Author Topic: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now  (Read 1251288 times)

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Offline derpderpfake

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1350 on: May 25, 2015, 09:49:39 PM »
Making entire items out of nothing would be a little more complicated to code.
Currently items are only stored as names and the .itemsx file that matches that name is checked for the effects.
If all items are stored in the save game file, it would bloat it more extensively.
This is kind of a moot point because every girl is already stored in the save game so a little more clutter would not make much of a difference.

Yeah, I could definitely see that.

Would it work to have the nouns/adjectives recognized as a part of a static reference number?

Basic version:

Let's say there are weapon mod tags that give +combat bonus (which is stored as, say, a "001" mod) and +Toughness trait (which is stored as, say, a "002" mod). A girl randomly makes a battle axe with both of these mods. The item is stored as "Battle Axe.itemsx[001, 002]" (as opposed to either no bonus, or a blank "[000]" mod).

The 'craftbonus' itself pulls from a different file, each entry of which has a prefix-name, suffix-name, stat mod (or mod set, as the case may be), and descriptor, so when it calls the item name from "Battle Axe.itemsx", it calls uses the prefix-name from the first mod and suffix-name from the second (in this case, "Intrepid" and "of the Boar"), tacks on any extra item description ("It hums with power (+# Combat). Holding it makes you feel like a manly man (+Tough)."), dictates the value of the mod, and adds/removes stats accordingly when it's equipped/unequipped.

If you use a single attribute type for each mod, you could also add a multiplier based on creator skill level to give it a little more variability (so stat/skill enchantments on shitty items would only be 40-60% effective (and valuable) and stored as "BattleAxe.itemsx[001(1.42), 002(1.56)]" (or however the appropriate syntax would go--I haven't touched programming in over a decade and a half), whereas enhancements from master item makers will start pushing 150-250%). If it'd make stacking and storing a little easier, you could just make them static jumps, so shitty-crafted mods are always 40% effective, and master-crafted ones are always 250... mind you, if it's all random, then I don't imagine you would be crafting many identical items anyways.

I'm not sure how easy it would be to add restrictions to the more useful item types (like weapons and armour, which are less common in the game, and rings, gloves, and trinkets, which allow multiple equips), or to lock out certain mods for users of a certain skill (to make sure your 0-skill derper doesn't accidentally make something with +Incorporeal while your 100-skill master item smith keeps cranking out items with the "-120 Health, +Herpes" mods.

Not to mention the immersion mods, like having psychics be the only ones who make "Mind Fucked" and "Broken Will" items. (I'm sure, if you're keeping the mods in a file, it'd be easy enough to just have 4 fields (Min Item Skill, Max Item Skill, Skill/Stat Condition [IE "Combat >30"], Trait Condition [IE "Psychic = False"]... it's just a question of whether or not there's a way to check those when your bitches be craftin.

If you can make a list of variations and a logical path for them to be created by girls, have at it.

Not sure if this is what you mean, but as a starting point:

So you wanna be a crafter?

Item Skill Check - Do you make anything at all?
No - Failure. (Slave + some skill, no item made)
Yes - Proceed

Item Skill Check - What item types can you make?
(Randomly choose from item types based on skill)

Item Skill Check - How many mods?
(Randomly choose from range based upon skill)

Compile List - Which mods can you do?
(Compile all the mods you can make with whatever restrictions are programmed into the mods file, pick however many from there)

For each mod:
Item Skill Check - Mod Intensity?
(All numerical values of the mod are changed by this one percentage, randomly chosen from a range that's based on item skill. This could still apply to Trait mods to change the sell value change of the item, even if doesn't technically "only give you 80% AIDS".)

Output: "[Slave name] has crafted an [Item Name]!" (but not worded quite so lamely. It could be fun to change the text based upon item value, so that your girl can be extra proud of making a 'Legendary Buttplug of the Apocalyse', or super ashamed for ruining a perfectly good battle axe.)
(Slave + some skill, item added to inventory with mod references added.)

