
Author Topic: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now  (Read 1173313 times)

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Offline MrKlaus

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1590 on: September 25, 2016, 05:08:01 AM »
The girl base class is always Ayne for the first daughter.
And i did a quick child to check this...

In test game1 she got a name and it was Ayne! Reloded couple of times and is Ayne 100% of the time. Child of a unique girl.
In test game2 she didn't get a name, but the base is still is Ayne. Child of a unique girl.
In test game3 she didn't get a name, but the base is still is Ayne. Child of a random girl.

In test game4 and test game5, after removing the Ayne folder and girlsx the 1st daughter is fully random with random traits. 
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 05:38:10 AM by MrKlaus »

Offline Tyrgalon

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1591 on: September 25, 2016, 05:29:49 AM »
That is because Ayne is the only unique girl set to be born as your daughter. The game will always first give you all the inque girls with the "born as your daughter" in their spawn/location setting, and after that it only gives you random girls. I wish there was a way to make unique girls be born to you without forcing it by manually changing the girls file :/

Offline MrKlaus

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1592 on: September 25, 2016, 05:41:18 AM »
That is because Ayne is the only unique girl set to be born as your daughter. The game will always first give you all the inque girls with the "born as your daughter" in their spawn/location setting, and after that it only gives you random girls. I wish there was a way to make unique girls be born to you without forcing it by manually changing the girls file :/

Thanks for the tip. Edited the file ;)

Offline bsin

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1593 on: September 25, 2016, 09:48:07 AM »
Glad you got it figured out.

Offline crazy

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1594 on: September 29, 2016, 05:18:15 AM »
Bsin sent me a new patch to fix the 1000 customer bug so I'll be posting it up soon.

Finding things to do on the game is hard right now as I can't test shit.  But I plan to finish the film dom job soon. From there maybe the drug lab can be made but not sure. I also plan to add a few new ways a girl might refuse to work. Nothing huge but will make things fill more real.

Going look at adding a few things to the script to let the player marry girls.

Offline dmotrl

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1595 on: September 29, 2016, 10:25:01 AM »
Finding things to do on the game is hard right now as I can't test shit.  But I plan to finish the film dom job soon. From there maybe the drug lab can be made but not sure. I also plan to add a few new ways a girl might refuse to work. Nothing huge but will make things fill more real.
One thing I've been thinking about is the Matrons (and Head Girl/Director/Doctore/Chairman/anything I missed).  Apart from one incident where Guards caught a Matron trying to swipe some petty cash and some sporadically-firing maybe-events - lines about customers watching them because of their traits, for example - they don't have much to do.  Would it be possible to have them occasionally partake in the services offered (getting a massage or meal/drink at the bar/club), maybe invite the player to eat (discussing business or pleasure), or discipline some girls automatically (or just for fun, if Sadistic :P)?  It does seem like one of the emptier (if almost-necessary) jobs.

Offline crazy

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1596 on: September 30, 2016, 12:10:11 AM »
One thing I've been thinking about is the Matrons (and Head Girl/Director/Doctore/Chairman/anything I missed).  Apart from one incident where Guards caught a Matron trying to swipe some petty cash and some sporadically-firing maybe-events - lines about customers watching them because of their traits, for example - they don't have much to do.  Would it be possible to have them occasionally partake in the services offered (getting a massage or meal/drink at the bar/club), maybe invite the player to eat (discussing business or pleasure), or discipline some girls automatically (or just for fun, if Sadistic :P )?  It does seem like one of the emptier (if almost-necessary) jobs.
Sure more could be done like this and needs to be really. Writing isn't my best thing so can be hard to do so feel free to post some stuff if u want to.

Offline dullman

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1597 on: September 30, 2016, 01:36:04 PM »
I like this game, so whilst it seems there is introduce of 1000 customer information, maybe you should introduce to game achievements for girls?? (Like 10, 100, 1000 served customers, 10,100,1000 titty fucks, oral, normal, anal etc.) I believe it would only need additional variables to keep history of girls, i think it would increase joy from game.
As i post here i also have a second proposition which would need more work. Introduce to work small events which have a low chance to trigger (like 10%) but give you additional rewards if successful or penalty if failed (Check is based on stats, skills, traits etc.) like : "During serving a customer girl realized it's one of wealthiest man in town and tried to appeal to him (random check based on stats/skills/etc) success: She successfully catch a big fish and receive additional gold for service fail: The customer leave brothel angry without paying anything and girl lost some of her skill" It would show on log as important information so that we have more important information than only leveling up or gaining traits.

