

What should I prioritize next? (a * after a choice means I am currently working on that)

Player Stuff
20 (8.5%)
Girl's interactions (with each other)
25 (10.6%)
Scripts (interactions with the player)
46 (19.5%)
New Stats, Skills and Traits
10 (4.2%)
Existing Stats
1 (0.4%)
Existing Skills
3 (1.3%)
Existing Traits
6 (2.5%)
5 (2.1%)
12 (5.1%)
9 (3.8%)
8 (3.4%)
General Jobs
4 (1.7%)
Farm Jobs
9 (3.8%)
9 (3.8%)
2 (0.8%)
Remaking the interface
15 (6.4%)
New stuff
8 (3.4%)
Whore Master Editor
4 (1.7%)
No priority
3 (1.3%)
This poll will be reset when I start a new section or add more choices so check back often.
37 (15.7%)

Total Members Voted: 137

Author Topic: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.04.01  (Read 1202424 times)

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Offline aevojoey

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Now that there is a chat available on the forums, when I am working on the game I will have the chat open so you can talk to me if you want. I will be in either the Public or User_Mods channel.
If I am in the Public channel ask me to go to the User_Mods so we don't disturb the others.
There is a chat log so remember that anyone who logs into the chat can read what you say.

Now that I have a Patreon page, I will be releasing new versions there first then here a few days later.

Current Patreon Version: .06.04.01
You can get the newest version from my Patreon Page. My followers get access to the new version 3 days before everyone else.
Version changes are listed here - .06.04.00-01

Older Version: .06.03.07!wJxCxSCB!RaRelCNt3ODj96OXr6VpaW4UBj398YEsc2ANFxz464E
Version changes are listed here - .06.03.00-07

Girls Packs can be found in these threads (and probably some others but these are the ones that have been updated recently):

I compiled a "DefaultImages" folder. It has almost all image types useable except a few preg types and the new image types added for .06. It now goes in the "./Resources/DefaultImages" folder. (the old Default will still work if you don't use this)
DefaultImages -!5d4QWapJ!2GjfvDwgrC4_XmGZmmU_YZMygwfIg7JgVEV5dvMG5J0

Whore Master Editor: 0.8.30 -!IQgQBBxR!WM1Z6xHl9uyZd21MDmoTgLjFXW7Me4cF5jJhbntGx70
This is included with the game but it is also here if needed.

The Source Code is here -
I use ms Visual Studio Express 2013 to edit and compile the game.
I am slowly removing microsoft specific code to allow any editor to run it but it is slow going because I'm not sure exactly what can be removed/changed.

I have consolidated several helpful threads into one area for easier access.The first post there has links to other threads and the other posts have extensive information on specific topics.
More will be added to that as I get time.

Setup For New Players
We hope you enjoy this game and invite you to ask any questions you may have.
Over the time I have spent working on this game, I have tried to make it easier to setup and play but if you have any problems, let me know so I can fix it and make it easier for the next person.

First thing you need to do is decide where you want the game to be on your computer.
I keep mine in "C:\Program Files (x86)\WhoreMaster" but you can put it wherever you want.
This is the Main folder and everything goes inside it.

Download the "Current Version" from the link above and extract the zip file into the Main folder.
The program's EXE will then be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\WhoreMaster\WhoreMaster.06.##.##\Whore Master.exe"

In the Main folder, create a folder called "Characters", this is where all the girls are stored.
Download some girl packs from the links above and extract them into the Characters folder.
Each character has either a .girlsx or a .rgirlsx file, this holds the girls numbers and tells the game that the girl is there.
There is also a folder with the girls name as set inside the .(r)girlsx file by the "Name" attribute.
.(r)girlsx files can have multiple girls in them so don't worry if you can't pair .(r)girlsx with a folder.

In the Main folder, create a folder called "Saves".
This is where your savegame files will be stored.