Whenever the item displays, it would use the first mod (whatever was randomly chosen first) as the prefix, the second mod (if any) as the suffix, and any further mods only showing up in the description.


In this case, the item would need the following lines, for the following functions:

  • Reference name/number
  • Prefix name
  • Suffix name
  • Description [it would be great if we could have this dynamically call the calculated value--so a 50%-quality 10-str item could say "(+5 str)" instead of just "(+some strength or something I guess I don't know)"
Craft Conditions
  • Item skill range
  • Secondary skill condition
  • Trait condition
  • Item type restrictions? (Not obligatory, but could make for more immersive items... and saves you from having to explain why a girl can't put on those magic slippers without poking out her own eye. Also, I now want to make a magic item called "Scissors of Running", which is basically a dagger that gives your girl "Fleet of Foot" and "Eyepatch".)
Stat Modifications
  • Base value for stats/skills (which are then multiplied by quality bonus)
  • Add Traits
  • Remove Traits

Is that the sort of thing you meant? If the 'modular modification' described above is workable, I can start cranking out some tables of single-stat and single-trait mods.

Oh, as an afterthought... it would make logical sense for you to be charged for the base cost of the item they're modifying, just so that failures don't literally print money anyways.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 09:59:15 PM by derpderpfake »

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1351 on: May 26, 2015, 03:31:34 AM »
This sounds like the time to chime in with....Is there any way you could try to get the girls to make specific items? like school uniforms....or comfortable underwear.....or anything specific instead of just random from a huge list?

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1352 on: May 26, 2015, 11:18:04 AM »
This sounds like the time to chime in with....Is there any way you could try to get the girls to make specific items? like school uniforms....or comfortable underwear.....or anything specific instead of just random from a huge list?
To start with it will just be random from a list if she has the job performance points to do it.
Eventually Anything can be added, it is just a matter of time available to work on it.
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Offline derpderpfake

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1353 on: May 26, 2015, 07:44:42 PM »
Quick question... should the skill checks and the effects (text/stats/etc) be in separate locations? It just struck me that it might be easier to have "can build" things all together in one place, so that they don't need to be fished out of every single individual modification/enchantment...

Also, would it make more sense to have the cost modification be static (IE "mod 1 = +20g") or relative (IE "mod 1 = +20% cost)?

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1354 on: May 26, 2015, 08:41:46 PM »
Quick question... should the skill checks and the effects (text/stats/etc) be in separate locations? It just struck me that it might be easier to have "can build" things all together in one place, so that they don't need to be fished out of every single individual modification/enchantment...

Also, would it make more sense to have the cost modification be static (IE "mod 1 = +20g") or relative (IE "mod 1 = +20% cost)?
Without seeing all you have now, I can't really tell you what would be better.

When I do text trees, I usually have variables hold the important info and have the final pass adjust for plurals and minor adjustments.
Currently I am working on the static lists of items created by some farm jobs:
Code: [Select]
    if (g_Dice.percent(girl->farming() / 20) && g_Dice.percent(girl->magic() / 10) && g_Dice.percent(jobperformance / 10))
        string itemname = "";
        int itemnumber = 1;
        /* */if (roll_c > 30)    { itemname = "Nut of Knowledge";        itemnumber = (roll_c > 90 ? g_Dice % 3 + 2 : 1); }
        else if (roll_c > 10)    { itemname = "Mango of Knowledge";        itemnumber = (roll_c > 28 ? 2 : 1); }
        else/*            */    { itemname = "Watermelon of Knowledge"; itemnumber = (roll_c == 9 ? 2 : 1); }

