.
These interactions are controlled by the default scripts found in the ./Resources/Scripts folder or if a girl has her own scripts in her folder.
The ones included in the game are fairly old but CaptC has made a more updated version you could try -

i'll try tio see those script then. how can i open them? i mean to read how the code is compiled, to have an idea of how they work.

Thanks for your time and patience :)

PS: obviously i found the other brothels. still a little "pop up" or visible tag on the icons will help the newbies. i still don't know what the orange house in the bottom right is XD ill' have to buy it to know what's that XD

PPS: the hospital can heal gilr. can it also heal some negative trait, like fairy shroud addicted, herpes and so on? The items in the game are so much that sometime you can't simply buy the cure since it does't show at all for a long time

PPPS: it would be nice to have the chance to save in multiple file, not alwais the same. that to prevent also the corruption of the file and the crash who force you to restart the game
« Last Edit: November 18, 2014, 05:01:48 AM by fenicearcana »

Offline Hazure

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #139 on: November 18, 2014, 11:25:21 AM »
The Center has a Drug Councilor Job that can help the girls with addictions....and you name the next brothel when you buy them...and the second is on the bottom right.  The Hospital is mostly for plastic surgery, healing, and abortion/fertility treatments.

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #140 on: November 18, 2014, 01:11:07 PM »
The actual system is annoying. I means i can shift between Brothels with arrows, but i have to go in city to visit my house, or certre, arena and so on. This make a bit confusing controlling all of the girl.
I added a Hotkeys currently in the game section to help.

Also when the "turn summary" show up, you have to check one by one each place to see if girls are fine. It will be SOOOO better to have all the girls in one list. at least to see if they are in the blue status (they have some problem) or they are neutral or fine (green status)
When I get to reworking that screen, I will see what I can do.

Umm you definetly are right. We use so much unique girl... conquering each of them will be a long story... and beside, i don't even know how the game choose them. Have they a numeric ID who in granted to them the first load of the game? That would be a way to have all of them. Someting like adding a specific ID like: A(rena) #####  (## era numbers XD) (G)eneric Unique ##### (C)atacomb ##### ...that id, assigned on each game start, will assure us the game itself show the girl in the game, at certain point, checking what ID are already found. well that is just an idea, i can code just in basic so i'm quite useless here XD
They are given a number code but it does not really do much as far as I know.
This part of the code will get fixed eventually.

You mean i can write the normal text for unique girl, then give it to you, and you'll code it? XD
That would help?  Maybe i can try, why not. I remembrer in the older version there was a script for "Cammy" (Street Fighter). It was about doing some choice and let her join or refuse. But i'm not very convinced about that kind of "event". You not always found gils, walking around, and you can have the scrift depriving you of your chance... but i can try to do some event text. I don't know how to code it, unless i can use "notepad" and see how the event is done XD
i'll try tio see those script then. how can i open them? i mean to read how the code is compiled, to have an idea of how they work.
There is a "Script Editor" included with the game in ./Docs&Tools/ScriptEditor.
The problem is it is old and no one has the source code for it so it can not be updated.
I plan on rewriting the way scripts are made but have not gotten to it yet.

The main problem I have is that I am not a good story teller.
If I have a base text, I can edit a story to make it better but creating a story from scratch is difficult for me.
If you want to write texts for some of the jobs as for what the girl does, says and descriptions for the jobs, I can add them to the game.

Anyway another question for you, who have your hand in deep part of the code....
Doing bad things like kidnapping girl, brand them slave, sell them, rape your own girls who doesn't obey you, or slapping them and so on... affect in any way the game? if they do, how?
Also, if th brothel start to be "suspicios" and "not nice" how can you go back, or in the opposite direction? I've tried a lot of time to be a nice employer but i always end on the bas side XD
The Centre gives you ways of increasing your reputation and reducing suspicion.
A few of the other buildings do as well but the Centre is the best.

PS: obviously i found the other brothels. still a little "pop up" or visible tag on the icons will help the newbies. i still don't know what the orange house in the bottom right is XD ill' have to buy it to know what's that XD
The "orange house" is the farm.
No one made an icon for the farm when I asked for one so I recolored the centre's icon and plopped it there.

