Author Topic: Some of the basic concepts and variables in Crazy's Mod  (Read 58165 times)

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Offline aevojoey

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Some of the basic concepts and variables in Crazy's Mod
« on: April 13, 2015, 04:02:42 PM »
--- Some of the basic concepts and variables in Crazy's Mod ---
Updates and Notes for Crazy's ModThe most recent version of the game. (Primary thread)
Whore Master EditorThe most recent version of the Editor.
Stats and Skills Explained(Separate thread)
Jobs in each Building(Separate thread)
Accommodation(Second post on this thread)
House Percent and Ask Price(Third post on this thread)
Config.xml and the Settings page(4th post on this thread)
Building Setup and Special Building Pages(5th post on this thread)
Town Buildings(6th post on this thread)
Objectives and Rewards(7th post on this thread)
Player Stats(8th post on this thread)
Moving the folders(Separate thread)
Gangs(Separate thread)
Items(Separate thread)
Image Names that the game will recognize(Post on primary thread)
Hotkeys currently in the game(Post on primary thread)
Girls list Column Headers(Post on primary thread)

This thread will get updated over time.

If there is something that is a minor component/feature of the game, I will add a section for it here.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 04:38:01 PM by aevojoey »
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« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2015, 04:02:58 PM »
--- Accommodation ---
Initially added in version .06.01.18  ---  Added in .06.01.19

Accommodation (Accom) is how much you spend on room and board for your girls.

In early versions of the game, there were only 6 levels of accommodation.
This was expanded to 10 in .06.01.06 (marked with a *).

Slaves cost 5 gold per Accom level and Free girls cost 20.
Accommodation  |  #  |  Slave Girl Cost  |  Free Girl Cost
Bare Bones *  |  0  |  5  |  20
Very Poor  |  1  |  10  |  40
Poor *  |  2  |  15  |  60
Adequate  |  3  |  20  |  80
Comfortable *  |  4  |  25  |  100
Nice  |  5  |  30  |  120
Good  |  6  |  35  |  140
Great *  |  7  |  40  |  160
Wonderful  |  8  |  45  |  180
High Class  |  9  |  50  |  200
Eventually the farm will be able to lower the cost by producing the food instead of you having to buy it.

Before version .06.01.18, all Accom levels used the same formulas to adjust the girl's mood.
In .06.01.18 and after, Preferred Accom was added and the difference from the actual Accom is used as the modifier.
The higher the modifier, the better the girl will like you.

Preferred Accommodation: (PA)
This is the level of Accom that the girl expects you to provide her.
Setting it lower will make her unhappy and may make her hate you.
If you set it higher, she will like you more but excess does not always add up.

Slaves PA starts at 1.0 and goes up 0.1 each level.
Free girls PA starts at 2.5 and goes up 0.3 each level.
Pregnant girls add 1.5.