Offline dmotrl

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1598 on: September 30, 2016, 04:01:19 PM »
Sure more could be done like this and needs to be really. Writing isn't my best thing so can be hard to do so feel free to post some stuff if u want to.
:P  Will do!

Let's see ....
Code: (Dungeon Interaction) [Select]
If no Torturer is present:
"[Matron] descends into the dungeon to check on things.  She doesn't find any problems."

If no Torturer is present, there are prisoners, and the Matron is a Sadist:
(Show "Dom" picture)
"[Matron] descends into the dungeon to check on things.  She decides to indulge herself a little and takes a whip to one of the girls, taking care not to hurt her ... too much."

If Torturer is present:
"[Matron] descends into the dungeon to check on things.  [Torturer] shows her around and points out some minor problems."

If Torturer is present and Matron is a Masochist:
(Show "BDSM" picture)
"[Matron] descends into the dungeon to check on things.  [Torturer] shows her around the cells, and [Matron] asks her for a personal demonstration of her technique.  She has a great time."

If Torturer is present and Matron is a Sadist:
"[Matron] descends into the dungeon to check on things.  She and [Torturer] compare tools, techniques, and other details of the profession."

If Torturer is present, there are prisoners, and Matron is a Sadist:
(Show "Dom" picture)
"[Matron] descends into the dungeon to check on things.  [Torturer] shows her around the cells, and [Matron] asks if she can have a little fun with a girl or two.  [Torturer] keeps her from going overboard."

Code: (General Job Interactions) [Select]
"[Matron] inspects the brothel to make sure the staff is hard at work keeping it clean.  Finding that they're doing a good job, she congratulates them on their fine work."

Low Filthiness:
"[Matron] inspects the brothel to make sure the staff is hard at work keeping it clean.  She quietly points out some areas that need improvement but praises their hard work."

Moderate Filthiness:
"[Matron] inspects the brothel to make sure the staff is hard at work keeping it clean.  Upset with them, she scolds them and publicly marches them through the building, pointing out the problem areas."

Moderate Filthiness, Matron is Sadistic:
"[Matron] inspects the brothel to make sure the staff is hard at work keeping it clean.  Upset with them, she publicly marches them through the building, yelling at them and slapping them when she points out problem areas."

"[Matron] inspects the brothel to make sure the staff is hard at work keeping it clean.  Horrified at the level of filth in the building, she forces them to work overtime to clean it up."

Filthy, Matron is Sadistic:
"[Matron] inspects the brothel to make sure the staff is hard at work keeping it clean.  Outraged at the level of filth in the building, she strips them naked and forces them to roll around in the muck before making them work overtime to clean it up."

Security, Advertising:
"[Matron] quietly follows the staff to make sure they are doing their jobs correctly and being polite to customers."

Customer Service:
"[Matron] watches the service representative to make sure the customers are being helped effectively."
Something that might be interesting - although I'm not sure it would be worth trying to code - would be making the Matron an active participant in events.  For example, if she's inspecting Security when there's something that needs to be responded to, she might help out (and possibly suffer the consequences, if her fighting skills aren't good enough).

Code: (Bar Interactions) [Select]
Poor-quality Cook:
"[Matron] samples one of the meals at the Bar.  She quietly instructs the cook to improve the meals, then goes to her room to rest."

Poor-quality Cook, Sadistic Matron:
"[Matron] samples one of the meals at the Bar.  Furious at the quality of food, she publicly humiliates [Cook] and closes the Bar so she can work on her cooking."

Medium-quality Cook:
"[Matron] samples one of the meals at the Bar.  Unable to fault it, she quietly compliments the cook."

High-quality Cook:
"[Matron] samples one of the meals at the Bar.  Delighted with the food, she sends her compliments to the cook."

High-quality Cook, Cook is a Chef:
"[Matron] samples one of the meals at the Bar.  Awed at the quality of the food, she publicly endorses [Cook]'s meals."

Poor Pianist, Matron is Tone Deaf:
"[Matron] applauds [Pianist] at the end of a piece, although she is the only one.  Embarrassed and slightly humiliated, [Pianist] refuses to play for the rest of the shift."

Poor Pianist, Matron is Sadistic:
"[Matron] heaps scorn on [Pianist]'s playing, telling her to practice more.  After she leaves, some of the patrons and other staff try to calm the sobbing girl."

