
Author Topic: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now  (Read 1251289 times)

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Offline pronatrator

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1380 on: August 04, 2015, 05:30:41 PM »
What are the requirements of the background images?  Like brothel1, brothel2, clinic, movies etc.

jpeg? png? gif? size?

Some of the images I've substituted work and some of them don't and I haven't been able to figure out why that is.

Offline Linsroz

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1381 on: August 04, 2015, 06:18:28 PM »
It's jpg for most png for the main clinic image and arena.

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1382 on: August 04, 2015, 07:30:06 PM »
What are the requirements of the background images?  Like brothel1, brothel2, clinic, movies etc.

jpeg? png? gif? size?

Some of the images I've substituted work and some of them don't and I haven't been able to figure out why that is.
This is controlled in the interface files.
In the .\Resources\Interface\J_1024x768\arena_screen.xml
Code: [Select]
<Image    Name="Arena"    File="Arena.png"        XPos="8"    YPos="48"    Width="584"    Height="480"    />
Just change the File="Arena.png" to your file name.
jpg, jpeg, png and (non animated) gif should work.

The width and height listed in the xml is the size the image gets scaled to.
If you make your image the same size, it will not need to be scaled.
If you make your  image a different ratio, ie. wider but shorter, the image may not scale properly.
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Offline pronatrator

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1383 on: August 04, 2015, 07:45:30 PM »
Awesome thanks!   I have a number of pics that I change out in the background to keep things fresh.  Also was trying to see just how many different places I can use gifs. =P

Btw, did you ever get a change to look at the webm stuff I posted?   Just curious.  i understand you've got a lot on your plate atm.

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1384 on: August 04, 2015, 09:27:44 PM »
Awesome thanks!   I have a number of pics that I change out in the background to keep things fresh.  Also was trying to see just how many different places I can use gifs. =P

Btw, did you ever get a change to look at the webm stuff I posted?   Just curious.  i understand you've got a lot on your plate atm.
The background and buttons can not use animated gifs because they are handled differently than the girls images.

I did take a look at webm but I did not see enough code that I could easily integrate.
Given enough time, I could probably make it work but my job is taking up a lot of time.
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Offline Chiles

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1385 on: August 06, 2015, 01:23:53 AM »
So i made a fresh start with the latest version, following the newbie guide and still for some reason the only item that appears in the shop are repeated consumables called "psychologist session" and even when it says that my gangs brought back items nothing shows up in my inventory, already searched various threads and didn´t find anything like my case so i guess  i´m the only dumb dumb doing something wrong and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions please

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1386 on: August 06, 2015, 08:35:42 AM »
So i made a fresh start with the latest version, following the newbie guide and still for some reason the only item that appears in the shop are repeated consumables called "psychologist session" and even when it says that my gangs brought back items nothing shows up in my inventory, already searched various threads and didn´t find anything like my case so i guess  i´m the only dumb dumb doing something wrong and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions please
Check the "./Resources/Items" folder and see what .itemsx files are in it.
The base game has 770 .itemsx files, if you are missing some, there may have been a problem with extracting the game from the zip.

Alternately, check the directory above the exe's directory, you can also create an "Items" folder there with the "Characters" and "DefaultImages" folders.
If you make that but you only have 1 item in it, the game will only see that item.
Remove the "Items" folder and the game will use the default "./Resources/Items" folder.
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Offline deadkingblue

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1387 on: August 10, 2015, 11:20:33 AM »
Hey since i'm occasionally asking you to put things in that are hours of work, Maybe you kan tell me about an offical request thread for crazys mod? ANYWho. I was thinking that you could have rivals more interactive. Like a diplomacy system simillar to Civ. I think it might be pretty easy to re-purpose the system that reads girlsx files and make it read some data about rivals. So that you can make alies, spy, and maybe even buy unique girls this way. It would also add to the game to have a somewhat limited city. Instead of Nameless business', have street names,  and a map showing who owns what, so that you can negotiate their purchase, Weaken their defences with spying, or just attack using the usual methods, gangs. And you can make this all still fit the aspect of an adult game by making your rivals 'aquirable'. Meaning that if you defeat them, you enslave them. On an unimportant side note, if you make it a daily management game you can add alot more control to the player. Again requesting hard things, deadkingblue.