*? - Girls can only use one of some types of items and some traits take precedence over others. (Queen plus Elegant will only use Queen modifier)
Trait that raise PAModifierExplanation
Your Wife+2.0 *aYou married her.
Your Daughter+1.0 *aShe is your kid.
Queen+3.0 *bRoyalty is accustomed to higher quality stuff.
Princess+2.0 *bRoyalty is accustomed to higher quality stuff.
Noble+1.0 *b
Elegant+0.5 *b
Heroine+0.5A hero would expect to be treated better
Bimbo+2.0she needs a place to keep all her stuff
Broodmother+2.5she needs somewhere to raise her kids
Actress+2.0 *c
Porn Star+1.0 *c
Iron Will+1.0
Nerd+0.5she probably spends her free time in her room
Traits that lower PAModifierExplanation
Open Minded-0.5'I can sleep anywhere'
Dependant-1.0she will take what you give her
Adventurer-1.0she likes sleeping under the stars
Farmers Daughter-1.5 *d
Country Gal-1.5 *d
Optimist-0.8 *e'I can make due with what I have'
Pessimist-1.0 *e'whatever'
Whore-1.5She works on her back so much, the floor doesn't matter.
Homeless-2.0used to live outdoors
Masochist-2.0'I deserve to sleep on rocks'
Mind Fucked-5.0
Items that Adjust PAModifierExplanation (items PA will be editable in the future)
Chrono Bed-3.0 *fShe gets a great night sleep so she is happier when she wakes up.
Rejuvenation Bed-1.0 *fShe gets a good night sleep so she is happier when she wakes up.
150 Piece Drum Kit+0.5Though she may annoy her neighbors and it takes a lot of space, it is fun
Art Easel-1.0She can make her room nicer by herself.
Computer-1.5Something to do but it takes up a little room
Free Weights+0.2She may like the workout but it takes up a lot of room
Stripper Pole+0.1She may like the workout but it takes some room to use
Television Set-2.0When she stares at this, she doesn't notice anything else
Room Decorations-0.5They make her like her room more.
Nightmare Orb+0.2She does not sleep well
Happy Orb-0.5She has happy dreams
Lovers Orb-0.5She really enjoys her dreams
Appreciation Trophy-0.1Something nice to look at
Safe by Marcus-0.3Somewhere to keep her stuff where ske knows no one can get to it.
Anger Management Tapes-0.1When she listens to these it takes her mind off other things
Library Card-0.5She has somewhere else to go and she can bring books back, they keep her mind off other things
Stick Hockey Game+0.3While fun, it takes a lot of room to not break things
The Realm of Darthon-0.1She and her friends can have fun together but they need some space to play it
Weekly Social Therapy Session-0.1She has somewhere to go and get her troubles off her chest.
Android, Assistance-0.5This little guy cleans up for her
Black Cat-0.3Small and soft, it mostly cares for itself
Cat-0.3Small and soft, it mostly cares for itself
Claptrap-0.1An annoying little guy but he does help a little
Death Bear+2.0Having a large bear living with her she needs a little more room.
Deathtrap+1.0Having a large robot guarding her her she needs a little more room.
Guard Dog+0.2Though she loves having a pet, a large dog takes up some room
Pet Spider-0.1A little spider, she may be afraid of it but it takes her mind off her room
Smarty Pants-0.2A little stuffed animal to hug and squeeze

The final PA is rounded down and can not go above 9 or below 0.

When the girl gets to 9 PA and you have her at 9 Accom, she will be content and her mood will stay fairly even.

If her Accom is +/- 2 from her PA, she will only have a slight adjustment to her mood.
If her Accom is more than 2 lower than her PA, she will start getting much more annoyed.
If you throw your Bimbo Queen Broodmother Wife in a Bare Bones room, she will probably never forgive you.

When the girls Accom is higher than her PA, modifiers are a little more weighted in the middle.
If her Accom is 2-5 above her PA, she will get more out of it for the money.
If her Accom is more than 5 above her PA, she will only get a little more than if it was 5.

There are several traits that can be added or removed from various combinations of PA and Accom:
"Homeless" can be lost if she is constantly pampered.
"Masochist" can be added or removed if her PA and Accom are far apart.
"Optimist" and "Pessimist" likewise can be added or removed though this is more likely if she is happy or sad.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2017, 09:31:27 PM by aevojoey »
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House Percent and Ask Price
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2015, 04:03:06 PM »
--- House Percent ---

House Percent (H%) is the percent of the money that the customers pay for the girl that the house keeps.
Slaves have a starting H% of 100 so the house keeps it all, Free girls have a starting H% of 60.
Both starting H% can be changed in config.xml and the individual girl's H% can be changed in the game.

Config.xml has some other setting in the <Initial> section that can affect the girl's money in other ways.
Setting|Default|Range|What it does
GirlsHousePerc|60|0 to 100|Sets all Free girl's starting house percent
GirlsKeepTips|true|true/false|If true, free girls keep tips separate from pay. (not all jobs use this yet)
SlaveHousePerc|100|0 to 100|Sets all Slave girl's starting house percent
SlavePayOutOfPocket|true|true/false|If a job is payed by the Player and not a customer, do you pay Slaves or not?
SlaveKeepTips|false|true/false|If true, free girls keep tips separate from pay. (not all jobs use this yet)
GirlsAccom|5|0 to 10|Base Accommodation for Free Girls
SlaveAccom|1|0 to 10|Base Accommodation for Slaves
AutoUseItems|false|true/false|Automatically use items from the Player's inventory on girls (not all items are coded in)
AutoCombatEquip|true|true/false|Put on or take off armor and weapons if the girl is working a job that does or does not require combat

--- Ask Price ---

Ask Price is how much the girl can charge customers for her services.
Ask Price can range from 0 to 100 and is recalculated often.
It consists of: (((Charisma + Beauty) / 2) * 0.6) + (Intelligence / 10) + (Confidence / 10) + (Fame / 2) + (Level * 10))