PPS: the hospital can heal gilr. can it also heal some negative trait, like fairy shroud addicted, herpes and so on? The items in the game are so much that sometime you can't simply buy the cure since it does't show at all for a long time
The Centre has "Rehab" that removes addictions.
The Clinic has healing and surgeries to add or remove physical traits.
The Farm is not done yet but it will have ways to research cures for diseases and other things to do some things.
The Arena has combat training that increases combat, magic, agility and constitution.
The Clinic also has the "Intern" job that improves the girls intelligence, charisma and medicine.

PPPS: it would be nice to have the chance to save in multiple file, not alwais the same. that to prevent also the corruption of the file and the crash who force you to restart the game
This is something I would like to add.
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
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Offline fenicearcana

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #141 on: November 18, 2014, 02:28:52 PM »
Umm ok understood. Well i "am" a storyteller, but i don't know how can i really help. I mean, how far can i go with the story? I created around 10 games with RPGMaker, and it used variables, flags, switch... i don't know how Crossgate Woeks :D But let me try to make a fast example:

Can you assign a script to each girl, who will prompt something after some turns? leet say that we create 3 unique girl "vampire" and say that they "must" feed on blood after 5 turn. can we do this event that "each vampire girl must suck blood every five turn"? Sucking blood can be anithing from a random negative event with the client murder and the girl jailed (i never see any of my girl going into jail o.ò) or maybe you can feed them a new item "blood pills" to avoid it? Or choose a girl to feed them, reducing her healt of 10-50 (maybe she can die) and tiredness+ 10-50?

I mean...hom far can i go?

I'd like also to understand if being mean to girl and going suspicious had a real impact on game? We can explore in that way the story, maybe searching information about our lost father...or mother! i've plenty of ideas, and i'm sure also other people can have...but i don't know if you can add somuch things in the game XD

Offline Hanzo

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #142 on: November 30, 2014, 07:23:18 AM »
One of my girls used a compelling dildo to lower her lust, is it the only item that triggers it? The others don't seem to do anything...

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #143 on: December 01, 2014, 01:55:44 PM »
Umm ok understood. Well i "am" a storyteller, but i don't know how can i really help. I mean, how far can i go with the story? I created around 10 games with RPGMaker, and it used variables, flags, switch... i don't know how Crossgate Woeks :D But let me try to make a fast example:

Can you assign a script to each girl, who will prompt something after some turns? leet say that we create 3 unique girl "vampire" and say that they "must" feed on blood after 5 turn. can we do this event that "each vampire girl must suck blood every five turn"? Sucking blood can be anithing from a random negative event with the client murder and the girl jailed (i never see any of my girl going into jail o.ò) or maybe you can feed them a new item "blood pills" to avoid it? Or choose a girl to feed them, reducing her healt of 10-50 (maybe she can die) and tiredness+ 10-50?

I mean...hom far can i go?
If you look at the source code, the "cGameScript.cpp" and "cTriggers.cpp" handle the game scripts.
I have not done much with scripts so I am not too familiar with how they work.
I have planned on rewriting the script handling system but it has been pushed back when other things came up.

I'd like also to understand if being mean to girl and going suspicious had a real impact on game? We can explore in that way the story, maybe searching information about our lost father...or mother! i've plenty of ideas, and i'm sure also other people can have...but i don't know if you can add somuch things in the game XD
Being mean to a girl affects her love, hate and fear to you.

Suspicion does not do much unless it goes over 20.
Above 20 the police can start raiding your businesses.

One of my girls used a compelling dildo to lower her lust, is it the only item that triggers it? The others don't seem to do anything...
Not all items are coded into the game to have the girls use them if they have them.
These items are:  "Android, Assistance", "Android, Combat MK I", "Android, Combat MK II", "Anger Management Tapes", "Appreciation Trophy", "Apron", "Art Easel", "Cat", "Chrono Bed", "Claptrap", "Compelling Buttplug", "Compelling Dildo", "Computer", "Disguised Slave Band", "Fishnet Stocking", "Free Weights", "Guard Dog", "Journal", "Libary Card", "Maid Uniform", "Manual of Arms", "Manual of Bondage", "Manual of Health", "Manual of Magic", "Manual of Sex", "Manual of Two Roses", "Manual of the Dancer", "Noble Gown", "Pet Spider", "Rainbow Underwear", "Rejuvenation Bed", "Room Decorations", "Short Sword", "Stripper Pole", "Television Set", "The Realm of Darthon", "White String Bikini"
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Offline fenicearcana