Code: (Player Interaction) [Select]
Business Meeting:
"[Matron] talks with you about the brothel, mentioning problem areas in the staff and facilities, and how well the girls are getting along with each other.  A typical meeting for the two of you."

"[Matron] meets you in your office for a short meeting, then - with your permission - climbs onto your lap for a quick session before returning to work."

"[Matron] meets you in your office for a short meeting, but before she returns to work you convince her to stay for something a bit more personal."

BDSM (Masochist Matron):
"[Matron] meets you in your office for a short meeting, then begs you to abuse her before she has to go back to work.  Tied up and bent over the desk, you whip and spank her, and she finally climaxes when one of your girls walks in.  Smiling, you greet her as [Matron] blissfully starts putting her clothes back on."

Code: (Girl Interactions) [Select]
Lesbian (Bisexual or Lesbian Matron):
"Feeling horny, [Matron] visits one of the whores with the excuse that she's performing a skill check.  It doesn't fool anyone, but no one minds."

"When one of the girls acts up, [Matron] is quick to have her brought to her office where she gives the girl a lecture on the importance of proper behavior.  The dungeon and worse are mentioned quite seriously before she sends the girl back to her duties."

Discipline (Sadistic Matron):
("Dom" picture)
"When one of the girls acts up, [Matron] is quick to act, scolding and slapping her to make sure the point gets across.  She even brings a whip, although she doesn't use it ... much to her disappointment."

Discipline (Sadistic Lesbian Matron)
("Dom" picture?)
"When one of the girls acts up, [Matron] has the girl brought to her office, where she is tied up and raped by the cruel woman.  After sating her lust and making her point clear, [Matron] walks the naked girl back to her room to continue her duties."

Fake Discipline (Sadistic Matron):
("Dom" picture)
"Feeling restless, [Matron] has one of the staff brought to her for punishment.  After a brisk whipping with [Matron]'s favorite toy, she sends the poor worker back to work with a warning to not make that mistake again."

And after writing that, I realize that most of them could have two or more variations based on applicable traits or stats ... but that's enough.  For now, anyway.  I'll try to get some stuff for the other buildings done over the next couple days.

And, of course, feel free to adjust or add to any of them if you want to.  I'm specifically not good at writing sex scenes, for example :D

Offline Tyrgalon

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1599 on: October 01, 2016, 01:58:21 AM »
Would be nice to get the fix for that 1000 customers thing, don´t want to continue on old saves while its still around :)

Offline crazy

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1600 on: October 01, 2016, 06:01:13 AM »
Would be nice to get the fix for that 1000 customers thing, don´t want to continue on old saves while its still around :)

Ever heard patience is a virtue?  lol anyway this should fix it.!ZpQ2DBTb!mULd65oDzK-SHeTvsXWcuUIsYnlB79hAL8oTfkGhOKM

Offline Tyrgalon

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1601 on: October 01, 2016, 10:02:17 AM »
Ty :D

And yes I have heard it, tho figured getting a fix out would mean more peace for you to work on all the other awesome stuff you have mentioned ;)

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1602 on: October 01, 2016, 03:24:10 PM »
I have not been on the forums in a few months so I am responding to every question in the order they are asked so if someone has already answered them I have not read the answer yet.

Can someone explain to me, what exactly is causing this lose of the Optimist trait (screenshot in attachment)
I have fixed this for the next version.
The check to see if the accommodation was positive or negative was not added so if the girl had +9 acc she could still lose Optimist.
Now she can only loose Optimist and gain Pessimist if acc is negative and vice versa.

The age thing is something I have been thinking about changing for WM7.
Instead of just having 1 age stat, I would make 4;
1. Chronological Age: The actual amount of time they have been alive. This would be the one that changes at a constant rate by game time.
2. Physical Age: The age they appear to be compared to normal human aging.
3. Psychological Age: Their mental development age, adjusted by traits like Retarded, Mind Fucked, Genius, etc.
4. Social Age: How long they have been interacting with people.