In older versions of the game there was a +0 to +30 random bonus at the start of the girl's shift and Ask Price was limited to 0to100.
Starting in .06.01.20, this bonus was changed to be more random based on the girls stats.
The base Ask Price is still limited to 1-100 but the bonus can make it go above 100 so she can charge customers more.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 11:33:01 AM by aevojoey »
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Config.xml and the Settings page
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2015, 04:04:50 PM »
--- Config.xml and the Settings page ---

I will be adding the settings page so you can change settings in config.xml in the game itself soon.
It will have a save button to save the config.xml that is in the folder above the exe's folder.
The game loads the config.xml that comes with the exe then the one in the folder above.
Not all settings will be available while the game is running.

See Moving the folders for where the config.xml files are stored.

Config.xml: is divided into several sections.
<Folders All folder positions are relative to the exe file.   
BackupSaves="true" If true, a backup is made in the (version)\saves folder as well as the ..\saves folder.
Resolution="J_1024x768"The name of the interface folder you use.
Width="1024"The width and...
Height="768"...height of the interface.
ScaleWidth="800"Older versions of the game had the interfaces scaled in the code...
ScaleHeight="600"...Scale width and height are here to allow older interfaces to still work.
FullScreen="true"ture or flase
ListScrollAmount="3"how many lines are scrolled at a time
TextScrollAmount="3"how many lines are scrolled at a time
Gold="4000"Starting gold
GirlMeet="30"% chance to meet a girl when doing walkabout
GirlsHousePerc="60"Base free girl house percent
GirlsKeepTips="true"Are free girl tips separate from house percent
SlaveHousePerc="100"Base slave house percent
SlavePayOutOfPocket="true"Wether or not slave girls get paid by the player directly for certain jobs
SlaveKeepTips="false"Are slave tips separate from house percent
GirlsAccom="2"Base free girl accommodation
SlaveAccom="2"Base slave accommodation
AutoUseItems="false"whether or not the game will try to automatically use the player's items
AutoCombatEquip="true"whether girls will automatically equip/unequip weapon and armor automatically
TortureTraitWeekMod="1"How harsh torture is thus how long traits given by torture last (-1 = permanent)
HoroscopeType="1"There are 2 types of of horoscopes, 1: Tropical (Western) and 2: Sideral (Hindu)
<Income>For Income it looks like only "SlaveSales" does anything.
<Expenses>"ActressWages", "GirlSupport", "Bribes" and "Fines" do nothing that I can see with just a quick look.
"BarSupport", "CasinoSupport", "StaffWages" are not used because that part of the code is no longer used.

"MatronWages" affects Matrons' wages.
"SlavesBought" works for the other side of the Income "SlaveSales".
"Advertising" works as intended.
"GoonWages" is used to pay your gangs.
"Consumables" is used for the prices of gang healing potions, nets and anti-preg potions.
"Items" is only used for gang weapons.
"Training" is only used for the Brothel training job.
"MovieCost" is in the cTarrif code but is never used. It will eventually be used to pay for the creation of movies in the Studio.
"BuyBrothel" is used for buying new buildings and adding rooms to them.
"BrothelSupport" affects a 2 gold per empty room cost for buildings.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 08:02:23 PM by aevojoey »
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Building Setup and Special Building Pages
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2015, 04:09:10 PM »
--- Building Setup and Special Building Pages ---

There are three screens that every building has and some buildings have a couple more specific to them.

Girls List Page
The most used screen is the Girls List pages that you control what the girls do.
(This will probably get its own thread or post somewhere else so I will just do basics here.)
You can get to it by clicking the Building's icon on the town map then "Girl Management" or by pressing the hotkey for that building.
F1 for the Brothels, F12 for the House, F5 for the Studio, etc. (See - Hotkeys currently in the game)

Building Summary Page
The primary screen is the Building Summary page that lists customer happiness, financial information and some other things.
You can get to it by clicking the Building's icon on the town map or by holding <shift> and pressing the hotkey for that building.
<shift>F1 for the Brothels, <shift>F12 for the House, <shift>F5 for the Studio, etc.
You can also get to it by pressing <esc> from the Girls List page.
You start the game from the Brothel's Summary page.

Building Setup
The third screen common screen is Building Setup, this page holds the setup for individual buildings.
You can get to it by clicking the "Building Setup" button or by holding <ctrl> and pressing the hotkey for that building.
<ctrl>F1 for the brothels, <ctrl>F12 for the House, <ctrl>F5 for the Studio, etc.