Download the "DefaultImages" from the link above and extract that to the Main folder.
This will then be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\WhoreMaster\DefaultImages\(a bunch of images)"
DefaultImages are used by the game if it does not find an image specific to a girl in her Characters folder.

Upgrading the Game
Savegame files from before version .06.00.00 will not work, you will have to start a new game.
If your Savegame is from before .06.01.00, you may have some minor problems but it should still work.

Upgrading the Game The Easy Way

Upgrading the Game For Intermediate Players

Upgrading the Game For Advanced Players

If the game crashes

The Old Upgrading instructions: (this will be removed when the above is finished)
Before you download the new version, here are the install instructions:

1. Check what files you have changed.
1.A. Anything not in the .\Resources\Characters folder that needs to be copied to the new game may need to be checked for updating.
1.B. If you change anything in the .\Resources\Interface folder, compare your files to the files in the new J_1024x768 interface.

2. Download the new version of the game.

3. Extract the new version of the game to a new location. DO NOT EXTRACT OVER TOP OF THE OLD VERSION.
3.A. Test the new game to make sure it works without any changes.

New step 4. Starting in version .06.01.01 you can move the Characters and Saves folders. See this for help.
Old step 4. Move the .\Resources\Characters folder from the old version to the new version.
Old step 4.A. Test the new game to make sure it works with only the Characters.

5. Copy over any of the other files you have changed.
5.A. Test the new game to make sure it works.

6. If you upgraded from .05 to .06 you will have to start a new game.

If the game crashes:
7. To bug check your game I will need the following files:
7.A. Your save game
7.B. Your gamelog.txt
7.C. Your config.xml if you changed anything in it
7.D. Any files you changed except those in the .\Resources\Characters folder

8. Zip all those files into a zip or rar file and attach it to your bug report here - Crazy and PP's mod bug thread

9. Include any details that will help me recreate your crash.

All of the .06.01.xx and .06.02.xx versions are here -!ZYQknZ7A!75cGyxwHrJwN7tdEZgm4KQ

« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 04:50:15 PM by aevojoey »
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
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Offline torrentsearcher

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Re: How should updates be released?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2014, 03:10:29 PM »
you are doing a great job as it is.
i´d say do it the way it´s most convenient for u. =)

Offline Pashax2

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Re: How should updates be released?
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2014, 06:07:20 PM »
You're doing a great job, so do whatever is most convenient for you. As a user, I would prefer to have a single update each week, but it's not a big deal.

Offline AkiraTepes

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Re: How should updates be released?
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2014, 06:37:57 PM »
I agree with the above people, do what works for you. Thank you for the great work so far. And could you possibly arrange for the releases to be in one post that you update?

Offline aevojoey

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Old Polls
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2014, 12:30:36 PM »
And could you possibly arrange for the releases to be in one post that you update?
OK,  I'll use this thread

I changed the name of this thread so others would know what it is for.

Old Polls:

Poll #1 - Should there be lots of smaller updates or bigger updates on a regular timeframe?29 total voters - 1 vote each
Lots of small updates when ANYTHING is changed. (Without bugchecking before posting)0
Some small daily updates when a single topic is done.0
Some small and 1 big update each week (as it is now) 14
Twice weekly updates reguardless of changes 0
Big updates on Sunday night->Monday morning 15

So I guess I will just keep doing things the way I have been doing it.
A big update each week, usually on the weekends, and small fixes when they are needed.

Poll #2 - Now that there is Rehab for drug addicted girls, how much change should be done dealing with drugs?34 total voters - multi-votes
Remove or reduce drug cure items.7
Increase random drug addict chance when a girl created or added.5
Increase chance for girls to turn to drugs if they are unhappy.19
Add more drug types.13
Make different drugs require different times in rehab23
Something else...5

Drugs are bad, mmkay.
Yes Mr. Mackey.