        sInventoryItem* item = g_InvManager.GetItem(itemname);
        if (item)
            for (int i = 0; i < itemnumber; i++) g_Brothels.AddItemToInventory(item);
            ss << "While picking crops, " << girlName << " sensed a magical aura and found ";
            if (itemnumber == 1) ss << "a"; else ss << itemnumber;
            ss << " " << itemname << ".\n";
Do what you think would be best.
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Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1355 on: May 29, 2015, 12:04:49 PM »
Can it be made possible to see how much skill and stat points a girl gets per turn?
So in the girl summary you get to see that she gets +2 libido +4 performance +2 charisma and so on ...
This would make it a bit easier to focus your stat gains per girl
I will add an option to config.xml to make it optional then do a couple of jobs and let you take it from there.
Give me a message when done and i get started ;-)
Sorry it took so long but I have finally had time to add this in.
I added cfg.debug.log_show_numbers() with LogShowNumbers="true" in config.xml to show numbers gained in jobs.
I have started with the Farmer job and will add it to a couple of the other farm jobs as I update them.

When I push to github tonight, look at what I have done to WorkFarmer.cpp and try to make the other jobs similar.
Don't do any farm jobs yet because that is what I am currently working on.

I'm curious, is there anyway to turn the feature that "forwards" images off? Like say if an anal image is missing the game uses sex etc. I'd much rather use the images that are in my Default folder.
I have also added cfg.folders.preferdefault() with PreferDefault="true" in config.xml
I have not added it to image selection yet.

WME.8.28 will have both of the new options in it.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 01:07:21 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline aevojoey

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« Reply #1356 on: June 01, 2015, 01:09:06 AM »
The Main thread is here -

You must start a new game when moving to .06
* If you find a bug, please report it on the bug thread - Crazy and PP's mod bug thread
* For discussion of the game, use Crazy's original thread - Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
* For Items discussion or to submit your own Items - ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
* For Suggestions or Requests for new content (Not Girls) - Possible Add-Ons to the Game?

* Warnings For Version .06.01.00

Version: .06.01.20 -!JQZ0jaCA!wGn3iW5Qipt_rn5I8g2HviZsgpdk5SCkBeStp019Slc
WME.8.28 included
* Changes made for .06.01.20 - I'm too tired to edit this now so I just copy/pasted my changelog
Fixed a few job ratings list items.
Updated a few fetish trait modifiers.
Added info to some items.
Added what traits are affected to Centre Therapy job descriptions.
Added some more to Matron assigning girls to new jobs lists for the House.
Divided m_RejectCustomers into m_RejectCustomersRestrict and m_RejectCustomersDisease for better logging.
Started adding a new "Finish the shift" sections to make them all work the same way.
Updated WorkAdvertising
Added Blacksmith job to Arena.

Crazy - added several new traits and updated several jobs.
Corrected some typeos.
Added "bool is_addict(bool onlyhard = false)"
Added multibirth to inseminated births, some die, some are sold and some can be added to beasts.

Added Dagoth's changes to Slider controls - Added a new "marker" option to Slider control for marking a default or target value,
Renamed Sheapherd the Shepherd
Added "Sell 10" and "Sell All" buttons to Inventory screen
Fixed Listboxes to scroll better.
Added Lesbian and Straight checks to whore jobs.
Included some rejected customers texts to whore's turn summary.

Crazy and several others have added a lot of text to many jobs

Fixed Inventory category list box to work better.
Added Image type "Presented" for slave market images.
Fixed the first+middle+last names to combine into m_Realname better
Fixed AskPrice variation to be based more on int and cha - removed the max of 100 for calculating how much to charge customers.
Fixed hard coded random girls to check .traitsx chances
Adjusted new girl's addiction chances.
Updated several items

Adding to jobs:
 - Blacksmith
 - Cobbler - New
 - Tailor - New
 - MakeItems
 - Farmer - Now produces food and a few other things
 - Farm Research - Added item creation
Updated J_1024x768 interface for town screen girl image and added a check in the code incase another interface is missing it.
Added a hideimage check for town screen girl image when the walk script is finished.