Offline Lurker

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1388 on: August 10, 2015, 11:46:18 AM »
Hey since i'm occasionally asking you to put things in that are hours of work, Maybe you kan tell me about an offical request thread for crazys mod? ANYWho. I was thinking that you could have rivals more interactive. Like a diplomacy system simillar to Civ. I think it might be pretty easy to re-purpose the system that reads girlsx files and make it read some data about rivals. So that you can make alies, spy, and maybe even buy unique girls this way. It would also add to the game to have a somewhat limited city. Instead of Nameless business', have street names,  and a map showing who owns what, so that you can negotiate their purchase, Weaken their defences with spying, or just attack using the usual methods, gangs. And you can make this all still fit the aspect of an adult game by making your rivals 'aquirable'. Meaning that if you defeat them, you enslave them. On an unimportant side note, if you make it a daily management game you can add alot more control to the player. Again requesting hard things, deadkingblue.

More jobs is cool and all but the games needs to be more of a game imo. :3

Offline Anonemuss

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1389 on: September 08, 2015, 09:16:21 AM »
...I've seen the other threads for this mod, so I know it's still quite active, so why's conversation on this thread come to a standstill?

Offline Sorren

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1390 on: September 08, 2015, 09:54:14 AM »
...I've seen the other threads for this mod, so I know it's still quite active, so why's conversation on this thread come to a standstill?

Real life, there's only a limited number of us who actually throw and discuss ideas into threads. Plus we tend to use other threads as well.

Offline Anonemuss

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1391 on: September 08, 2015, 10:01:08 AM »

Real life, there's only a limited number of us who actually throw and discuss ideas into threads. Plus we tend to use other threads as well.
Yeah, I noticed other threads for this mod are still very active.

Offline aevojoey

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« Reply #1392 on: September 12, 2015, 06:06:07 PM »
The Main thread is here -

You must start a new game when moving to .06
* If you find a bug, please report it on the bug thread - Crazy and PP's mod bug thread
* For discussion of the game, use Crazy's original thread - Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
* For Items discussion or to submit your own Items - ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
* For Suggestions or Requests for new content (Not Girls) - Possible Add-Ons to the Game?

* Warnings For Version .06.02.00

Version: .06.02.18 -!hMQ02IrZ!nRgIBBDItomC7Sw7tBEOBv1MHNw9U4xZDqj9VJNNcBk
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.18 -
Added Boy children can go to gangs when the grow up.
Fixed a bug in Barmaid giving too much tiredness.
Fixed a bug in Script_AdjustTargetGirlStat to compensate for the new STAT_NPCLOVE so older scripts will work properly
 - Added AdjustTargetGirlSkill for new scripts
Fixed a bug where beast pregnancies used human pregnancy time from config.xml
Fixed a bug in sGirl::clear_pregnancy() that left the unborn child in the girl's code even after ending the pregnancy.
Made cGirls::CreatePregnancy function to allow for creating pregnancies outside of pregnancy check.
Rewrite of how pregnancy items work.
 - Entirely new section in cInventory::Equip to handle pregnancy items
 - Good and bad effects still need to be added.
Adjusted a few numbers in create random girls.
 - Kidnapped girls spirit, confidence, obedience and pchate are now random instead of a fixed amount
Fixed a bug in cDungeon::AddGirl where location changes for the girl were made after she was already converted to m_Girl thus doing nothing.
Minor rewrite of cGameScript::Script_AddRandomGirlToDungeon
 - AddRandomGirlToDungeon ["Kidnaped" or "Captured"] [min age] [max age] [slave] [nonhuman] [arena] [daughter]
 - Added your daughter option to the code
 - Added arena and daughter to the old script editor
 - Rewrite of the age calculation to work better
Added ReadTextFile(DirPath path, string file) to allow for easy text file input
 - Updated Walk/Tryout to use ReadTextFile for .intro files.
Made Walk/Tryouts run directly off their main area page instead of opening its own page.
 - Studio Tryouts, Arean Tryouts and Clinic Walk around ER

WME - Added Trait Type customization to Traits page
 - Not fully functional yet

Version: .06.02.19 -!oVYFnTbY!XU2M3kLWboNc6ggXPNiPQO3FiBCK3tBNZQ6WQ2aOWWY
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.19 -
Fixed a bug in Boy children can go to gangs when they grow up.
A little more work on pregnancy items.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2016, 11:46:49 AM by aevojoey »
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Offline bsin

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1393 on: October 20, 2015, 09:52:45 PM »
Away for while... Return with code!
Started as expansion but grew to rewrite of WorkPersonalBedWarmer.cpp
Adds randomness, trait variations, head-girl actions/interventions and slave-orgy.
It also levels more making this viable training path
To support, slaves can no longer refuse this job... or at least are always 'persuaded' to stay.

Code attached

Offline lyje1618

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1394 on: October 21, 2015, 11:16:35 AM »
Wow, bsin, this is incredible work! Thanks for writing this, and I definitely just learned a lot about how to write in a way that can be coded by reading it.

Seriously, awesome stuff.