Poll #3 - The farm is in escrow and should be available for use soon.
What should the primary focus for implementation be?
35 total voters - multi-votes
Food production11
Beast care19
Herbs and potions9
Beer and wine6
General jobs10
Balance of all17
Something else...10

Balancing Beasts?
Beasts of Balance?

Poll #4 - With the farm getting ready to roll out, do you want:27 total voters - multi-votes
Individual parts completed before moving on the the next.18
Basics built - Option trees with place holder texts.10
Basics built - Option trees without texts. (something happens but you may not be told what)3
Basics built - No option trees until they are complete.3
Core built first and the parts are only available when finished.12
Core built first and the parts are available but do only basics.6
Something else...4

.06 will have a lot of changes before it gets released.

Poll #5 - How do you cheat when playing this game? (Be honest)39 total voters - multi-votes
Only when necessary to fix major problems.12
By reloading to get new girls/items for sale.10
By creating perfect (r)girlsx or itemsx files.6
By changing the config.xml settings.14
To get more money.6
To add stats/skills/traits to girls.4
To get more girls.1
By using cheat codes.0
By editing the source code. ( my way :P )6

I should have specified the cheat code as "Naming your new game 'Test' then changing it", then the cheat code % would be much, much higher.

Poll #6 - Should "Legacy" Code/Games/Girls/Interfaces be removed from .06?42 total voters - multi-votes
Yes, All the old code should be removed completely.20
Yes, All the old code should be commented out.11
No, All the old code should be left in as is.3
  Legacy Games : Remove (You must start a new game for .06.)31
  Legacy Games : Update (You must start a new game for .06 if it is not from .05.)8
  Legacy Games : Keep (You want to try your luck loading your 2 year old save game?)0
Legacy Girls : Remove (You must convert them with WME to use them.)5
Legacy Girls : Update (Set anything missing to 0)32
Legacy Girls : Keep (They may be outdated but you are too lazy to update them)4
  Legacy Interfaces : Remove (All interfaces would need to be rewritten)14
  Legacy Interfaces : Update (Create defaults for everything)22
  Legacy Interfaces : Keep (Some interfaces may not work if not updated at least a little)2

New games, old girls and a new coat of paint on the old interface.

Poll #7 - New Dilema: I could increase the number of gangs you can hire...30 total voters
but allowing it to be controlled by config.xml would be overpowering2
allowing it to be governed by how many brothels you own12
or have it based on how many territories you control would require an exponential increase3
If the prison is made into a buyable building, then girls as gang leaders would require tons of coding and would not come anytime soon8
Or I could just leave it at 8.5

« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 01:01:42 PM by aevojoey »
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
Get the Current Version <|> Discuss the Game <|> Report a bug

Offline aevojoey

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Older Versions
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2014, 12:30:51 PM »
Changes Made for Older Versions:

Version .05i was the first version I put out, The previous versions were done by Crazy.

.05i -
.05j -
.05k -
.05l -
.05m -
.05n -
.05o -
.05p -
.05q -
.05r -
.05s -
.05t -

.06.00.00-04 -
.06.00.05 -
.06.00.06-09 -
.06.00.11-15 -
.06.00.16-20 -
.06.00.21-25 -
.06.00.26-30 -
.06.00.31-34 -

.06.01 folder -!wQJW3SKL!ssKscUmmeShOIn4mTOGW7w
.06.01.00-04 -
.06.01.05-09 -
.06.01.10-16 -
.06.01.17-19 -
.06.01.20-21 -

.06.02 folder -!8F5UDZxL!SDrXNuRF8xVzbDX_C-htlQ
.06.02.00-17 -
.06.02.18-19 -
.06.02.20 was released by jonwich because I was unable to be on for more than a month.
.06.02.21-29 -
.06.02.30-39 -
.06.02.40-42 -

.06.03 folder -!0AglkKJJ!WcGpINc72BCHfGNoaiCNfQ
.06.03.00-07 -
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 03:00:10 PM by aevojoey »
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
Get the Current Version <|> Discuss the Game <|> Report a bug

