Image Names that the game will recognize
These are the base names with the non-pregnant and pregnant versions together.
Anal | | PregAnal | | | Bdsm | | PregBdsm | | | Sex | | PregSex | | | Beast | | PregBeast |
Group | | PregGroup | | | Les | | PregLes | | | Torture | | PregTorture | | | Death | | PregDeath |
Profile | | PregProfile | | | Combat | | PregCombat | | | Oral | | PregOral | | | Ecchi | | PregEcchi |
Strip | | PregStrip | | | Maid | | PregMaid | | | Sing | | PregSing | | | Wait | | PregWait |
Card | | PregCard | | | Bunny | | PregBunny | | | Nude | | PregNude | | | Mast | | PregMast |
Titty | | PregTitty | | | Milk | | PregMilk | | | Hand | | PregHand | | | Foot | | PregFoot |
Bed | | PregBed | | | Farm | | PregFarm | | | Herd | | PregHerd | | | Cook | | PregCook |
Craft | | PregCraft | | | Swim | | PregSwim | | | Bath | | PregBath | | | Nurse | | PregNurse |
Formal | | PregFormal | | | Shop | | PregShop | | | Magic | | PregMagic | | | Sign | | PregSign |
Presented | | PregPresented | | | Dom | | PregDom | | | Deepthroat | | PregDeepthroat | | | Eatout | | PregEatout |
Dildo | | PregDildo | | | Sub | | PregSub | | | Strapon | | PregStrapon | | | Les69ing | | PregLes69ing |
Lick | | PregLick | | | Suckballs | | PregSuckballs | | | Cowgirl | | PregCowgirl | | | Revcowgirl | | PregRevcowgirl |
Sexdoggy | | PregSexdoggy | | | Jail | | PregJail | | | Preg |
The game checks them as all lower case so capitalization does not matter.
After the name can be anything, but is generally accepted as a number with or without ().
The file extension should be ".jpg" but ".jpeg" will work and ".png" may or may not work depending on how it was made.
Example: The game looks in the folder for "sex*.*g" where the * can be anything and the game will find it.
The ".ani" extension should also work if made correctly.
".gif" will load but will not animate yet - see Ani and Gif files for updates on the progress of this.".gif"s load and animate but large files may take a little while to start running.
.06.02.00 and on will have the Gallery with the list box.
None of the new prefixes has been added to the gallery yet.
I have not gotten around to making a list box to list all the image types and how many of each the girl has yet.
Until the list box is made, the up and down arrows as well as the w and s keys cycle through the available image types while the left/right and a/d keys cycle through the images for that type.
Pregnant Images:Pregnancy is checked and the image type is adjusted accordingly.
If Pregnant, the preg(image type) is checked first, then the preg(alt types) then the non-preg(image type) finally the non-preg(alt types)
For .06.02.00 and on,
- The game looks for "pregnant*.*"
- then looks for ("preg" + numeric.substr(i, 1) + "*.*")
- - numeric is any of these: "0123456789 ().,[]-" plus spaces
So These files would be found for pregnant:
"Pregnant.jpg", "Pregnant123.gif", "PREG a.jpg", "preg.jpeg", "preg1.jpg", "preg(1).jpg", "preg-2.jpg"
and these would not:
"pregs.jpg", "prega.jpg", "preg<d.jpg", "preg#1.jpg", "preg!2.jpg"
For each image type, if there are no images found for that type, the game looks for alternate image types to display.
If no image is found, then a default image for the first requested type is displayed.
If all else fails, a profile pic is displayed.
Sex | >> | Anal | > | Group | > | Lesbian | > | Oral | > | Titty | > | Hand | > | Foot |
Anal, Bdsm, Beast, Group | >> | Sex |
Lesbian | >> | Nude | > | Sex |
Oral | >> | Hand | > | Titty | > | Foot | > | Sex |
Titty | >> | Hand | > | Oral | > | Sex |
Hand | >> | Oral | > | Titty | > | Foot | > | Sex |
Foot | >> | Hand | > | Oral | > | Titty | > | Sex |
Nude | >> | Strip | > | Ecchi |
Mast | >> | Nude | > | Strip | > | Ecchi |
Ecchi | >> | Strip | > | Nude |
Strip, Bed, Swim, Bath | >> | Ecchi | > | Nude |
Milk | >> | Nude |
Maid, Wait | >> | Bunny |
Sing, Card | >> | Formal | > | Bunny |
Cook | >> | Wait | > | Maid |
Herd, Craft | >> | Farm |
Combat | >> | Magic |
Torture | >> | Bdsm | > | Death |
Presented | >> | Profile |
Dom | >> | Combat | |
Farm, Bunny, Death, Nurse, Formal, Sign, Jail, Pregnant and Profile have no alternate types.
If there is no alternate type available, DefaultImages will be used if there is one.
Most image types are self explanatory.
Profile is the main image of the girl.
Anal, BDSM, Sex, Beast, Group, Les, Oral, Titty, Hand, Foot and Mast are all for sex. (Foot Job is not implemented yet)
Combat, Death and Torture are for combat and dungeon jobs.
Bunny, Maid, Sing, Wait and Card are for common jobs.
Milk is for when the girl has her breasts milked.
Strip, Ecchi and Nude are for single girl images with and without clothes.
The following image types are not fully implemented yet:
Swim will be for rest jobs and possibly for a Vacation job that will get added to the house as a better rest job.
Bath does not currently have anything definitive planned yet.
Bed will be added for Personal Bed Warmer job.
Farm will be for general work on the farm.
Herd, Cook and Craft will be for specific jobs on the farm.
Nurse is for the Nurse and Intern jobs.
Formal is for Formal Dresses that will be used for the Escort job and other things.
Sign is for the advertising job.
Presented is for the Slave market.
Dom is for Dominatrix or Dominant in BDSM -
NEW (image type BDSM supposed to be for submissive)