Added Shop, Magic, Sign and Presented image types to scripts
Updated more jobs: Farmer,

Added cfg.debug.log_show_numbers() with LogShowNumbers="true" in config.xml to show numbers gained in jobs.
Added cfg.folders.preferdefault() with PreferDefault="true" in config.xml to allow default images to be preferred over the alternate image tree. (not used in the code yet)
Updated Enjoyment list with cfg.debug.log_show_numbers()
 - moved jobs[] out and renamed to sGirl::enjoy_jobs[]

Added g_Girls.GetBeast() to allow for easier beast insemination checks
 - girl->calc_insemination(g_Girls.GetBeast(), 1);

Added sex texts by GonDra
Updated Smoker addiction checks
Added several Smoker items
Fixed a minor bug in shop screen
Fixed a bug with slider marker not allowing the game to start if "SliderMarker.png" is not found.
 - It will use the "SliderButtonDisabled.png" instead.
Because Milk will be produceable at the Farm, I am removing the Infinite="true" from all milk items.

Changed WORKINTERN to WORKTRAINING to allow it to be used for any training job - Fixed loading so it will accept either - saving will save the new WORKTRAINING
Fixed a minor problem with girl_fights_girl if a girl does not show up for the fight
Added traits: "City Girl", "Farmer", "Hunter"
Added 13 items and fixed 3 from Hanzo
Cleaned and fixed several items.
Added in GonDra's new texts for Group and Lesbian sex.

Updated more jobs:
 - Added Jeweler job to Arena
 - Started dividing up job areas with  #pragma region - #pragma endregion
 -  - I know it may throw some errors in editors not made by ms but it should not break it.
 - Finished: Farmer, BeastCapture
 - Mostly Finished: FarmMarketer, Milker
 - Works but doesn't produce items yet: Blacksmith, Jeweler, MakeItem, Cobbler, Tailor
 - Works with older item creation: Gardener, Research, MakePotions

Version: .06.01.21 -!RFY0DDSa!1qo59RGUML5OYyZ7ZmUN4KAkbwlK9UHFttTqOK_V3EE
WME.8.29 included
* Changes made for .06.01.21 -
Fixed a few items descriptions.
Fixed some typeos in do_daily_items
Added a little more to WorkFarmMarketer, WorkFarmer, WorkBeastCapture, WorkButcher, WorkCatacombRancher, WorkCobbler
GonDra fixed a few more things in the sex strings
Fixed a bug in inventory screen where items selected are not recoreded until the buy button is pressed.
Added cGameScript::Script_GetRandomGirl to allow scripts to randomly choose a girl from the Player's girls.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 07:56:21 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline p373r

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1357 on: June 03, 2015, 01:24:33 AM »
Sorry it took so long but I have finally had time to add this in.
I added cfg.debug.log_show_numbers() with LogShowNumbers="true" in config.xml to show numbers gained in jobs.
I have started with the Farmer job and will add it to a couple of the other farm jobs as I update them.

When I push to github tonight, look at what I have done to WorkFarmer.cpp and try to make the other jobs similar.
Don't do any farm jobs yet because that is what I am currently working on.

It is okay,

I have similar issues at work and at home ... i'll see what i can do ;)

Offline p373r

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1358 on: June 09, 2015, 06:33:36 AM »
I made Workbarpiano as a test.
If you could check it in the pull request then i know that it is the correct way on handling the others


Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1359 on: June 09, 2015, 07:20:44 AM »
I made Workbarpiano as a test.
If you could check it in the pull request then i know that it is the correct way on handling the others
Github doesn't always do pull requests correctly so attaching changes here is better.
Also I don't check github as often as I check here so I will get to them faster if you post changes here.

Copy/paste from my response on github:
First a couple of C++ programming requirements:
1) Every function must end with a semicolon;
2) All variables are case sensitive.
3) Variables need to be declared outside of if/else statements if they will be used again later else they will be discarded when the code passes out of the if/else set.
4) For a great tutorial watch these

Answer 1: (int) converts the double into an integer.