Offline aevojoey

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Image Names that the game will recognize
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2014, 12:30:58 PM »
Image Names that the game will recognize

These are the base names with the non-pregnant and pregnant versions together.
Anal   PregAnal   |   Bdsm   PregBdsm   |   Sex   PregSex   |   Beast   PregBeast
Group   PregGroup   |   Les   PregLes   |   Torture   PregTorture   |   Death   PregDeath
Profile   PregProfile   |   Combat   PregCombat   |   Oral   PregOral   |   Ecchi   PregEcchi
Strip   PregStrip   |   Maid   PregMaid   |   Sing   PregSing   |   Wait   PregWait
Card   PregCard   |   Bunny   PregBunny   |   Nude   PregNude   |   Mast   PregMast
Titty   PregTitty   |   Milk   PregMilk   |   Hand   PregHand   |   Foot   PregFoot
Bed   PregBed   |   Farm   PregFarm   |   Herd   PregHerd   |   Cook   PregCook
Craft   PregCraft   |   Swim   PregSwim   |   Bath   PregBath   |   Nurse   PregNurse
Formal   PregFormal   |   Shop   PregShop   |   Magic   PregMagic   |   Sign   PregSign
Presented   PregPresented   |   Dom   PregDom   |   Deepthroat   PregDeepthroat   |   Eatout   PregEatout
Dildo   PregDildo   |   Sub   PregSub   |   Strapon   PregStrapon   |   Les69ing   PregLes69ing
Lick   PregLick   |   Suckballs   PregSuckballs   |   Cowgirl   PregCowgirl   |   Revcowgirl   PregRevcowgirl
Sexdoggy   PregSexdoggy   |   Jail   PregJail   |   Preg
The game checks them as all lower case so capitalization does not matter.

After the name can be anything, but is generally accepted as a number with or without ().
The file extension should be ".jpg" but ".jpeg" will work and ".png" may or may not work depending on how it was made.
Example: The game looks in the folder for "sex*.*g" where the * can be anything and the game will find it.
The ".ani" extension should also work if made correctly.
".gif" will load but will not animate yet - see Ani and Gif files for updates on the progress of this.
".gif"s load and animate but large files may take a little while to start running.

.06.02.00 and on will have the Gallery with the list box.
None of the new prefixes has been added to the gallery yet.
I have not gotten around to making a list box to list all the image types and how many of each the girl has yet.
Until the list box is made, the up and down arrows as well as the w and s keys cycle through the available image types while the left/right and a/d keys cycle through the images for that type.

Pregnant Images:
Pregnancy is checked and the image type is adjusted accordingly.
If Pregnant, the preg(image type) is checked first, then the preg(alt types) then the non-preg(image type) finally the non-preg(alt types)

For .06.02.00 and on,
 - The game looks for "pregnant*.*"
 - then looks for ("preg" + numeric.substr(i, 1) + "*.*")
 -  - numeric is any of these: "0123456789 ().,[]-" plus spaces
So These files would be found for pregnant:
"Pregnant.jpg", "Pregnant123.gif", "PREG a.jpg", "preg.jpeg", "preg1.jpg", "preg(1).jpg", "preg-2.jpg"
and these would not:
"pregs.jpg", "prega.jpg", "preg<d.jpg", "preg#1.jpg", "preg!2.jpg"