This button is used to increase the size of the building by 5 for 5000 gold.
The first Brothel and the House start with 20 rooms and each building you can buy starts with a set number of rooms.

Anti-Pregnancy Potions
Used to prevent pregnancy, your girls can use these whenever they may need them.
You start by buying the initial stock and at the end of each turn, that stock may be refilled by checking the "Auto Buy" box.
If your girls need more than the amount you keep in stock, it will cost you more money for having to do an emergency restock.
If you have a Matron working, she will automatically increase the standing order for that building.
If you do not have "Auto Buy" checked, when you run out, your girls may start getting pregnant.
The number needed, used and stocked will be listed in the Turn Summary for that building.

Sex Restrictions
Sex Restrictions allows you to control what your girls are allowed to do in your buildings.
While not always 100% obeyed, this will prevent most of your girls from doing certain sex acts with customers.
Beware though, if a customer wants to do something that you have restricted, they may leave unhappy.

Unlike the others, Advertising is currently only used by the Brothels.
For every 50 gold you spend on Advertising, that brothel gets 3 more customers.
Having girls out Advertising the building will increase the effectiveness of you money, increasing the amount of customers that each 50 gold brings in.
The amount of customers drawn in by Advertising will be listed in the Turn Summary for that building.

Special Building Pages

Movie Studio
Create Movie
Hold Casting

Arena Tryouts


Walk Around ER


More Details

The Dungeon
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 11:24:43 PM by aevojoey »
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Town Buildings
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2015, 04:12:33 PM »
------------ Town Buildings ------------
--- Slave Market, Town Hall, Bank and Prison ---

Slave Market
The Slave Market is where you can buy girls.
The number of girls available is partly random but can be controlled by the "SlaveMarket" section of Config.xml.

"Buy Selected Slave" button
Select the girls you want to buy from the list and click this to buy them.

"Send To" buttons (added in .06.02.25)
You can now choose where to send the girls that you buy.
Select the building from the available icons and it will tell you how much room is available in that building.
If there is enough room for all the selected girls (and you have enough gold for them) it will send them to that building.
Each building has its own text and effects on the girls.
Building   |   Possible effects
Brothels   |    (nothing yet)
Studio   |   Increase in acting related stuff.
Arena   |   Increase in combat related stuff.
Centre   |   Increase in Center related stuff.
Clinic   |    (nothing yet)
Farm   |   Increase in Farm related stuff.
House   |    (nothing yet)
The Dungeon   |   Effects are determined by the Player's Disposition

Town Hall
Bribe Rate

The Bank

The Prison
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 05:15:57 PM by aevojoey »
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Objectives and Rewards
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2015, 09:38:44 PM »
--- Objectives and Rewards ---

Reach Gold Target
Get Next Brothel
Launch Successful Attack
Have X Goons
Steal X Amount of Gold
Capture X Catacomb Girls
Have X Monster Girls
Kidnap X Girls
Extort X New Business
Have X Amount of Girls

Rival Hinder
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 10:35:11 PM by aevojoey »
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Player Stats
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2015, 09:39:02 PM »
--- Some of the Player's Stats ---

This will probably get its own section when more gets added for the Player.

Disposition is how Good or Evil the player is.
>= 100  |  Saint
80 to 99   |  Benevolent
50 to 79   |  Nice
10 to 49   |  Pleasant
-10 to 9  |  Neutral
-50 to -11  |  Not nice
-80 to -51  |  Mean
< -80  |  Evil
Disposition is raised by being nice and having your girls do nice things, The Centre is made for this.
Disposition is lowered by being mean and having your gangs commit crimes.
Freeing or enslaving a girl will also increase and decrease your disposition respectively.

Suspicion is how closely the Authorities are keeping their eye on you.
>= 80  |  Town Scum
50 to 79   |  Miscreant
10 to 49   |  Suspect
-10 to 9  |  Unsuspected
-50 to -11  |  Lawful
-80 to -51  |  Philanthropist
< -80  |  Town Hero
If Suspicion goes above 20, there is a chance that the authorities will raid one of your businesses.
Suspicion moves 1 point towards 0 each turn.
Suspicion increases by Gangs committing crimes, Girls escaping and some other minor offenses.
Suspicion decreases by having your girls work for the City Guard at the Arena and occasionally for "servicing" town officials.