Answer 2: in cGirls.cpp around line 122 is "const char *sGirl::enjoy_jobs[] = {".  girl->enjoy_jobs[actiontype] looks at that and chooses the job at the "actiontype" number and returns the text it finds there.
Piano job still had the old enjoyment method "work" which I have been changing to "enjoy" to make it clearer as to what it does.
I have also been changing the enjoyment to a random amount instead of a fixed amount.
WorkCameraMage.cpp has this:
    if (roll <= 10)
        enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
        ss << "She did not like working in the studio today.\n\n";
    else if (roll >= 90)
        enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;
        ss << "She had a great time working today.\n\n";
        enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
        ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.\n\n";

I will attach my updated WorkBarPiano.cpp but there will be a lot more changes than just what you added.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 12:12:17 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline belroshir

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1360 on: June 10, 2015, 07:37:28 AM »
Hi here,

aevojoev if you and the other teammembers want I can take care about the github merges, if i know how exactly i must work with git for merging.
At the moment I just try with a TestRepo and 1 File.
If you and the other teammembers  think thats a job I can do I will try to get more experience with merging in git.
At work we use an other VCS, maybe it will take some time that I can handle git efficiently.

I think if all work on GitHub there can be a benefit for the Project.


Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1361 on: June 10, 2015, 09:31:38 AM »
aevojoev if you and the other teammembers want I can take care about the github merges, if i know how exactly i must work with git for merging.
At the moment I just try with a TestRepo and 1 File.
If you and the other teammembers  think thats a job I can do I will try to get more experience with merging in git.
At work we use an other VCS, maybe it will take some time that I can handle git efficiently.
I think if all work on GitHub there can be a benefit for the Project.
I think the main problem with github is that the project folder has a space in front of the name.
Not all systems see that space or remove it somehow.
When someone pushes their changes without the space in front of the folder name, it splits the folder in two.
I tried fixing it by reuploading everything from a clean folder without the space but it added it back in.
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
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Offline belroshir

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1362 on: June 10, 2015, 09:47:36 AM »
I think the main problem with github is that the project folder has a space in front of the name.
Not all systems see that space or remove it somehow.
When someone pushes their changes without the space in front of the folder name, it splits the folder in two.
I tried fixing it by reuploading everything from a clean folder without the space but it added it back in.
I see I have add all Branches to my Fork and have to change at end the Folder for some Files.
But now I'm up to date^^

Offline aevojoey

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« Reply #1363 on: June 14, 2015, 03:28:34 PM »
The Main thread is here -

You must start a new game when moving to .06
* If you find a bug, please report it on the bug thread - Crazy and PP's mod bug thread
* For discussion of the game, use Crazy's original thread - Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
* For Items discussion or to submit your own Items - ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
* For Suggestions or Requests for new content (Not Girls) - Possible Add-Ons to the Game?

* Warnings For Version .06.02.00

Version: .06.02.00 -!1BZAUKCZ!F8R8g6OnwXtsm-JItqe5xEfk7LSl2LpvSPXEK9uLBn8
WME.8.29 included
* Changes made for .06.02.00 -
Total rewrite of image handling!

Moved all image handling from cGirls.(h/cpp) to cImageItem.(h/cpp)
 - Images load when needed instead of when the game is loaded.
 - Removed all the old Image code.
Moved TurnSummary to its own file cScreenTurnSummary.(h/cpp)
 - Major cleanup and consolidating
Moved Gallery to its own file cScreenGallery.(h/cpp)
 - Changed the Gallery to use a list instead of buttons for how many images the girl has.

Note: I could not get gifs to animate using the old code. I will try again with the new code and hopefully have animated gifs in an upcoming version.

Added Image type "Dom" for Dominatrix

Added Jobs Quick Codes to be 3-4 character name for each job
 - Added the previous job the girl was on before a matron sent her to free time
 - Jobs now save with JobQkNm codes so adding new jobs in the future will not shift jobs.
 -  - Set BackupSaves to false in config.xml to use them.
 -  - If you save with the quick codes you will have to resave the game in .06.02 with BackupSaves=true to be able to load properly it with older versions.