For each image type, if there are no images found for that type, the game looks for alternate image types to display.
If no image is found, then a default image for the first requested type is displayed.
If all else fails, a profile pic is displayed.
Sex  >>  Anal  >  Group  >  Lesbian  >  Oral  >  Titty  >  Hand  >  Foot
Anal, Bdsm, Beast, Group  >>  Sex
Lesbian  >>  Nude  >  Sex
Oral  >>  Hand  >  Titty  >  Foot  >  Sex
Titty  >>  Hand  >  Oral  >  Sex
Hand  >>  Oral  >  Titty  >  Foot  >  Sex
Foot  >>  Hand  >  Oral  >  Titty  >  Sex
Nude  >>  Strip  >  Ecchi
Mast  >>  Nude  >  Strip  >  Ecchi
Ecchi  >>  Strip  >  Nude
Strip, Bed, Swim, Bath  >>  Ecchi  >  Nude
Milk  >>  Nude
Maid, Wait  >>  Bunny
Sing, Card  >>  Formal  >  Bunny
Cook  >>  Wait  >  Maid
Herd, Craft  >>  Farm
Combat  >>  Magic
Torture  >>  Bdsm  >  Death
Presented  >>  Profile
Dom  >>  Combat
Farm, Bunny, Death, Nurse, Formal, Sign, Jail, Pregnant and Profile have no alternate types.
If there is no alternate type available, DefaultImages will be used if there is one.

Most image types are self explanatory.
Profile is the main image of the girl.
Anal, BDSM, Sex, Beast, Group, Les, Oral, Titty, Hand, Foot and Mast are all for sex. (Foot Job is not implemented yet)
Combat, Death and Torture are for combat and dungeon jobs.
Bunny, Maid, Sing, Wait and Card are for common jobs.
Milk is for when the girl has her breasts milked.
Strip, Ecchi and Nude are for single girl images with and without clothes.

The following image types are not fully implemented yet:

Swim will be for rest jobs and possibly for a Vacation job that will get added to the house as a better rest job.
Bath does not currently have anything definitive planned yet.
Bed will be added for Personal Bed Warmer job.
Farm will be for general work on the farm.
Herd, Cook and Craft will be for specific jobs on the farm.
Nurse is for the Nurse and Intern jobs.
Formal is for Formal Dresses that will be used for the Escort job and other things.
Sign is for the advertising job.
Presented is for the Slave market.
Dom is for Dominatrix or Dominant in BDSM - NEW (image type BDSM supposed to be for submissive)

*** For help on finding images look here -
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 12:40:50 PM by aevojoey »
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
Get the Current Version <|> Discuss the Game <|> Report a bug

Offline AkiraTepes

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Re: How should updates be released?
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2014, 12:19:11 AM »
OK,  I'll use this thread
Thank you very much

Offline aevojoey

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Hotkeys currently in the game
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2014, 09:40:18 PM »
Hotkeys currently in the game:

These are the Hotkeys that the game currently uses.
The "Alternate Set" is really the default because they were an alternate from what the game originally used.
They are the hotkeys I use and update.
I made it harder to change the hotkey set and will probably eventually remove the "Default Set" entirely.

Global Hotkeys
F1   =   Girl Management
F2   =   Gang management
F3   =   Dungeon
F4   =   SlaveMarket
F5   =   Studio
F6   =   Arena
F7   =   Centre
F8   =   Clinic
F9   =   Farm
F10   =   Town Screen
F11   =   Turn Summary
F12   =   House
Control + (F#)   =   Go to building setup for that building
Shift + (F#)   =   Go to building entry screen for that building
1-7   =   Brothels
Tab   =   Cycle Brothels
Shift-Tab   =   Reverse Cycle Brothels
Escape   =   Back one screen
9   =   List Hotkeys for the screen you are on.
0   =   List Global Hotkeys.
I   =   Shop Screen (Inventory) with Current Girl selectedUpdated
Ctrl + I   =   Shop Screen with Player and Shop selectedNew
Space Key   =   Clears message boxes.
End   =   Turn Summary
Home   =   House
Ctrl + Home   =   Default HotKeys
Ctrl + End   =   Alternate HotKeys

Brothel Screen (Home Screen)
Right Arrow   =   Next Brothel
Left Arrow   =   Previous Brothel

Gang Management
Up Arrow   =   Previous Gang
Down Arrow   =   Next Gang
A   =   Previous Gang
D   =   Next Gang
W   =   Previous Mission
S   =   Next Mission
Q   =   Previous Recruits
E   =   Next Recruits
Space   =   Hire Gang