Customer Fear is how much the general public fears you.
This is not really implemented fully.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 09:31:30 AM by aevojoey »
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Re: Accommodation, House Percent and other Variables.
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2015, 06:11:03 AM »
That's a lot of reserved posts.
But basically, all the accommodation tier does is influence the regeneration of a girl's happiness? No effect on stamina or anything else?

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Accommodation, House Percent and other Variables.
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2015, 10:14:22 AM »
That's a lot of reserved posts.
"... and other Variables."
This thread will be used for many things eventually.
Each reserved post will be of a different thing.

Suggest a topic and I will add it.

But basically, all the accommodation tier does is influence the regeneration of a girl's happiness? No effect on stamina or anything else?
For .06.01.18 I just did happiness, fear, love, hate and a couple of traits.
I will add other things to it.
Obedience, spirit, dignity, refinement, confidence and lots more traits are planned.

House percent will also get a rewrite and will do more.
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Offline Hanzo

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Re: Accommodation, House Percent and other Variables.
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2015, 11:29:42 AM »
Looks pretty good.

Some statuses could have an impact on PA too. Controlled girls should not complain much, and pregnant girls should need higher accomodation.

Giving a girl the accomodation level she expects is going to be +0 to everything (or at least not have any negative impact on her)?

Are we going to be able to adjust SlavePayOutOfPocket and Girls/SlaveKeepTips ingame (and each girl independently)?

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Accommodation, House Percent and other Variables.
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2015, 12:40:15 PM »
Some statuses could have an impact on PA too. Controlled girls should not complain much, and pregnant girls should need higher accomodation.
Ok, I'll add that.

Giving a girl the accomodation level she expects is going to be +0 to everything (or at least not have any negative impact on her)?
A more accurate answer would be there will be little noticeable effect on her at +0 PAmod.
Her general happiness will likely to affect her more than the 0 PAmod would.

I made the check test a few things and use the PAmod to have more weight for different things.
Currently, each PAmod has a base upper and lower adjustment for each of the 4 stats.
If she is unhappy <(20-mod), happy (roll happy%) or neutral (fail roll) the PAmod adjusts upper and lower.
If she is injured (health<25) positive PAmods can make her glad she has nice surroundings to recuperate in, while negative PAmods make her more afraid of further injury.

Slaves have the upper and lower divided in half before the roll. (probably needs other adjustments instead)
The upper and lower are then rolled on a bell curve so it will be more likely that the average of them results.

You can look in the source code, cBrothel.cpp for do_food_and_digs to see what the numbers are.
If you think anything should be changed or added, let me know.

Are we going to be able to adjust SlavePayOutOfPocket and Girls/SlaveKeepTips ingame (and each girl independently)?
Eventually yes.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 12:50:19 PM by aevojoey »
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Re: Accommodation, House Percent and other Variables.
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2015, 07:54:24 AM »

MILF should modify PA as all mothers want more + better accommodations to raise their children.
This would cover all mothers and not just Broodmothers.

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Re: Accommodation, House Percent and other Variables.
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2015, 02:33:27 PM »
Its a difference between MILF and broodmother
MILFs can be mothers of single children which are already adults
while a broodmother is more likely to be always pregnant and have 2-3 children with each birth
but a smaller modifier for MILFs in addition to the broodmother modifier might be a good idea
maybe the same way noble-princess-queen works

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Re: Accommodation, House Percent and other Variables.
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2015, 03:37:47 AM »
After a while playing with the new changes in accomodation, i have a suggestion.
Keeping highlevel angelqueens in your brothel should be more expensive!

I think it makes sense to increase the cost for each higher accomodation level not linear but exponential.
At the moment the lowest level has costs of 20 for free girls  (5 for slaves) and the highest has 200 (50).
I think the difference between slaves and free girls should be lower, like 1:2 instead of 1:4
but the cost for the highest levels should be higher for both.
Like using a factor for each increase instead of adding a fixed value.
If i start with 10 for the lowest level and using 1,6 as factor, the highest level has costs of over 700.

Or maybe using different fixed increases would work too.
Like +20 for the first 3 levels, then +40 for the next levels and +60 for the last 3.

I know that this would mean a loss of money for using a girl, which wants high level accomodations, as singer or something like that
(because of bad pay for the non whore jobs)
but thats the players problem for letting them become greedy.  :D
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 03:42:58 AM by Yukinohki »