Added a few more places where the building that is active is set.
Fixed bug - Girl Details Clinic surgery/Centre threapy throwing requires doctor error when there is one
Changed several sets of constants from individual to enum - by belroshir

Did some cleaning and updates to FarmHand, StageHand, BarPiano
Fixed a couple of bugs in whore jobs.

Added bypass for autosave - hold ctrl when pressing next week will not autosave the game for faster play

Version: .06.02.01 -!MBpSCSAD!pGmkPFpr4ZURTC7wECLMIXVCBHEEb8Ikiw7eQMLjyPo
WME.8.29 included
* Changes made for .06.02.01 -
Rewrite turn summary goto button to fix problems if nothing is selected

Version: .06.02.02 -!wJw0WSIC!A0JRXUC1H0HRQVYgQSHgM-UGMxVdkLbCslWOQHI0RzU
WME.8.29 included
* Changes made for .06.02.02 -
Fixed more Turn Summary bugs and hopefully finally fixed the previous bug.
Fixed a bug making default images not work.
Added Yellow as a color choice and used it for Level Up turn summary messages.

Version: .06.02.03 -!kAITjZoJ!YXdtP6-I125CIadNU8a8kTzlnB99wMBEcnrYDI-ICww
WME.8.29 included
* Changes made for .06.02.03 -
!!! GIFs Animate !!!Gifs load and animate.
The memory they use gets cleared when the image is changed.
If you have a large gif, it may take a while for it to load but once it is loaded, it will animate normally.

!!! GIFs Animate !!!
Version: .06.02.04 -!hcxzARxC!HhJ2ysHH1_z-lBmDIMcdK0Y0_jIscvxWZlW9-2mlMHU
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.04 -
Removed unneeded gif conversion code that was just wasting memory.
Fixed a bug in pregnant image selection where the nonpreg version was not checked.
 - Also fixed a problem with pregprofile not working.
Updated a few items
Added Items folder location to config.xml
Fixed NightToggle button image size

Started adding 16:9 interface J_1366x768
 - It is not ready yet but you can see how it looks.

Version: .06.02.05 -!pdYySB5J!Derh9ppO-o0cdkozvDazBcR44h2TFxHBfyS6C7q5T98
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.05 -
Added more sex texts by GonDra
Added Items by ChancellorPalpatine with a few changes
Updated WorkRancher, WorkShepherd
Fixed a bug in whore jobs that occasionally duplicates turn messages.
Merged two of the whore customer number messages into one.
Changed "fuckMessage" in whore jobs from string to stringstream and did some cleanup of it.
Added special inheritance checks for Queen, Princess and Noble traits.
Added  // `J` Legal Note: 18 is the Legal Age of Majority for the USA where I live

Version: .06.02.06 -!8QwxyA6Y!NWqTPIZCx2PmqKhZ8jP23a0YCAyMeYN5DkOBFaGydEg
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.06 -
Removed an unneeded log error message caused by missing button disabled images.
Fixed a bug - added job quick codes for Dungeon and Runaways.

Version: .06.02.07 -!1ZZD2RyT!Fl_e-gSS9bO87bl7tqVpa4nIgY4mE7h26Qhp46MbTgU
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.07 -
Updated several jobs by Hanzo
Moved some Rival stuff from cBrothel to cRival
Updated Brothel stats to include numbers if cfg.debug.log_show_numbers() is true
Added traits to Girl Fights Back check
Started blocking out Brothel turn flow - No real changes yet
Updated more of Constants.h stuff to enum
Added enum Goals for what the customers want to do.
Added a few more options for Customer Goals
Updated Customer Constructor
Changed all existing stand-alone Customer calls to pointers
Made stand-alone Customer calls use new/delete for better memory management.

Version: .06.02.08 -!oRIAESKR!aywXap4PWhMgCFu1ggeOQJOszLNQKq8WB3cB4k3y63o
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.08 -
Fixed a bug in whore tiredness limiter.
Added a few more things to customers.