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #144 on: December 01, 2014, 03:03:25 PM »
If you look at the source code, the "cGameScript.cpp" and "cTriggers.cpp" handle the game scripts.
I have not done much with scripts so I am not too familiar with how they work.
I have planned on rewriting the script handling system but it has been pushed back when other things came up.

the source code is this, right??

But i can't seem to find "cGameScript.cpp" and "cTriggers.cpp" anywhere. >.>'' can you point me with a link?
I've downloaded "Code::Block" to better understand how the game work, but i still have a long way to learn how to compile :)

Offline Tyrgalon

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #145 on: December 01, 2014, 05:02:30 PM »
Just a quick question:

Is the default image folder just meant to be copy pasted into the characters folder of the game?

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #146 on: December 01, 2014, 06:12:25 PM »
Jus a quick question.

I know you can use the script function to change the girl interactions and stuff. But is there a way to change, and or add messages to the "Next Week" summary screen?

For instance, you could add a message if the girl has the trait "Exhibitionist" when doing the job "Peep Show", improving thier money and skill at this job, and getting a unique message. I notice it does this for certain jobs and traits, such as the "Barmaid" and high libido, and would like to be able to add more.

Same with is the girls own certain items. I know many have this already, as mentioned in an earlier post, but would like to make custom messages for custom items and outfits.

If this is not possible yet, how possible would it be to implement it in the future, using something similar to the script editor maybe?



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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #147 on: December 01, 2014, 07:48:06 PM »

Not all items are coded into the game to have the girls use them if they have them.

So the effects are tied to the item name... isn't there a way some items can have the same effect?

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #148 on: December 02, 2014, 08:51:37 PM »
the source code is this, right??

But i can't seem to find "cGameScript.cpp" and "cTriggers.cpp" anywhere. >.>'' can you point me with a link?
I've downloaded "Code::Block" to better understand how the game work, but i still have a long way to learn how to compile :)
The files list is split into groups of 100, at the top of the list is the "‹ Prev" "Files 201 - 300 of 401" "Next ›"

I use TortoiseSVN to upload/download the files from the SVN.

I am looking at changing from VSE to Code::Blocks to edit also but have not gotten around to it.

Is the default image folder just meant to be copy pasted into the characters folder of the game?
Yes, "./Resources/Characters/Default" (capital D)

I know you can use the script function to change the girl interactions and stuff. But is there a way to change, and or add messages to the "Next Week" summary screen?

For instance, you could add a message if the girl has the trait "Exhibitionist" when doing the job "Peep Show", improving thier money and skill at this job, and getting a unique message. I notice it does this for certain jobs and traits, such as the "Barmaid" and high libido, and would like to be able to add more.

Same with is the girls own certain items. I know many have this already, as mentioned in an earlier post, but would like to make custom messages for custom items and outfits.

If this is not possible yet, how possible would it be to implement it in the future, using something similar to the script editor maybe?
Only the hard coded texts can go into the turn summary at this time.
I have planned on adding more functions to the itemsx files but have not gotten to it yet.

If you want us to add your text variations to the game, post them or attach them as a txt file.
If you look at the source code for "Peep Show" you can see how it is made and tailor your own variations to make it easier for us to copy/paste it into the main source.

So the effects are tied to the item name... isn't there a way some items can have the same effect?
Post your suggestions and they will get added.
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Offline Hanzo

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.00.16
« Reply #149 on: December 04, 2014, 08:05:29 PM »

Post your suggestions and they will get added.

Well, I was thinking that the codexes should have the same effect as their manual counterpart, and sex toys their corresponding masturbation effect.

EDIT - Speaking of manuals and codexes, I continued with the cycle and made two for the new medicine skill. I'll post them if you want to add them to the game.

On a side note, can we have dedicated stores (an armory, tailor, etc) instead of one generic shop?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 04:21:35 AM by Hanzo »