Left Arrow   =   Previous Picture
Right Arrow   =   Next Picture
Up Arrow   =   Previous Image Type
Down Arrow   =   Next Image Type
A   =   Previous Picture
D   =   Next Picture
W   =   Previous Image Type
S   =   Next Image Type

Turn Summary Screen
Up Arrow   =   Previous Girl
Down Arrow   =   Next Girl
Left Arrow   =   Previous Event
Right Arrow   =   Next Event
A   =   Previous Girl
D   =   Next Girl
W   =   Previous Event
S   =   Next Event
Q   =   Next Catagory
E   =   Previous Catagory
O   =   Change sort order *New*
Space   =   Change current picture

Girl Management
Most of the rest of the screens use these keys for switching between girls:
Up Arrow   =   Previous Girl
Down Arrow   =   Next Girl
A   =   Previous Girl
D   =   Next Girl
C   =   In the Movie studio - Create MovieNew for .06.04.00
Create Movie Screen
Q   =    Available Scene Select Up New for .06.04.00
A   =    Available Scene Select Down New for .06.04.00
W   =    Current Movie Select Up New for .06.04.00
S   =    Current Movie Select Down New for .06.04.00
E   =    Current Movie Move Up  New for .06.04.00
D   =    Current Movie Move Down New for .06.04.00
R   =    Add Scene New for .06.04.00
F   =    Remove Scene New for .06.04.00

Building Screens (Most screens with girls lists)
W   =   Previous Work Area
S   =   Next Work Area
Q   =   Previous Job
E   =   Next Job
Z   =   Day Shift
C   =   Night Shift
Space   =   Goto Girl Details

Girl Details
S   =   More Details
Shift + S   =   Job Quality Details
Space   =   Gallery
J   =   House Percent Up
H   =   House Percent Down

Slave Market
S   =   More Details
Shift + S   =   Job Quality Details
Space   =   Purchase Girl

Inventory Screen
The Inventory screen is a little more complicated:
List   Up   Down
Inventory type   R   F
Owner list left   T   G
Owner list right   Y   H
Items list left   U   J
Items list right   I   K
There are no hotkeys for buy and sell buttons or for equip or unequip buttons to prevent accidental buying, selling or equiping of items

New Game Screen
Up/Down   =   Select Input rowNew
Left/Right   =   Adjust Sliders (if selected)New
Tab   =   Next InputNew
Escape   =   Clear Text BoxNew
PageUp/PageDown   =   Adjust MonthNew
Home/End   =   Adjust DayNew
F1-F12   =   Choose MonthNew
1-0   =   Type in Day (if day slider selected) - (needs work)New
Load Game
Up/Down   =   Up/Down the list of gamesNew
Enter   =   Load selected gameNew
Escape   =   Back to main menuNew
Main Menu
C   =   Continue autosave.gamNew
L   =   Load gameNew
N   =   New GameNew
S   =   Settings (does nothing yet)New
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Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05q.03
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 03:54:36 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline Lurker

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05q.03
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2014, 11:07:13 PM »
I did the poll, sadly I could only choose 3 things... I wanted to tick all xD This game needs some difficulty. Frankly I find it somewhat boring.
You dudes are doing great work adding new stuff to it though so keep up the good work.  8)

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05q.03
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2014, 01:08:05 AM »
Ive seen a lot of good ideals for drugs over the years..  Best one I remember was been able to make and sell drugs.  In doing so u could get girls hooked on them and they would come work for u for drugs or cause they owed u drug money.  Of course this would be high risk stuff.  They also said have drugs as a way to make girls listen by if they dont work u cut them off of the drugs and if they work u give them drugs.

As for drug cure items.  I say up the cost of them and make them slightly rarer.  This is something I think we need to do to the surgery items cause as it is there is no reason to use the surgery jobs.  Items are cheap and easy to find.