Version: .06.02.09 -!ZNIRFYza!fvd3uh43Z9w0xBunJeqsqcswI2JCHG9lYX8PNBjpkCE
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.09 -
Hopefully fixed a bug causing a crash - the number of events was not getting cleared for some reason.

Version: .06.02.10 -!1N4TgCbC!cxm9Pv6RZXMaUvq6nxB_wowjJClkibzFs72MnmbJzo8
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.10 -
Fixed a bug again - set jobs for Dungeon and Runaways when loading and saving.
Removed autosave.gam from load game list - you can still load it using Continue from the main menu.

Updating more jobs.
Added more job updates by Hanzo
WorkBarmaid.cpp got a major update
Fixed a problem with fame in some jobs.
Added space key goes to girl details in dungeon

Version: .06.02.11 -!5cZUHYLT!ybOpUUK1uOSoVy7b__Ylkn2Tv7FncxNBqa0Of8BMSEE
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.11 -
Added AdjustGirlFlag to scripts.
Added job performance reduction due to tiredness to many jobs
Made most cleaning jobs use JP_Cleaning instead of each having its own jobperformance calc so it only needs to be edited once.
Added a bypass for the default walkabout script intro. -
Added more items and updated others by Hanzo.

Version: .06.02.12 -!sEp1VQDZ!MW8tA8CHH_HuVZYpJlmu6k9TjZtFcfQvHalDDwlm3as
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.12 -
Fixed a bug in sRandomGirl constructor - fixed bad initializers

Version: .06.02.13 -!ERoEhJ7T!uj2vCbPWsE25WBVAfw8rJW4IS_zcfnifv9LUGxFJ6EE
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.13 -
Fixed a bug in sGirl constructor - fixed bad CHILD_COUNT_TYPES initializer
Fixed a bug in Fertility Treatment and Get Tubes Tied jobs so they work fully.

Version: .06.02.14 -!wEYWjCQI!6bOlIQA2DD5KG1sQmBbKh8m3bsWXwNT11Amjir7WWeY
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.14 -
Fixed a bug in Slave Market trait list that would sometimes crash if a girl had no traits.
Cleaned up PrepareImage a little and added cfg.debug.log_extradetails() to log what image is loaded

Version: .06.02.15 -!oZIzUK4K!QIh8Jl9FURLz1ohoGUV1qdFDaQf1UTRGzK27fZ4cHCg
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.15 -
Updated many of the surgery and therapy jobs
Cleaned up and expanded Brothel Constructor.
Fixed a bug in test_child_name().
Fixed a bug in WorkGetFertility.cpp that skipped Fertility in line going to Broodmother instead.

Version: .06.02.16 -!cNYVDQgA!BZ3HBMCaw6xt7kwJ3a1hdFgLU6HAAzi2bedaMThi8QY
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.16 -
Fixed a bug in therapy jobs
Added AdjustTraitTemp to scripts.

Version: .06.02.17 -!0Ih3gI4Y!lIjOKLAB_f-gHlsj_c-g_L9CYshVOtSkTUKoyf_S6W4
WME.8.30 included
* Changes made for .06.02.17 -
I did a lot of bug testing but I'm not sure if I found the bug that has been crashing people's games
Added more to gamelog.txt for better bug checking
Cleaned up cGirlTorture.cpp

I have been slowly updating crafting jobs when I get time.
 - WorkMakeItem.cpp has a full item tree now and should work as intended
 - WorkBlacksmith.cpp has a partial tree but not full checks
 - WorkCobbler.cpp will only make FlipFlops
 - WorkJeweler.cpp will only make Bauble Necklace
 - WorkTailor.cpp will only make Eye patch

« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 12:41:26 AM by aevojoey »
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
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Offline BlackWolf Inc.

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1364 on: June 16, 2015, 07:20:48 AM »
I must admit, knowing at a glance how many images the girl has in the gallery is pretty snazzy.
Fine work as always.
Don't look at me like that! I found 'em that way....

Now no-one else has to die...
unless I think of another reason.

If found, please return to Miss Y. Rhul.