One thing keeps poping in the next wek report. For every girl set up for whoring, a green !Goodnews! pops every week: "She have slept with 1000 people(...)". It's happening in a new game.
I like this game, so whilst it seems there is introduce of 1000 customer information, maybe you should introduce to game achievements for girls?? (Like 10, 100, 1000 served customers, 10,100,1000 titty fucks, oral, normal, anal etc.) I believe it would only need additional variables to keep history of girls, i think it would increase joy from game.
I have moved this into the end of the day events so all girls can give this message.
I expanded it to notify her total for the first week and then when she passes 100, 500 and 1000.
I only did basic texts and an extra for the Optimist trait.
Code: [Select]
    stringstream goodnews;
    /* */if (girl->m_NumCusts == girl->m_NumCusts_old)    {}    // no customers
    else if (girl->m_NumCusts < girl->m_NumCusts_old)    {}    // lost customers??
    else if (girl->m_NumCusts_old == 0 && girl->m_NumCusts > 0)
        goodnews << girl->m_Realname << " has serviced her first";
        /* */if (girl->m_NumCusts == 1)            goodnews << " customer.";
        else if (girl->m_NumCusts == 2)        goodnews << " pair of customers.";
        else if (girl->m_NumCusts == 12)    goodnews << " dozen customers.";
        else        goodnews << (int)girl->m_NumCusts << " customers. ";
        goodnews << " She is sure to service more as long as she works for you.";
    else if (girl->m_NumCusts_old < 100 && girl->m_NumCusts >= 100)
        goodnews << girl->m_Realname << " serviced her first hundred customers.";
        if (girl->has_trait("Optimist") && girl->happiness() > 80) goodnews << " She seems pleased with her accomplishment and looks forward to reaching the next level.";
        else goodnews << " You see great potential in this one.";
    else if (girl->m_NumCusts_old < 500 && girl->m_NumCusts >= 500)
        goodnews << girl->m_Realname << " serviced five hundred customers.";
        if (girl->has_trait("Optimist") && girl->happiness() > 80) goodnews << " She seems pleased with her accomplishment and looks forward to reaching the next level.";
    else if (girl->m_NumCusts_old < 1000 && girl->m_NumCusts >= 1000)
        goodnews << girl->m_Realname << " has slept with 1000 people.. You gotta wonder if its like throwing a hot dog down a hallway at this point.";

    if (goodnews.str().length() > 2)    girl->m_Events.AddMessage(goodnews.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_GOODNEWS);

    girl->m_NumCusts_old = girl->m_NumCusts;            // prepare for next week

« Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 03:35:10 PM by aevojoey »
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
Get the Current Version <|> Discuss the Game <|> Report a bug

Offline aevojoey

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« Reply #1603 on: October 01, 2016, 06:05:15 PM »
The Main thread is here -

You must start a new game when moving to .06
* If you find a bug, please report it on the bug thread - Crazy and PP's mod bug thread
* For discussion of the game, use Crazy's original thread - Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
* For Items discussion or to submit your own Items - ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
* For Suggestions or Requests for new content (Not Girls) - Possible Add-Ons to the Game?

* Warnings For Version .06.02.00

Version: .06.02.30 -!oQRBFRhJ!h1UkZeuJo4qS0D9k99CtEEpMG98cNpWOPoTli4zbuSk
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.30 -
Included all the changes done by the other guys while I was gone.
Moved and expanded customer count milestone messages.
Fixed accommodation trait add/remove checks.

Version: .06.02.31 -!dJoiAbxK!Ps8TbTmQZfYOnys5uxLeFNPY-aAEdByOaDp_GeSMyRE
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.31 -
Merged Pull Request by mjsmagalhaes in GitHub
 - Condensed Inventory screen item text into one "write_item_text" function.
 - Added "Enter" key to start next week on the Turn Summary screen

Expanded on the "write_item_text" function
Fixed the Inventory list boxes to correct next item selection after moving an item.
Added "NextTurnEnter" to "Resolution" section of config.xml for those who don't want to use it.

Version: .06.02.32 -!FYRCEC7b!l0smJtqbZ5jKCFpS1RDXkMIEIOcekUTzWLdZRsACrGg
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.32 -
Fixed a bug in the Inventory screen where the owner list would reset to Player | Shop when moving items.
Added several keybord interactions:
 - Any key will clear a message box.
 - Enter key on girl lists will go to the girl details page.
 - Up and Down arrows move choice boxes and Enter selects the choice.
 - Updated Hotkey lists (9 and 0).

Version: .06.02.33 -!VdgnnQQb!2ioFeb30gZo3X6wI_riiUhiNF_QTqxvK1e7GrzDXZSE
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.33 -
Fixed a bug in the inventory screen - using consumable items did not refresh the item list
Added items to the Tailor job
Normalized wages and tips across most jobs
Added things to and cleaned up whore jobs.