Also maybe a girl that has been on drug should have a greater chance of turning back to drugs.  Instead of all girls having a higher chance.  Thats more or less how it works in RL in anyway.  Add a trait like "former addict" and if the girl goes to getting unhappy or maybe just have a like 5% chance or so they will turn back to drugs.

This game needs some difficulty. Frankly I find it somewhat boring.
It can be.  My plan has always been to added to the game until I feel like it has enough then look at making it harder.  Honestly at this point I think that trying to make it harder is pointless we need to just look at ways to keep the player engaged in the game.  Cause everything we added is going mess with the balance and such.

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05q.03
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2014, 02:02:02 AM »
Honestly at this point I think that trying to make it harder is pointless we need to just look at ways to keep the player engaged in the game.  Cause everything we added is going mess with the balance and such.

Yeah, I'm sure you are right. However I'm sure you two will find a way. ^_^
I was likely a bit harsh, but getting bored with it was something that happen in the original game aswell, you dudes are the ones keeping my interest in it alive. However fiddling with the addication stuff is something that would add "difficulty" or something to do besides click next and swim in cash. xD I welcome some extra management, :D

Offline Pashax2

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05q.03
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2014, 02:37:40 AM »
Yeah, I'm sure you are right. However I'm sure you two will find a way. ^_^
I was likely a bit harsh, but getting bored with it was something that happen in the original game aswell, you dudes are the ones keeping my interest in it alive. However fiddling with the addication stuff is something that would add "difficulty" or something to do besides click next and swim in cash. xD I welcome some extra management, :D

Just adding complexity for the sake of it doesn't seem like a good idea to me. It just makes the player experience more frustrating, and while that might mean you spend longer with it it doesn't actually translate into an improvement in gameplay. What *I* would like to see is more decisions for the player to make. There should be advantages and disadvantages no matter what the player chooses, so that the choice isn't easy. Taking drugs as an example, here are some ideas.

* Choosing whether or not to get a girl (or a gang) addicted to drugs. Their stats will be affected, depending on the drug, but they might also start acting strangely.
* Choosing whether or not to start selling drugs to customers. This could change the type of customers that arrive, and also what they do if they can't get what they want. What will it do to your reputation?
* Choosing how you get your drugs. Do you buy them from other gangs (making your rivals richer and more powerful), visit reputable apothecaries in town (expensive and limited assortment), make them yourself (only if you have the expensive facilities and people who know how), import them from other cities (vulnerable to bandits and bad weather), or something else? Does this affect their availability and effectiveness?

You get the idea. Just making addictions harder to get rid of makes people want to avoid the whole issue, but if there are both risks and rewards then it might be worth dabbling in.

Offline Lurker

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05q.04
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2014, 04:52:14 AM »
Sure. I get what you mean. But getting that small whatever advantage of a drug really doesnt matter at all. One girl performing abit better in a pool of 100 isn't really a big deal. The cash will keep rolling in. I agree with you though, more choices would be cool. Alot of work involved in that though.

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Re: Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .05q.04
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2014, 02:56:51 PM »
An Idea from the past I really liked was removeing the magic gain from "Combat raining" in the Arnea and add a Job called "study magic".
study magic should raise either magic or intelegence and has a chance to grant "strong magic" and/or "quick learner" trait.
To blanace it the student should loose some constitution while studying
Also I would suggest to make a girl on a surgery demand a higher income...dureing the surgery she will be treated with oilments and bandages and probably other stuff.
In reality a beauty surgery is quiet expensive aswell afterall.
You could also add a standard fee for every movie scene created in the studios...afterall they also require quiet some material (could be added to the girls pay either beeing the director or the ones produceing the actual scene).
Arena could also require some money for training equipment and entry fees for the combats (I think I read that you tried to imply that in the past already)
I don't know what exactly you got planned for the pennes/farm but maybe there is also some way to have some expences