Version: .06.02.34 -!9AgFhZYZ!w8ZIBWc3AH--8vdq9f4DeRkJJzdaUQ8vIEsC7wSptpY
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.34 -
Fixed a few issues in wages and tips

Font Sizes and Row Heights for List Boxes and Edit Boxes are now editable in the interface .xmls.
Just add FontSize and RowHeight to the ListBox line and adjust the column widths to compensate for the larger text.
If they are not specified, they use the default numbers.
Code: [Select]
<ListBox Name="FileName"              XPos="8"   YPos="8"   Width="328" Height="288" Border="1" FontSize="15" RowHeight="30"/>

Version: .06.02.35 -!EQ5z1YoD!REzg-QryGhpQ5N_JHASZ7v70H0czfsL4sAmr_BZnfE0
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.35 -
Consolidated and cleaned up the Free Slave button
Started Consolidation and cleaned up of fire girl button
Cleanup of Studio management
Added fontsize to text boxes

Version: .06.02.36 -!pAJk3RgY!aX6W7biFyJNTkZTamYHC3qVPPfd3zyVZDR54riVzk_g
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.36 -
Consolidated and cleaned up cScreenTown::buy_building
Added multiline header question to choice boxes
Added ChoiceBoxHeader to InterfaceColors.xml

Version: .06.02.37 -!VJoElajZ!dgC9cnEi1flXK-wjnjQU5jTimuQSpW07YBZtvB5JSTM
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.37 -
Total rewrite of Free/Fire/Sell buttons
 - Added them to all buildings
Added list box hotkeys to all buildings
Fixed a bug where girl_details_screen.xml font size did not load properly
Remove multiple DeadGirl() functions replacing it with one selected_girl->is_dead() function
Created girl->breast_size() function for breast size number, normal is 4, 1 is flat, max is 10

Added in some WorkFilmGroup stuff by Eiri666

Merged in Pull request #15 by mjsmagalhaes
 - Try to achieve a better balance for the harsher form of torture.
 - Make the item sales multiplier in the config file effective.
 -  - Also update the sell price in the Item Management screen
 - Expose the remaining duration of the Kidnapped trait to the (dungeon) interface.

Version: .06.02.38 -!wNR3DBJb!PryyfrxMJjh4XOsjqD9dT48033tgbaDS-NnIMBQmRB8
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.38 -
Debugged the game
 - blank.png was 1x1 pixel and the resizer did not like it - replaced it with 100x100 blank.png and most crashes stopped.
 - Fixed a bug in the gallery - crashes when pressing up at the top or down at the bottom of the list.
 - config.xml > "Income > ItemSales" and "Expenses > Items" were reversed

Version: .06.02.39 -!NRBh2KTQ!hLKls7calgfbcvlsKq9FUIrXQ25uCEbPU3OqQalrSVA
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.02.39 -
###  Changes 10/17-25/2016
Fixed a typeo in WorkFilmGroup.cpp "Porn Star" trait check
Cleaned up cWindowManager.cpp/h
Cleanup of cScreen* files
Merge pull request #16 from mjsmagalhaes
 - Image scaling and Listbox Improvements
Started adding Settings screen
Added LeftOrRight option for check boxes.

###  Changes 10/25-11/23/2016  -- did not work on the game

###  Changes 11/24-28/2016
Created "J_1920x1080" interface
Fixed interface scalinig issue so font sizes and list box columns scale properly
 - Added "FixedScale" to config.xml to allow to older interfaces to still work
Added "OwnersLeftDetails" and "OwnersRightDetails" to itemmanagement_screen.xml

!!!! There were several other changes but I lost track of what they were.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 08:21:31 PM by aevojoey »
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
Get the Current Version <|> Discuss the Game <|> Report a bug

Offline bsin

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1604 on: October 01, 2016, 07:05:14 PM »
Great to see you Joey.
Quote from: aevojoey
I am starting to feel better so I am going to be on a little more.
Great that you're better, I...
Quote from: aevojoey
I am having surgery on October 10th and will not be able to work for 3 weeks...
:o Damn! Hope you're okay there. Hope it all goes well, and it's always good to see you here.

Quote from: dmotrl
Let's see ....
Code: (Dungeon Interaction)
I'll have a look at matron job and see if I can start adding this.